>be me >tranny >find out about Sup Forums about 1-2 years ago >browse everyday >take the redpill anyway >vote for trump, grow to hate niggers and jews >eventually i grow to hate /lbgt/ as well
should i off myself to help further the future one tranny less the better
You can off yourself when the next hitler comes and secures the existence of the white race. Right now, try to turn the people you know into nazis.
Michael King
Just stop being a tranny. It's that simple.
Andrew Taylor
Post boipucci
William James
Matthew Ramirez
One degenerate trait does not equal a degenerate person in sum. If you counterbalance your degeneracy by committing a progenerate act like killing niggers and Jews, or your fellow faggots, you become a net force for good in the world.
Jayden Myers
post dick first
Jason Myers
I know some black chick who found Sup Forumsand now will actually complain about niggers and jews in public. Shit's fucking hilarious.
Nolan Rodriguez
Eh, you're not the only one, video related. Just don't promote your degeneracy.
Every tranny I know hates the lgbt community and voted trump, or would if possible. stop being a dramatic faggot and live your life.
Christian Hall
All that matters is you do what you can for your race. No matter what scars you bear or errors you've made, it is not too late to try and turn the tide. You'll die anyways, live and die for something that matters. All the retards inhere encouraging suicide instead of betterment of the self are self hating hypocrite.
Sieg Heil
Jonathan Carter
Killing yourself is the only way. Leave an especially sorry note to your poor Father when you die. You dumb ugly, broken freak.
Levi Ross
It's not about the harm you do to society it's about how much of a wreck you are.
Gabriel Miller
Did you get a sex change?
If not, you should try not being a tranny.
John Anderson
All you should be doing is posting that boipucci
Brandon Jones
you should infiltrate lgbt and do all you can to subvert them. and then commit seppuku and your honor will be restored
Matthew Jones
Nah, if you're not happy your life would be better spent transitioning back to your original gender and forewarning people of such folly.
We just sound like bigots when we say it, people might take you seriously.
Jason Cox
Nah, I guess you're alright.
Justin Reed
This guy gets it lol
Grayson Torres
>1 post by this ID when will you learn Sup Forums
Nolan Reyes
Angel Anderson
yeah you should
Michael Howard
take out a few more before you end your degenerate self
Kayden Ramirez
no reason to kill yourself, just reverse your tranniness and live a normal life
Carson Murphy
the red pill cannont cure the mentally ill.
Oliver Ward
No. Don't give them a suicide statistic to wave around.
Go out there and be successful. Build companies and break barriers. Then when you start to get famous and people want you to be a poster child go full Sup Forums and rage upon the niggers Jews and tranny's. Be vile about it. Be incredibly hateful in your words
Then let us laugh as the left corner torts to mentally leap saying it's not your fault. Keep doing it.
Evan Ward
Why would you want to kill yourself? Know anything about David Brock?
Sebastian Flores
Said the tranny fucking faggot. >BR Who's surprised?
Jacob Anderson
>one post by this id
Kayden Collins
Easton Perry
(fake)tits or gtfo
btw only 1 post. I think you are a larper
Ryan Diaz
are you cute?
post pics.
Adrian Rivera
you don't just "know me", you are my boyfriend you racemixing cuck.
Kayden Perry
you should just stop pretending to be something you're not.
Alexander Hernandez
yeah let me see your overgrown thunderclit or quit b8ing
Nathan Wright
Get help, 40% suicide rate for trannies. It is due to mental illness not "gender disphoria"
If you don't you will just be another statistic
Josiah Phillips
Just be normal.
Aaron Scott
>have nothing else better to do with his life then hur hur all day about "muh gender" Go work in a factory Go work in the field Go work as a forklift operator Go work a construction builder Go work as a fisher man Go work as septic tank clear Go work as boiler maker Go work as engineer
How about you be fucking productive you hedonistic piece of shit *hur huring all day about muh attentions , muh genders, muh rights.
It's that that gays/trans that i find disgusting Is that piece of shit faggots like you DO NO CARRY THEIR OWN WEIGHT
no wonder USA 60% white and soon whites are gonna be in minority because thats a good thing.
So is taking 100.000 dollars hormone threatment and choping your dick and making a inverse vagina because you "FEELS" you are woman, or the otherway around where you feel you are a "MAN"
>So should off yourself Sure good riddence but alteast go kill some niggers like Dylan or do something and send a message
You can man the fuck up, stop being a faggot, take some pils, and just go work on a oil rig and help your economy grow you fucking piece of shit.
Jose Martin
You rank almost as highly as disabled gay muzzies in the regressive identity politics hierarchy so it's your duty to exploit that as much as possible
Dylan Roberts
Landon Clark
Admit you are a mentally ill and fight against them. Try to seek help and if the only way to fix your current situation is HRT or whatever so be it. Don't expect society to revolve around you. Also expect to be alone for your entire life unless you somehow force yourself through will alone to be with a women. Oh and make sure you are an advocate that points out that your life style is not something to be idolized.
