What's actually wrong with Globalism?

What's actually wrong with Globalism?

I consider myself a Globalist.

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The more consolidated power is, the more corruption and tyranny

How so?

Whiteboys feel left behind because they can compete one-on-one against other races.

Because each country is then injected with low-tier human scum. They then have to cater to this element, bringing down the overall quality of life for everyone else which creates this type of human soup. This puts strain on the system until the workers (mostly white middle class) see no reason to continue and revolt or stop doing anything.

With all this multiculturalism, there is no dominant culture and if there is, it'll become Islam if it isn't checked. This results in the only 2 classes - the poors and the ruling class that controls everything because the regular citizens, migrants, niggs, etc. can't agree on anything, unite, or work together. Essentially, just watch the movie Children of Men or Elysium for a preview of what Globalism will end up being. It makes for a totally dumbed down, spoon fed society that will never prosper.

Now, if the entire globe were rational, educated people that were predominantly white, it could work. Unfortunately you have a large population of Poo in the Loos, niggers, Achmeds, and brownies with no decency or will to better themselves, let alone their community so it'll never work.

Basically, the only way it will ever work is if you have Nazi Germany 2.0, but it actually took over the globe and destroyed all other inferior races.

Another point I'd like to make is that I do eventually see very far into the future one super planet. In order to move towards a Civ I or Civ II type of species, you'll essentially have to have a global effort to process every single resource the earth and surrounding planets have to offer.

But we are at a total cross roads with human capital, natural selection, modern medicine, ease of travel, open borders, etc. Basically, in order to get to this magical point in time, the weak are going to have to die or be made useful in someway, period. The system can not self correct or improve if it is constantly taking on more people, but supporting non-producers.

In all honesty, it's going to come down to a world war/racial cleansing, alien intervention, or we'll just self destruct. There are only so many paths (imho) that our species can logically take.

if you are a shitskin 3rd worlder, nothing is wrong with it, since you get to rape and pillage europe.

if you are a western european or american, then pic related

>What's actually wrong with Globalism?
It won't fuck off and leave me alone.

Instead of White Nationalism, why not White Globalism. Ha

What ((They)) teach you Globalism is - Star Trek
In reality, it's more likely to end up like the Hunger Games.

Globalism traps countries in economic debt prisons.

If my country's GDP isn't expanding at the same rate as other country's and we share a currency, now my country goes completely fucking bankrupt and either I'm fucked or everyone else has to pay loads of money to bail me out or both.

If not, I can just print more money and inflate my currency, and everything is fine. (Because the world economic system is a giant ponzi scheme and as long as GDP keeps growing the system doesn't collapse).

Also, the quickest way to grow GDP is to get loads of people from poorer countries to come into our rich countries and do jobs for cheap. So we can easily grow an economy of a country, and it's in our best economic interest, to take a shit tonne of migrants, which fucks over our working class. Then we call everyone who doesn't like this system racist, even though it demonstrably fucks over all of our poor people.

Then we tell the poor people, hey, we're children of the earth, why should we care about OUR poor people when there's lots of much poorer countries, we're helping THEIR people. We're globalists now!

Then, because we are hiring the most skilled workers from all the shithole countries because we have a stronger economy, those shithole countries never improve because all of their intellectuals leave instead of improving the country.

Globalists hate the poor and hate poor countries. But great, you get to holiday to malaga without having to fill out a boarding card.


>good for everybody in shit countries
>only good for upper class people in good countries.

Globalism is only bad for working/scum class (e.g people that frequent this bored) in good countries.

These are the people that got Trump elected because he promised to help them, which he obviously has no interest or reason to do.


I don't understand your use of parentheses here. Your first sentence doesn't make sense if you remove "they" from it.

I'm not entirely convinced by you referencing random movies / TV shows either.



You should always strive for the top, not for the mean

>has no idea about very basic Sup Forums memetics like echoes.
>double space
You need to go back

only the most rich companies can afford to operate internationally, where as the smallest of businesses - which make a country the majority of it's GDP - are slighted as a result.

It results in outsourcing of jobs to countries with lower incomes, resulting in an economic 'bleedout' of sorts.

Unless you intend on destroying our country in favor of corruption, and also in favor of countries that are willing to manipulate their currencies, then go ahead, globalism is for you

>If my country's GDP isn't expanding at the same rate as other country's and we share a currency, now my country goes completely fucking bankrupt and either I'm fucked or everyone else has to pay loads of money to bail me out or both.

Hints what the EU was formed for - it is essentially a super state looming over the countries they wish to essentially enslave to the system. Over time, you make them weak economically, flood their lands with scum, and within a generation or two, France or Germany are a shell of their former selves. The population is all mixed, and the EU basically just dissolves all of the national symbols and governments since there is now no difference between cultures, economies, etc of say Italy and Spain.

You then have created a super continent of North Africa, Europe, and the Middle East that 1 body controls. It literally becomes 1984 Eurasia/Disputed territory tier shit. That is the whole push. Control, money, and a clear haves/have nots society.

not true
it benefits rich people like me by letting me have access to cheap labor and cheap products on amazon
everyday low prices, nigger teeth

with the current power distribution, the Jews win

globalism in its final form is the checkmate for us

Lol England has no culture

but but
>muh star trek future!
>muh earth government!!!
>muh fully automated luxury gay space communism!!!!!!!

Every good poster has been double-spacing since 2006, newfag.


