Seriously? Why??

Seriously? Why??

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Because apparently that's how he enjoys it. Not even newsworthy, much less an argument.

WTF I hate Zoompf now

Just like Hitler

BREAKING NEWS: Trump takes two scoops of ketchup on his steaks (that are overcooked)

It's a travel thing, if you eat food all across the world your steak is more likely to be hosting bacteria your body is unfamiliar with and more likely to give you food poisoning, adding ketchup is the only way to make the cardboard appetizing

an anonymous survey confirmed that cucks like to eat their steak well-done with ketchup

My fucking sides!

user you're retarded


>I have no argument and must reeee
No u


He's gone too far!

It is refreshing to have a president who isnt a foodie faggot. Why is being a foodie even a cool thing? It strikes me as smug and foppish.

>well done

What a fucking faggot. I'm a #cruzmissile now.

>Ketchup on steak
Fucking pleb, Diane sauce is master tier sauce but ketchup is the most pov sauce you can put on a steak

Because then you know you cooked out any poisons and bullshit that may be laced in it

l2 anti espionage. At his home and in his own private company he likely gets steaks as bloody and juicy as possible, but when you're this level of hated by plebs, you need to have your food scorched.

Trump orders a well-aged strip of steak.

Guidelines to only go for medium rare apply for fresh steak.
If you ever try a well-aged strip that is medium-rare without any sauce, enjoy disgust as you fill your mouth with a tough meat cooked too little and bitter aged tastes. New steak place in a fancy renovated building in the city offered it, so I tried it on a date to test it out. Never again

because he doesn't want intestinal parasites you dumb fuck.

>using any sauce
You're doing it wrong

I've started ordering steaks like this and the results have been nothing but spectacular.

I feel my vitality increasing, women seem to flock to me and the roots of my hair are turning blonde somehow. Truly a mans way to eat a steak.

you just cant count on americans when it comes to food.

>project manager from u.s. comes to business meeting in france
>going to star restaurant with him
>he wants a cheeseburger
>only drinks cola light

i still fell disgusted

He do what he wanna do dont care if he get caught gon bitch slap yo ass n blow yo brains out brains out bitchnigga

#dattrumpdoe #datwoowoooo #MAGA #pussaygrabmyniggaz


>it's because it's aged
Almost every steakhouse ages their meat you fucking pleb. You were just given a shit steak

Foodies are homosexuals from Portland Oregon. Portland Oregon and Austin Texas both need to be exterminated.

No it's not. He's known to eating only well-done steaks in New York.

Because he wants his fuckin steak that way. That's why. The dick riding anti-trump faggots are the whiniest bitches in the world right now.

Impeach worthy? I think so

You are making me hate Europeans again, user. From his choice of food, and your smug reaction to it, I can definitely say that the project manager from America is a solid guy.

>Well done steak

What in the actual fuck is wrong with you?



He can let Putin fuck his wife all he wants, he can let Ivanka get pummeled by all of the negros in the brooklyn projects and suck their cum out of Ivankas asshole, but nothing makes him a bigger cuck then eating a well done steak with ketchup!

nigger who fucking cares how he eats his food? are all liberals this petty?

Americans are fucking Chink tier when it comes to visiting Europe.

You could be in Naples and you'd still ask for directions to the local McDonalds.

yugely autistic post, well done.

just another example of his poor taste in things.


>well done
Just like his steak.
It should be legal to lynch well done steak eating niggers like him.

Yeah, I don't like my steak that way either. But it's almost like I don't have to care how other people like their food because I'm not 12.

That's a legit indicator of plebdom.

We got over this before the primaries were over. Hippies real slow on the uptake, vegetarians too late on the one angle that could have worked.

>Guidelines to only go for medium rare apply for fresh steak.

There's no such fucking thing as a "fresh steak". The meat you buy at the super market is already aged.

He's a multi-billionaire, President of the most powerful country, and has a genius IQ and a 9 inch dick. Maybe he knows something.

Certainly not how a steak is supposed to taste.

eating a well done steak is possibly the most unAmerican thing a person could do besides killing a bald eagle and melting your guns.

cause he fucking can you faggot



Did you guys know Obama ate the burger before the fries?

Not only is this an argumentative fallacy, but you've also suggested that eating a well-done steak with ketchup is acceptable.

Please off yourself. This is like taking a well-cut diamond and then spray painting it with gold so it "looks flashier." And given how wealthy Trump is, you know he's wasting some of the best cuts of meat on the planet.

I started doing this too, I've already made 3.7 million.



WELL DONE is how the more....well...beta/gay dudes and ladies order steaks. Generally speaking, the more rare the more T in most cases. Or it could possibly be some weird law at that restaurant, maybe?

