I miss obama

I miss obama
he was a good president

wow paid shill when you put it that way you're right you should kill yourself before they arrest you for aiding and abetting the crimes of the dnc


he rescued the economy after Bush destroyed it

-we never saw his birth certificate and if he kept dodging questions about it when it is a simple answer
-he did found ISIS when he armed the Syrian rebels

obama was far from perfect, but trump's presidency has been such a disaster that obama seems great in comparison. all these scandals? appointing that spineless pajeet as the FCC chair? bowing to the saudi king after spending all that time hating them? it's a shitshow.

"rescued". really stupid comment


He was an excellent president actually. He was the most redpilled president on foreign policy in several decades now.

kill yourself leaf pile of shit

Obama leaf nigger is back.

He was really meh
Just lucked out being president right after the tragic Bush mandate

clearly sarcasm after the famous "apology tour"



Y'all were pissing your pants that Obama was gonna tear up the Constitution and give himself a 3rd term, and he had every fucking right to once Donald Chump was declared the winner in 2016

Man I wish he'd done it.

Why not disprove instead of pathetic ad hominems?

He made the kikes mad by doing a deal with Iran. Meanwhile good goy Trump sucked Israeli cock and pledged his good-goy animosity against Iran.

He never attacked Syria despite the falseflag gas attack. Good goy Trump attacked Assad right after Ivanka started crying "muh babies".

He canceled his 110 billion $ arms deal with the Saudi because they're fucking Saudis for fucks sake, the same guys who did 9/11. Good goy Trump made his first honorably state visit to Saudi Arabia and upped the arms deal to 330 billion $.

Obama cared about American lives and instead of sending in troops to deal with terrorists in Pakistan, he perfected drone warfare in order to avoid US casualties. Good goy Trump is thinking about sending some troops to Afghanistan to die some more.

The list goes on and on, and it will get much larger as Trump shows how much of a kike puppet he is. If you're bluepilled, Trump is your guy, but otherwise, President Trump has been very different Campaign Trump. The kikes obviously got to him and you guys won't admit it. Enjoy having Jared as your real president now.

watch out goys this shariablue fag is mad

>hurr durr disagree with me? ur a shariabloooo

Not an argument.

Y u mad?

Trump can only win a handshake battle when the other person isn't even trying. Literally BTFO by Trudeau and Macron. I'm actually embarrassed for him.

You have to be 18+ to post here

Hilarious how you guys have been completely BTFO'd but can't get past the stage of denial.

indicates foreigners maybe trigger actual Disgust response in his brain and psyche. Easily being disgusted is very very Hitlerian trait. He may make God-Emperor yet!

take your daddy issues off of pol and stop being so mad at the world.


>really accepting a medal from a bunch of kings who think he's a cool dude

Fuck off shill, stop watching fake news

Why are liberal memes so terrible?

rescued it with obamacare crushing small businesses, limiting economic growth to 1-2% per year, and pedestalizing a misleading and meaningless unemployment rate


It just appeared that way because the media was praising him 24/7 except fox and he had fanatical worshipers who called you racist and went psycho if you said anything bad about him online. Most people with criticism just kept their mouth shut because of that and the ones that didn't were the ones that really hated him so they often came across as unhinged.