Be paranoid schizophrenic in black metal band

>be paranoid schizophrenic in black metal band
>Kill a guy because of your paranoid schizophrenia
>spend years hard time in jail like a nigger
>released from jail
>marry young stupid autistic girl who for some reason likes you
>have 5 kids you cant adequately support like a literal nigger
>support using welfare
>live in a shit shack in france with no bathroom and running water like a literal nigger
>excuse for this is you want to live more "simple off the grid life" despite still using internet
>claim to be a farmer but cant farm for shit (like a nigger)
>make excuses talking out your ass about how fruit trees cant handle the sunlight of france (there are literal flourishing fruit groves in flordia)
>make more excuses about snails and vermin eating your plants and saying "oh this is nature, we wont do anything about it"
>larp as a viking in the woods (like a literal autist)
>make failing dungeons and dragons copy
>become one of the most historically illiterate youtube personalities to ever exist
>make retarded claims such as that autistic people are more empathetic, that europeans are 100% neanderthal, and were all blonde
>ban people on youtube when they call you out on your retarded theories

why the fuck does anyone take varg seriously. He is by far one of the most retarded people I ever listened to. yet some people on here seem to worship him and buy into his absolutely retarded ideas.

also let me know if I forgot anything in the greentext there is just too much

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Burzum, nigga.

not everyone has such a vain materialist outlook on life

I think he is neat :)

>Kill a guy because of your paranoid schizophrenia
No the guy was buttblasted that Varg's music basically carried his record store. He made credible threats against his life.

>posting this shit pasta
>all because le beard man wants you to stop watching porn

he also says that mediterraneans are not white, fuck varg

Hes literally a depigmented nigger

I agree with OP entirely

He's a total faggot but you got a proof on him not having running water?

Don't forget to add that he raped a mother and daughter.

i like a lot about varg but he spends too much time telling people to fuck off to the woods and has a really high opinion of his ideas even though he basically just makes them up off the top of his head

>He is by far one of the most retarded people I ever listened to.

Yep, that's pretty much my experience with him. At first I thought he was misinformed, then that he made mistakes in his deductions, now I know he's just plain stupid.

Found the Christcuck. How many brown cocks did you suck today Mr Smith?

But this clean shaved man wants the same thing.

>le 56% face judging anyone

You guys think he will end up in jail again?


His In-laws also wanted to throw him in jail because he is homeschooling his children and they feel like he's abusing them.

Makes sense.

He makes great ambient music though, really sets the mood!

I don't care if his theories are half baked sometimes, the important part is he teaches people to not trust "established scientific consensus" when many people still don't know that "consensus" means people are bullied into agreeing to not lose their funding.

I like his skepticism and respect that he practices what he preaches (I wish he'd preach something better).
But his LARPing has gone too far. We can't afford such divisions.

What? Lol he was drinking with him when a fight broke out and he stabbed his best friend like 40 times.

Seems like a man losers would follow

Jewish christcuck detected

Retarded google the history before write shit on pol/