It's pretty unEuropean as well. Order a well done steak in France and the chef will spit on it.

>an anonymous survey confirmed that cucks like to eat their steak well-done with ketchup
I've saw that over and over and over again working past shitty jobs @ steakhouses when a teenager. Most of the time it was true.

I can't defend this

Eat shit, shill.

It's one thing to have a food quirk, it's an entirely different matter to enjoy shit on a plate.

Well-done steak with ketchup should be grounds for execution.


I'd like to know too.

Licopeen Op.

> gotta have the daily dose.

Because he's a low class pleb at heart. Which is exactly what America needs.

Low Class Power!!
Low Class Power!!
Low Class Power!!

The underdog will rise, and we will show these lefttard crybabies who runs this country!

Who's with me? YEAH!!!!! MAGA!!!!!!!!!!!!


> Lycopene

because it tastes fucking good, fuck me people learn to nit pick at everything Donald does... HE DOESN'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT WHAT SHEEP THINK

>cooked out any poisons
>therefore it can't be poisoned after being cooked

you're so clever

Nah, we just remember when you sperglords flipped your shit when Obama asked for Dijon mustard.



he does it because he fucking HATES stuck up, faggotry.

What did you get? A kebab and a mouth full of nigger semen?

You just disqualified yourself from Britain. You may redeem yourself with a Steak Tatar.

cottage cheese is really good with steak.. you should try it some time, user

trump lives purely by utility

he doesnt give a fuck about steak or ketchup but he is a God damn man and doesnt give a fuck

>cottage cheese
leaf food

Sounds good. I like the outside of my steak charcoal black

Men desire meat, not scorched atrocities.

i too eat a well done steak , honeslty i m fucking afraid of the crap that it may cointain if i don t cook it well . i have seen some shit where people find out they have worms inside them .

>trump eats his stake exactly like me

Deer god I love this man

Because he's an asshole. Same reason he became the POTUS.
He out-assholed Clinton, and looked better doing it.

That's how you become someone like Trump. You have to be an asshole. That's why I chose him over Clinton. I knew his assholery would drive libtards absolutely batshit with rage and butthurt. By god he delivered.


Trump's mom is from Scotland.

It was either well done steak or haggis.

'Nuff said.


I don't know what thirdworld country you grew up in, but you have to go back, shitskin.

For the life of me I can't understand why this drives people so batty, but it does. I love my steak well done. I do not like a rare steak. I barely tolerate medium-rare. I love it well done. This drives my friends bonkers. People go on & on about MY Steak. It's not your steak. It's mine. NOT Yours. Seriously, what difference does it make? I'm eating it. Not you. Just shut your fucking mouth about MY food.

That's because Italians can't cook steak worth a damn.

I go to an Italian restaurant (In Italy), order a steak medium-rare and always without exception they give me fucking BLEU.

Italians are top tier in the food game, but you just can't do steak.

Don't let this slide. This is important.

If Trump has this shit taste about steaks, and even puts ketchup on it, he clearly knows nothing about food and should not be ahead of a country.

I wouldn't eat at Trump Steaks™ if its own owner needs to hide the taste with ketchup

it's almost like he grew up around inner city niggers and adopted some of their eating habits

You are free to be an uncultured sack of shite, but I'll always call you out on it. Those steaks could have gone to people with taste buds.

I'm with you. I just wish I'd known about this before the election.

Maturity is not caring about things that don't affect one's self.

You deserve to die if you eat WD + catsoup

>My steak

Once you order it well done, it ceases to be a steak.

I once worked with this professional French chef in my early twenties. Whenever he got an order for well done, he'd legit throw a fucking tantrum. Like, he'd actually have to calm himself down so to not barge into the dining area and beat the ever living shit out of the customer.

Germans shouldn't be posting in this thread. You guys eat and love Raw Pork.

ty 4 ctr!!!! :^)

>if you order it well done the chef will give you the oldest cut he's got in order to save the better cuts for customers who want shades of rare

>knows nothing about food
are you a woman monkeybro

>Sup Forums before trump
>Well done? I bet you're a fucking liberal kek
>You might as well be a vegan
>'murican cuisine kek
>poorfags afraid of raw meat lmao

>Sup Forums after trump
>I love my Trump Steaks® well done with a side of Heinz® Ketchup!
>Intestinal parasites, icky!
>Only nu-males can't afford to cook their steaks
>I've always loved the taste of charred meat
What the fuck happened?


Why what? Why is crap like this about anyone newsworthy? I wish I knew myself.

>germany lecturing anyone on culture

Why not just get a hamburger at that point?
It's as pointless to eat a well-done steak as it is to drink NA beer.

Thanks for the tip. I will now order it rare and send it back for the well done treatment.