The Red Pill

In your opinion, who was the most red pill comedian of all time?

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It's a tossup between Bill Hicks, and George Carlin obviously.

Sam Hyde


one half of Doug Stanhope


This. Carlin had some liberal leanings, but 99.9% based as fuck. I miss both of them.

Patrice O'Neal. Incredible despite his handicap

Dane Cook

Bill Cosby
>eat yer puddin

probably more like 15%

that is about 14% more than most though.

go back to myspace, faggot

Stanhope is libertarian.

Sam Hyde, there is no other answer, don't bother


>>The public sucks, fuck hope.

Easily the greatest quote of all time.

Take the Billpill.

>These plebs don't know about Lenny Bruce

Must have been a big fucking joke when he was crafting me.

Can I get a quick run do-zzzzzzzzz

not a comedian, but how could i resist

I fucking completely forgot about this gem:

I remember him saying in his second last special that the US would be better with a female president, of course he gets a huge applaud from the audience afterwards.

un i bonic ally dis

lol @ user

I'm not opposed to a female leader, its not like that immediately means every single cabinet and leadership position goes female.

just give us one with balls that isn't a criminal

far from it

Stop laughing

Nah mate, you only think he was fucking with you. The truth is, he is scared of you. He put many challenges along your path to deter you from achieving your true potential.

The computer? Not the devil's work, but God. Sup Forums? You better believe God had a finger in its creation. Your ugly face and pathetic body? Partially your fault because you keep succumbing to the desires he places in your path.

He made you weak so you cannot challenge him. You're gonna continue to be gods little bitch?

>You're gonna continue to be gods little bitch?
There's literally no point to not be.
Nothing is gonna change.

1. Bill Hicks
2. George Carlin
3. Patrice O'Neal (Look at his stuff on Opie and Anthony)

Then I'm not going to spend time trying to convince someone who's given up. Just know you got potential.

You are a cuck, and so was he.

Pretty sure most good comedians are blackpill. Carlin was especially this.

>Just know you got potential.
Had. Flushed it all away.
It's too late now.

He's right though user.. science and religion both with tell you humans are born from stars, you can't run from your potential. Even if you pretend you "flushed it all away"

bILL nYE. hE redpillEd ThE shIt oUt oF me

Red Foxx

my brother is so bad with money you know what he did with his first 5 dollar piece?

he married her

Ah, I love Alex Jones

Hyde is the only one

this story probably isn't true, he just makes this shit up to make fun of imaginary stupid people. I have no idea what anyone sees in this pious prick.

only one answer

>red pill
pick one

this. they can only see parts of the red pill, but they all can't break the mindset of oppressor/oppressed that the liberal leans on.

If Alex turned out to really be Hicks I honestly don't know if I'd be sad he turned into a trump cuck or if I'd praise him as a genius for making a mockery of all of us for believing all the crazy shit he says

>lol there is no god because [aimless rhetoric] EVERYONE BUT ME IS STUPID

Stanhope is the most degenerate fuck of them all. i like his comedy but after i grew up i started to despise his nihilism and uselessness

"We were so poor, if I hadn't been born a boy I wouldn't have had nuthin' to play with."