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Build the wall!
Fuck pan-hispanicism
necesitamos un nuevo paradigma
capitalismo vs comunismo ya aburrio
y eso de liberalismo vs coservadurismo la verdad no jala en latinoamerica si lo piensan
asi que que proponen hijos de sus chigadas madres?
>el peruano
regresar a nuestras raices indigenas es una alternativa razonable, si no... que propones?
nacionalismo vs globalismo?
pero... a nivel personal... quien te cogio o que te hicieron compa?
.... un sudaca te trato mal? un argentino se cogio a tu novia :v?
estoy proponiendo que encontremos ideas originales, nuevas no se
todas estas posturas parecen tan eurocentristas
a lo mejor hay dimensiones de la naturaleza humana que podriamos explotar
Ingles Hermanos, Ingles.
do you people watch paranoid news?
do you believe in conspiracy theories?
aside from the jows of course, because we all know thats a meme
greatest latam nation reporting in
Indio serás
Me cae bien todo mundo, simplemente me cagan estas tendencias
Argies, my country is on fire and things don't seem too hopeful. Do i bother attempting to go to an uni here, or should i go to your country? Money isn't a problem, nor the language, and i've also always fucking hated it here.
¿Te pican?
Also, just to clear, i intent to get out of here as soon as i finish my course. And to stress; the country is on fire, and it looks like it'll get worse.
Build 2 walls!
Can't you apply to Universidade de São Paulo?
You better not try to come here monkey. You use your skills to improve your own shit.
cuales tendencias? las de encontrar puntos en comun?
y xk no? rechazas la hispanidad pues no hay mucho mas de donde agarrarse
quizas alegues que mexico ya es algo por si solo... pero de nuevo regresamos a la hispanidad
como esta eso de que entro a taringa el we?
apocalyptic nations have always been interesting... in my opinion you should impich him, what he did sounds a lot worse than what she did
I will personally introduce a paloma down your anus if I ever have the fortune of meeting you
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Its not like you can really stop him
Immigration officials can deny his visa.
But he should use his own skills to improve his country instead of running away like a little bitch the moment things go south.
>el mejicANO
funciona para ti tambien pedazo de retrasado mental imbecil
Things are chaotic around here, user. We both know that. I really hate having to live in uncertainty everyday. I'm going to do the vestibular, but what worries me are the following years.
Montana seems like a nice place to live. Don't worry, i'm not culturally rich enough to enrich your women.
I don't care about the country anymore. The government is only a reflection of the true problem ; the people. It's a battle of status quo now. Everyone will try to maintain one that suit -their- needs. I live in the Northeast, trust me, it'd be better off trying to restore Sweden than here.
"Own country"
Different people.
STOP being seperatist states
Unite latin america
Except for cqrribbean and brazil
were would you go if you own country went south?
or would you really fight till the end ? I doubt it, but its because I have become nihilistic with my age
funciona para mi que hijo de tu pinche madre?
el muro? a mi me vale verga la verdad pero se ha convertido... digamos en un acto de agresion y merecedor de una respuesta de igual calibre
tadinga es macrista mi negro amigo mexicano
What you think will happen in the next years that is so bad? I think that post 2018 election things will settle down a little.
>not going to happen burger, your own country would sabotage us, a nice dream tho
the gringo is right, eventually we are going to run out of places where to run
what are we going to do then?
que tanto lo odias... xk o como?
crees que la izquierda conquiste el congreso estas elecciones?
Gee i wonder (((who)) i behind this post
la izquierda en argentina no existe
macri es un empresario q solamente esta ahi para choriar guita y cagar a argentina
es un catolico boludo chupapija de los de afuera
no tiene nada de identidad nacional, es un vende patria
cfk por lo menos era nacionalista
recodatorio que Medellin es la mejor ciudad de latinoamerica
Al hacerlo se subestiman nuestras diferencias y se ignoran nuestros intereses particulares. Sólo creo que es pueril, y que necesitas viajar más. México en cuanto es país, increíblemente nuestros símbolos nacionales han logrado unir tantos grupos disparatados. Creo que lo mismo se puede decir de todos los países latinoamericanos, si lees las historias de Colombia, Chile, entre otros te darás cuenta que vivimos en repúblicas facetas e inestables.
from an outsider perspective I think the socialist party is going to win again
whats wrong with finding bridges and working together? the EU is an amaizing project
its a shame the shadiness that surrounds their higher insitutions because it breeds retards like u
I don't know, no one does. Where i study everybody speaks, teacher and students alike, about the many aspects of a disaster. It's like people awaiting a tsunami. Even ENEM has risks of suffering from all of this.
We'll have settled someone worth fighting for. Something that can be saved before it goes to shit.
somewhere worth*
quizieras cabron
todos sabemos que es bogota
y entonces cual es el pedo en extender la idea a todos nuestros paises? si .. se necesitaria mucho trabajo pero yo considero que seria una lucha que valdria la pena
Partido dos Trabalhadores is not a socialist party, its neoliberal-ish, social democratic party like every other one in Brazil, the difference between the parties is the social aspects, some are more liberal, some more conservative.
I know the feeling, trump election felt like a tsunami waiting to happen
but I am still alive ... a good thing I guess
and if that doesnt happen?
just like that the world desends into anarquy
Buy bitcoins.
You will have to trust me on this one.
but that is the party from Lula doesnt it?
is it the socially liberal or the conservative party?
just to know
>electricity goes down
futhermore, it just crashed, I wonder how many retards lost money today
I'll be somewhere worth fighting for user. That's all that matters. I don't intend to go somewhere close to going to shit. I want to go somewhere where i can do some difference, to prevent a new Brazil to come to surface.
A nation, know what i mean? Not a country where no one relates to anyone due to everyone being so different and selfish.
