Compliment the country above you.
Compliment the country above you
You are the best country in the world
You guys make some cool guns
You are the best country in the world
Ypu are easily the greatest country to grace the earth and the last hope for western value.
best in the world baby
Biggest penises hands down
you are objectively the best country in the world
wtf flag is this
You have the most white people in the world, for now at least.
Great burgers
Guys thanks for save the world from the evil nazis.
your country is an example for why libtard leaders shouldn't be elected. thank you for your sacrifice.
pretty good food
we shouldn't have defeated hitler.
cute women, smart and mostly based culture.
korea bros were awesome during the LA riots.
you make good hamburgers
Kept segregation around up to 1968
> hover mouse icon around flag
> moot magic tells you the flags country
good monkey soup
south korea is best korea
Rooftop is my favorite place to be
You make good soccer players
Bitches with phat asses
Some decent guns
on my phone
You guys make killer cigars
first amendment best amendment
At least you're much better than Haiti. Also, El Presidente goes down pretty smooth.
We get to blow shit up two days a year
I like your movies and tv shows.
Best country in the world
pretty good country
your trannies have the biggest dicks
Brazilian gore
You showed Germany mercy
spanish women are hot
Champions of laziness, my heroes.
best country in the world, easily
You guys shame the Mexicans when it comes to laziness.
Best lazy people on the planet.
Lincoln fucked up but he could have been the fkin savior
this old dude died some time after this
quite sad
Best leader.
greatest country in the nation
That wasn't meant for that shithole Brazil.
Your microbrew from Vermont is nice.
You tried harder than anyone else to end the Jewish menace.
Flag is DomRep
Henry Ford (and Ford motors)
George Lincoln Rockwell
I like your television.
your countries continuous failed attempts to control Europe makes for good history book material
Americans have Hollywood, you guys have LiveLeak.
Burgers are Pretty decent if you don't go to a fast food place.
you can go to jail for not calling someone the made up name that they specify
You aren't Haitian
Greatest nation on God's great Earth.
pretty good cigars, Cuba-lite
you guys are pretty good at shitposting
We need you again.
Back to back World War champions.
Second best Korea.
You can't collect rainwater.
What is this Sup Forums shit and why is it allowed to stay up?
Oh right, because it's shill shit so the shill mods leave it alone.
You guys have a cool constitution.
You guys make some good rum.
Best leader in the world.
your maple syrup is pretty good desu
Your boy prostitutes almost feel like girls.
legal dog blowjobs
nice flag?
you live in the best country in the world
Steve Irwin
You guys caned that vandal fucker Michael P. Fay the king of faggots, even though Bill Clinton's pussy got hurt over it. Well done, folks!
you guys make awesome music.
cool rare flag
You aren't Haiti
You guys make a great containment cell for mulattos and beaners
You took over Lawrence, Massachusetts surprisingly quick.
yes they do do my man
canada is for fags
am i doing it right
your country is the bastion of modern human civilization and must not be allowed to fall
Only some of you are cunts.
you're where lauren southern is from and that just about makes up for you guys being cucks
You make hockey challenging enough for our teams that it's fun when we win.
You make good movies.
you have the most based president in the history of presidents
You're proof Haiti is just run by fuckheads. Same island, same opportunities, but your side looks like a country and theirs looks like Satan's toilet.
You can handle Muslim occupations like a man.
Based Duterte
Pretty women
I'm pretty sure you mofos make some decent guns
Country founded on individual liberty.
Mang Tomas and Pork Adobo
The US is unbelievably innovative, and takes everything to interesting extremes.
indian food is really dope
Thanks, you have a good diversity of people (60% white).
Caste system
C'mon, can't I crack a joke, guises?
Alright, I'll be serious, your beaches are great and the mayan temples are gorgeous,