That's interesting, considering 2006 is exactly the year I first came to Sup Forums and you're chatting shit.

You literally just didn't know what echoes are, you've probably been here about a week.

lurk moar or go back

user, you just double-spaced, like me.

2006 was a vintage year.

Also, you just lost the Game and I bet you can't even triforce.

By globalism I assume you in part mean taking away borders. That would destroy many civilizations as peoples ideologies/political opinions and/or religions would clash and very possibly result in lowering the economy, raising crime, and possibly corrupting politics on the side of those in favor of welfare.

>TNG was degenerate
neck yourself. TNG was amazing and a near-ideal society.

It's further removed from most of the people it governs over. Just look at the American education system. The generation that put men on the moon was raised in an era when school districts were tiny and federal involvement was non-existent. Today, school districts can be the entire county (even in larger ones), the federal govenment injects itself in everything and we graduate people who are illiterate in the larger and sometimes the most basic sense of the word.


(same user)
Should have explained that globalism would lower the economy because floods of lower skilled working age men and women would flood into the working class, making it harder for the citizens of the nation to get jobs, and overpopulation would thus either collapse or cripple the economy.

Erasing cultures and heritages through the mechanics of elite greed...rather than fighting for the best for your citizens who depend on you to fight for them and in fact PAY you to do so.

It's absolutely fucked.

Double spacing isn't about leaving blank lines in between paragraphs, it's about leaving a line between (You)s and greentext and lines.

Just for next time when you want to pretend you've been around here because you saw a read a couple of pages on ED.

oh wow, i hosted the golden ipods guys, im not new i swear

Because it leads to Communism you stupid limey.

No respect for your culture and national identity?

at doing shit work not even niggers want to do

We can have globalism without letting in mass waves of shitskins. Trade and mass immigration that replaces populations does not go hand in hand with ideal globalism. However the kikes and traitors in charge have ruined the system so that it is negative until power changes hands.

Central authority localized to elites without your best interest at heart.

I hope Muslims blow you to hell

>Whiteboys feel left behind because they can compete one-on-one against other races.
lol, you're from Mexico. You can't even figure out modern sewer systems

You cannot revolt against a one earth government

You mean other than having your economy plundered and enslaved by international finance and having your race and culture wiped out, and being reduced to a servant living in a cage?

Nothing I guess

The whole point of globalism is to impoverish you until you think that living in a nice shiny cage would actually be amazing compared to whatever shitty living conditions you'll be living in.

Look into live in sweatshops in China to see how your grandchildren will be living.

>Trade and mass immigration that replaces populations does not go hand in hand with ideal globalism.

That's exactly what globalism is, dumbass.

>the weak are going to have to die or be made useful in someway

Soylent Green

Do you also consider yourself one of God's Chosen people, Nigel?

I'm taking an economics class and I am convinced that removing trade restrictions (ie. globalism) could save the world economy.

Globalism is good.

Don't listen to rural and suburban retards for any input into these serious matters.

Supply and demand relationship will devalue western workers, inviting a rollback of hard won workers rights.

Do you care about traditions and race or money?

Mexicans are overcharged hundreds of billions of dollars a year by monopolies and cartels, and not just the drug cartels, but telecom cartels like the one run by Carlos Slim


Millions of Mexicans can't afford a phone call because their anti trust legislation is non existent, and then they have the gall to claim that white living standards are "too high"

the point is it's unattainable because not everyone is equal

There's nothing wrong with globalism, if people are smart.

But most humans are stupid.

We need to implement Eutelegenisis to boost the intelligence of the global population.

Because globalism lets in all the rich fuckers from all over the world. To buy up everything they can. Houses businesses farms all under threat of being foriegn owned. Young middle class poeple here cant even afford a house, prices here are hitting 1million and average income is like 45k. Such a bright future for every one here permenant serfs/slaves will have to work all there lives hand to mouth. But dont worry you globalist fucker no doubt mommy and daddy's got you covered and you can enjoy holidaying all over the world wondering what every ones fucken issue. Oh we should take more refuggees in too dont worry cos governments gonna pay for them with my taxes.


(it's people)

I need to see your willy, for research

Globalism will save the world from high living standards

That's about it. Enjoy becoming sweatshop slave labor like the Chinese you dumb Cancuck

There is no problem with thinking globally in the interest of your nation and people. It's when you neglect your nations people for the sake of others that globalism becomes a problem. Unfortunately we've lived with the latter and hopefully Trump will move to the former.

Power corrupt
Absolute power corrupt Absolutely

Aside from the obvious which is over reaching consolidated power...

No matter what your country or society has accomplished through strife, war, suffering, hard work... You will loose it all for the sake of globalism because you will always be brought down to the lowest common denominator for the benefit of others who haven't been through what you did to get where you are.

op you probably support globalization, not globalism

Your country is run by people who cut of dicks and women's heads in public and you still worship them as cowboy heroes. You're fucking LOSERS!
You live right next to a fucking white people who influenced innovation for the entire world (including billions of Asians) for 200ys and you're like stone age niggers.

There is no excuse for that. It's only because you have shitty DNA

Multiple nations in competition with one another allows for multiple systems. While oligarchy may result within those systems, they will not have control of the whole.

Globalism consolidates the whole fucking thing into one small oligarchy holding the reigns of the entire world.

There is no other argument against globalism necessary.

Nothing, unless you hate limitless progress and unlocking the full potential of mankind (see: Star Trek).