Cooper Nguyen
>red-pilled >tranny You should kys as well.
Owen Bell
Voted for Trump? Hate niggers? You're alright with me ya fag
Brandon Williams
You already know your place. I just wish you degraded yourself even more for us, strangers' entertainment
Dominic Perry
I think you should try to make your individual life as good as possible, you aren't fixing anything and maybe you will be able to advance the cause and become a better human being. In the end nothing is really completely set in stone and I would argue that in our time there isn't one person, who can really claim he is fully "healthy" in mind and body. Living means overcoming yourself, for you as a tranny this will mean overcoming your statistical fait, which we all know here, but there is always the exception, which luckily could be you, since you are here.
Nathan Gonzalez
You should Allahu Ahkbar in a LGBT safespace and get a highscore
Luke Jones
Maybe you could be like Milo keep coming here, but the audience for a based tranny is more Reddit
Carson White
Pics just because.
Ayden Rodriguez
why not accept you are a man and live with it
Eli Johnson
If youre hot u dont have to off yourself.
Charles Davis
Well you kinda fucked yourself out of the gene pool. Raise kids?
Anthony White
Cooper Richardson
be edgy as fuck and be a right wing trap mate
why the fuck not? piss off everyone xD
and lets face it there is a trap fetish on this board...dont you fucking lie guys i see it!
Brayden Price
1 post from this ID hmmmmm
Ryder Butler
Julian Thomas
dont kill yourself that's never the answer
don't listen to these autists
heil hitler instead
Landon Peterson
Isaac Brooks
Everyone on /pol needs to kill themselves for being cultist retards. They're basically Jews.
Landon Sanchez
Chase Edwards
You should use your ambiguous lifestyle to do undercover reporting. Take on the dangerous jobs and start eating the bland healthy food that lets you get some physical strength. Also work on your cardio so you can get away with the goods. Blending in by dressing like the people you are getting the story from should become your new routine.
If you want to help. Breaking the brainwashing of society starts with getting the truth out.
Oliver Carter
fuck lebbit but fuck you too
Leo Allen
we need allies mate its not pretty but even hitler had nogs and poos in his ranks
Carter Myers
Do not do this.
Grayson Brown
>should i off myself to help further the future why are you asking us when you clearly know the answer end your life you fucking freak
Cooper Sanchez
nazi traps sounds pretty good bru
Eli Flores
Maybe if you're a fag.
Don't go welcoming into our groups the same people who previously turned the entire left wing into an utter joke.
Angel Sullivan
Stop being a tranny. Become a biologist/psychiatrist and figure out how to fix your condition. If you're on Sup Forums, you might be young enough to still have time.
Anthony Ramirez
Take Pimozide: the redpill for Trannies. Save your sack from further destruction.
Kevin Wilson
Just go back to being a regular person if you truly are redpilled.
Jason White
Evan Diaz
you could tell your story and give advice to people considering ruining themselves, some hope for your future yet
Carter Williams
maybe stop being a tranny and try to recover your life? jesus man, you gotta clean your room and sort yourself out or you're probably going to fuck up your suicide attempt and end up a half retard stuck in a half dead body, and that's no joke.
Colton Hernandez
If you don't pass you get the gas if the official stance of Sup Forums
Jaxson Flores
confirmed. do this OP
Brandon Anderson
Juan Brown
Elijah Lee
The amount of people that think this tranny shouldnt jump off a cliff is saddening
Noah Adams
That's genuinely retarded As long as you don't hurt innocent people please do whatever the fuck you please. Only a limited person would want to limit your freedom to less than that: That's what the commies do, that's what some faggots here want to do, that's what all fuckwits want to do.
But yeah, lgbt is kind of cancerous. Bunch of weaklings group-hugging, I'm a fag myself but I don't need a letter-soup collective to protect my feelies: a faggot comes at me for that (never happened, cause' I mind my own damned business), he might even knock me out, but I won't go down without a proper fight, like any respectable human.
Do off yourself, tho. You unironically took the redpill and became part of the hivemind, you're not a individual anymore: if you're willing to self-harm you deserve it.
Jaxon Green
boy arent you mad
Blake Davis
re-re-rolling >BIG MONEY >NO WHAMMY
Dylan Stewart
Exploit your Trans Degeneracy. Best not to add another suicide to the right's death toll, yet.
Personally thinking of doing basically the same, however I am feminine enough at the moment to not need hormones. however I will need to grow my hair out. then at the end I can actually have children after my period of exploiting my body for the alt-trap meme.
Ryan Hughes
If you can't stop being a degenerate then consider it