Estoy diciendo que si lo que buscas es unidad, primero unamos todos nuestros estados, y ya después podemos soñar. Nada de importancia. Nomás hablo por hablar.
What is wrong with Brazil?
Also you should unite but not be a corrupt shit hole!
Lo que pasa es que sois subhumanos
Yes, it is. It's the socially liberal.
I'm not a fan of Lula, but frankly I would vote for him instead of the conservative Bolsonaro, wich is a dumber version of Trump with fetish for the military.
es irrelevante mi querido watson, te me apareces y te rompo tu puta madre
ademas aqui linchamos nazis, considerate advertido
yeah I have heard of him,
Ahora dilo sin que se te caigan las muelas. :)
The Brazilian people don't share this latin american identity with the rest of the continent. We don't even learn their story, nor their language. We know shit about latin american besides our own country.
to be honest brazilian friend our hole subcontinent is going to shit, maybe the hole continent, maybe the hole world
And you're just like the faggots that voted for Hillary because Trump was like Hitler with a fetish for money.
prd contra morena, arre
¿Qué opinion se merece el doblaje español de los simpsons?
Tengo un amigo de España que dice vosotros tenereis odio hacia eso.
Perdona mi español por cierto lo de subhumanos es broma
>becomes liberal
del prd:
los chairos se fueron al pt
los populistas a morena
y los socialdemocratas a movimiento ciudadano
que es el prd ahora?
no nos gustan las traducciones en español de españa, las latinas siempre nos suenan mas chidas
>soy mexicano
si pero es la opinion que comparten todos los latinos que he conocido
yo considero el doblaje latino de los simpson el mejor doblaje en la historia de la television (en mi opinion) y no hay pedo somos un poquito changos pero quien no veda
No globalism tard all hispanic countries are the same, unite mexico and everything south except for carib and brazil.
Except Trump had firm policies while running, while Bolsonaro only talks unfundamented shit about Nióbio and Grafeno...
¿Qué opinion os merece España?
¿Teneis resentimiento acerca de ellos?
¿Les considerais liberadores o conquistadores?
Ahora yo estoy aprendiendo español desde hace tiempo.
Uniting the mestizo countries is not globalism uniting africa with latam would be globalism.
No sirven tan bien los doblajes españoles, porque generalmente salen los personajes en situaciones chuscas hablando un español de lo más correcto. Es disonante.
Esses filhos da puta Nao deveriam ter tirado a dilma. Votou nela, espera terminar a porra do mandato. Agora fica essa merda, e um monte de macaco fazendo protesto. Brasileiro e uma merda mesmo.
bueno pues chivas contra tigres, nada te gusta cabron
a ya
>imports tens of millions of muslims just for fun
honestly if I were given the chance I would do it
>I want to see the world burn
>I am half anarquic
>also I believe in human kidness
either way I win :)
solo cuando debatimos historia pensamos de ellos con mala leche
la verdad me caen bien en general
no... sin resentimiento.... nosotros independizandonos y destruyendo su imperio fue la mejor venganza que pudo haber
conquistadores... pero nada malo asociado con ello
>all hispanic countries are the same
stop posting
poruwe necesitamos un paradigma nuevo, estas baboso, necesitamos restringirnos menos, no forzarnos en peleas inexistetntes nomas prar pasar el rato
io nao hablao macaco
I like my country a lot but I hate it's people, even the people from my country that come here.
Maybe I just don't like people in general.
> el peruANO
Only good country in this mix is Brazil. Everything else should be nuked
"white" argie detected
Special snowflake buenos aires can be excluded from the mestizos peoples union.
If youre mestizo all this belongs to you.
Birds of a feather...
How easy is it to find good wife in Mexico or Brazil
What about just casual girlfriend
>I think like you
jaja perdon, soy muy contreras
>no veo futbol
>pero que se pudran las chivas :v
eres simio de los finos
postura valida, regresar a la verdadera realidad del estado
we are together for eternity burger :)
regionalism is also a thing in my country, brazil, the us, tribalism is human nature, either way we must put inteligence above tribalism
as easy than your country
just dont be autistic
BULD THAT WALL MR TRUMP! Mexican American using proxy. kek
Easy if youre Mexican. Easier if foreigner. Just know your best feauture passport
>ignores venezuela because of reasons
honestly even if they get rid of maduro today its going to be decades before they recover themselves, and that if everything works flawlessly from now on
If you're white you can pull Latina pussy EZ. They see us as a meal ticket out of their hell hole.
Mexico should annex or union with all the central states and the south american mestixo peoples pueblos need to unite as tgey are a single people divided by anti mestizo people borders.
According to Starship Troopers BA becomes THE place to live in the future under the new world order.
White blond green-eyed argie inbound :)
>there is some truth in this
but I dont see it wrong, good for them
its like chicanos marrying gringas just to not get deported
agree with you ... but why do you keep posting this aryan hispanic gentleman?
What is BA?
>puts tinfoil on
BA is Buenos Aires, Argentina. The proof is to just watch the movie. There are hot chicks everywhere, everyone is rich.
Daily reminder buenos aires is mestizo peoples community, only the city is special snowflake.
mmmmmmmmmmmmmm intradasssting
nothing to worry goyin
*removes tinfoil hat from you head
This. I'm a tall chubby ugly white guy who gets rejected constantly by most American girls but in MX, the girls really liked me because I speak spanish without a gringo accent.
Sos argentino? Yo soy de Luján.
Colonos, aca estaba casi vacio salvo unos indios que terminamos de matar
So it's basically the Los Angeles of South America?
some argies in pol are so racist that either want to genocide all of them, or independice Buenos Aires from the rest of the country
>autistic screeching