A picture says a thousand words

A picture says a thousand words.

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Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

Yeah, that Pope is a cuck.
They even call him "Chico" which literally means child in spanish.

Obama is a cuck X 250.


whatever you say ahmed

Reminder to support Cardinal Burke.

The photographer can make a picture say whatever he wants if he knows when and where to take it.

It's hilarious how Trump got BTFO'd by the Pope anyway

Man, the reaction of Trump supporters must've been hilarious.

>b-b-b-but muh deus vult


Shill alert!
Shill alert!
Shill alert!
Shill alert!
Shill alert!

You know, I heard every night before the Pope goes to bed he gets 10 infants and shoves each of his fingers into their rectums, wearing them like baby-butt gloves, then bathes in blood while jerking off while writhing around in the blood & babies.

Was this shit this obvious during the dubya years? I didn't give a shit about news or politics back then.

Why is everyone acting like such utter cunts because trump won?

being this butthurt

awwww, poor trumpity-dumpity tried to hold hands with the pope, and jesus himself told him to fuck off. how cute

Why would Jesus hang around with a presumptuous papal heretic?

the Pope is thinking-Holy S.... President Trump is working with the Antarctica aliens to rid the world of reptilian Satanist baby killers . There goes the 500 year Satanic reign of the Catholic criminal cabal led by the Jesuits. We rewrote all the books and kept the people stupid so far. Now THIS GUY is going to mess it all up. Now, that Obama-he was one of us. We were going to share fancy underground bunkers when we wiped out these stupid livestock we call humans. Damn that Seth Rich. Damn Trump being on the side of the true God.

This is how libs roll.

sure you were... sure...

>Pope Stumped

Who's next?

Meh, this pope is a fag and a cuck anyway.

They just film and then isolate that split second. The real issue is the fucking retarded left that buy into this shit.

no he's actually right. Trump is a conman and we can't let him get the nuclear codes

Looks like trump told him off and now he's sulking


that guy looks like a worse child molester than the current faggot pope

Honestly couldn't care less about what that Marxist fuck thinks about Trump.

Only rural rednecks and suburban retards voted for Trump. All the city people voted for Hillary.


Fuck the Pope.

Donald Trump should have kicked that senile old choir boy fucker in his saggy nuts.

The true Pope still lives

>former Trump voter
haha no

the pope is more of a cuck than trump

and that's saying soemthing

We need to stop the codes before he launches the scooops

kill yourself shill rat

The anti-Pope doesn't get along with Trump? Please explain why this is a bad thing.

The Pope is a spic who hates trump because of the wall obviously.

>Not gonna lie

Kindly fuck off


kek wtf is this



The Pope protects child molesters, and is likely a pedophile himself


pope confirm for being satanist

Every since making the trip to ME trumps been swatted a few times. Coincidence?

That is obviously a catfish.


>leafs think this is real
>falling for propaganda this poor
>no surprise at all really



>pope I wiped a booger on your hand
>le laughing Trump face

fucking kek

Jesuits are bad news

fucking newest of newfags. all of you need to kill yourselves and never post again. this isnt even an old fucking meme. you are to the culture of this board what nonwhites are to europe. fucking summer i swear to god

the pope doesn't like trump
pope's a commie piece of shit anyways

>before: the good times
>after: I'm fugged

That's what winning looks like

did obama steal the resolution?

funny how libshit brains, no lie is weird enough, they wouldnt tell it to anybody, including themselves.

HERE we see a nice specimen of a libtard, literally brainwashng himself.

Please tell me you aren't actually falling for it.

Pay attention to small details and you'll see how fake this is. Come on Leaf...

Hello, you guys seem to be lost. This is actually Sup Forums, not reddit and if you could kindly go back before you make an even bigger mess that would be great.

Not gonna lie, former Pope worshipper here. This is fucking hilarious watching the Pope crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get access to the Spear of Destiny.

It's almost like fag OP cherry picked single moments in time from a long meeting.

My sides are fucking gone.

I don't think I've ever laughed this hard in my entire life.

who is Trump sitting with????

The pope is a faggot heretic. Who gives a shit what he thinks?

that pope is a Jesuit

but first and foremost : A COMMUNIST !

This was the best meme from the campaign for me
Also these newfags kek, this isn't even old at all

At this point I'm 85% sure that everyone who posts that and all of the replies to it are bots

Who the fuck cares? Catholics are scum anyway.

I think so too. There was a time when that pasta was spammed across the whole board. A lot of bans were handed out because of it.

>Why is everyone acting like such utter cunts because trump won?

There was a quiet coup in our county probably sometime in the late 1980s since then Bush Sr and crew have been running everything. This was supposed to be clintons turn, followed by a Bush, then a Clinton and so on. Trump fucked that up.

beep beep bibely bopipp.

no Hillary is innocent.

Trump is a liar. Impeach impeach impeach .

beepeli blobb

>people falling for this

this pasta is from before the election, you retards

>white undershirt not shown in full view
>close up, it is show prominently.

fake and gay

You do realize he has the launch codes.

Islamic aliens

He already has the nuclear codes, doesn't he? He's got the authority to launch the fucking MOAB, he should have the launch codes.

On a serious note, I seriously believe the nuclear codes should be implanted in a small capsule behind the heart of a volunteer who accompanies the president for all waking hours of the day and is required to carry a butchers knife at all times. If the president wishes to launch a nuclear weapon he should have to take that knife and cut open the chest of that person and physically get behind their heart to retrieve the launch codes. Innocent blood should have to stain his hands, he should have to understand what it means to take a life before he has the authority to launch a nuclear device.

Newfags leave

>top picture
Two satanist together
>bottom picture
A saint with a satanist

The pope should neck himself. Fuck that nigger lover.

leaf leave

It just shows how many newfags have infested this board.

It feels like what happened to Sup Forums all over again.

This commie pope needs to die in his sleep.

The pope is the hand of Satan wake the fuck up. we have all been jewed by trump and everyone in charge.


Trump is truly the cuck destroyer



Fake as fuck but hilarious

One of the greatest moments of Campaign 2016 is Trump told the pope to go to hell.


who cares, that's the antiglobalist antimoslem Pope that we need

I am not surprised that a leftist Pope liked Obama and does not like Trump. I am also not surprised that a leftist media chooses to show the Pope laughing it up with Obama and scowling with Trump.

In any case, I'll form my own opinion of Trump, I don;t look to the Pope for guidance on that.

this dinner meeting was the best, gave birth to the evil smile Trump

he's a commie, supported Maduro and leftists in my country

Of course this guy hates Trump and loves Obama. He is a usurper leftist first and foremost. He is the product of a coup in the Catholic Church. 1970s brought us the imposter Pope who was an Alinsky follower. Too much free media these days to plant an imposter so they forced retirement and had this perverted globalist take charge. Freedom is under seige. Trump is an unknown to this order and therefore a threat. He must be stopped in their minds to maintain order and remain on time with their plans.



We already send innocent (and fucking patriotic!) lives to get their hearts blown out on a daily basis, senpai. This would be nothing new.

Jared Taylor

Why should I care what the leader of a retarded cult thinks about Trump?

That's a fucking child molester if I've ever seen one

>scroll through thread
>do not see

this image should be first post in any thread related to the pope


Hes an illegitimate pope.

top pic you have to globalist puppets on the same side. bottom you have enemies of one another.