My gf literally thinks the whole world owes her an apology for not treating her like a princess. Maybe thats where the name jewish american princess comes from (JAP). Is it genetic or do jewish parents spoil the fuck out of their little turd kikettes?
Are all jewish girls self centered pieces of shit?
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probably the ((western culture)), you need not say much about being a jew and everyone will come to your rescue, you will always get your way
Do you slap/strangle/punch that JAP slut? I hear them bitches into that tough shit.
>Is it genetic or do jewish parents spoil the fuck out of their little turd kikettes?
Why would you get with a Jew bitch?
Yes. That's how they pass down the Jewish curse through the Jewish mother.
No, If you give anyone a "good" enough reason to want to be treated special and indoctrinate people around them to do so also, most people would do it
Wealth does that to children, not Judaism
>picture of a picture
I dont know. Im kinda regretting it.
I once got a blowjob from an American hippie for some weed; Not exactly very hygienic but she looked like MoldyLocks here.
Shes actually poor. Her parents got foreclosed. Her family is like a comprehensive jewish failure. How can you be jewish and not have at least a reasonable amount of money?
You don't think Jews screw each other over all the time? It's a sado-masochistic cult. You apparently have never lived around them.
My nephew (by marriage, not by blood) is dating a jewess.
I don't think she's a practicing jew (like that matters) but she was born and raised in Queens.
She's a total bitch and very demanding.
I don't see how he puts up with her; she's the ugliest hook-nose kike I've ever seen.
She even made him a cuck. At Christmas I noticed his jacket had a safety pin on it.
His father at least has some sense and told him that she isn't welcome; I might need to do the same, but in reality, it's not my fucking problem.
You might want to put in a good word, since if it goes all wrong it could cause trouble in your family. New York Jews are are truly awful, and time after time I've seen those kind of relationships go wrong like almost always.
ask her opinion on why there were so many pre ww2 newspapers talking about the plight of 6 million jews.. in Russia
Only jewesses from rich american parents are spoiled and bratty.
My parents are russian jews from russia, and we are middle class. I was never a JAP and I hated japs lol.
t. russian jewess
I mean, I believe it's more cultural than genetic
This aplies to all women
>not even virgins but whores that can't even be trusted
>they expect you to treat them with respect
I kek at this
Hey Ashley. How those khazar milkers doing?
idk about all women but many of my friends definitely get wet at the thought of a man dominating them all the time
im pretty sure im descended from russian peasants who converted to judaism
That would likely explain why you are normal. You don't have the inbred genetics that bring on neurosis.
Russian Jews that escaped communism are much more conservative. However they will still be butthurt about muh holohoax, so if you want to be friends with one just avoid that topic and you'll get along great. Also I LOVE BIG RUSSIAN JEWESS TIDDIES
like I said, I believe american jews are culturally raised to grow up rich and spoiled. I don't think it's just genetics
Im dating one too. Its just how they are. Stay strong brother.
Yeah sure. There are plenty of decent average Jews you can be friends with. But you really have to sniff around to see what they're about if you want to get into a relationship.
Yes. Most Jewish men I have known IRL have been based. Only one bad 1 out of over 10 I've known. It's completely Jewish women cucking their men into doing bad shit.
you kinda have to do that with all girls senpai.
we are felines
She's attractive. Got any nudes?
Here's your (You)
Most of my Jewish teachers have been very good and generally very funny and smart.
Don't get the Jew H8 M8.
she is an entitled cunt for demanding to be treated like royalty. Fuck her, to hell with the bitch. I prefer J.a.c, or "Jewish American Cunt."
Well, duh. All I'm saying is a Jewish girl is a big fat red flag, especially if you find one in a great big Jew hive like Jew York.
basically you have to use "grooming" techniques to remove the jew behavior from jew women. go to your local pimp and ask for some tips and be sure to make it clear your not competition you just want to straighten your bitch out
russians are so fucking jelly of jews its hilarious.
half the reason their nation is shit is america and israel took their entire population of >100 IQ people and left them judenfrei.
my experience with jewesses is they tend to be more parochial and tribal. So they are actually pretty loyal. The problems are 1. they are sexually degenerate in ways the goy mind cannot fathom and 2. stupid liberalism is part of their tribal identity.
jewish girls are hard to maintain. id rank the races like this, from easiest to maintain to least hard
1. Chinese/Japanese
2. Slavs
3. Meds
4. Other Whites
5. Jews
6. Hispanics
7. Blacks
9001. Koreans
9002. Indians
I don't need a (((you)))
JAPs, dude.
That's what they are and that's what they are going to be.
Most Jewish women have very fertile wombs and all they want is for you to raise your kid as a Jew.
are you fucking stupid?
what russian peasant in their right mind would convert to judaism, especially back in the day when pogroms were a thing?
russian jews are annoying as fuck
If she's so horrible you should get a better gf.
hardest, fuck
that girl has sucked like 100 dicks lmao
jewesses are all aching to be subs in bed but try to dominate you verbally. Very weird dynamic
feels good to be russian AND jewish
literally best combo ever
pogroms weren't actually THAT common.
and many did convert, retard
Then you aren't Jewish. Judaism is a bloodline. You have to be born into it.
Take note, thread. This is from the humble little good Jewish woman who isn't a princess.
*Ayn Rand teleports in front of you*
*gives you kiss*
*blocks your path*
What do?
>tfw 7/10 at best
>still somehow like catnip for Jewish women
>my last 4 gfs were Jewish
>can't seem to keep them off me
At this point, the only logical conclusion that I can come to is that Israel has somehow built a time machine and I'm the Jewish equivalent of John Connor.
That's a lie. If you convert to Judaism, you accept God's offer and become a Chosenite.
why would you go near a JAP???
Take note, thread. Judaism is all about global conquest.
Jews are not really human. They don't have the features that make humanity worth something, like empathy, mateship, wonder, kindness.
Jews are angry at whites because whites have all these things; Jews hate us for it. Most whites will help a person in need not because it will make them money or advantage them in some way, but because it's the right thing to do. The idea of 'the right thing to do' doesn't exist in the Jewish mind. They cannot think in those terms, because they are a parasite. What makes me more money? How can I weaken this social organism to allow me and my clan to take advantage of it further? That's how the Jew thinks.
Jews are the most afraid of death of any humans. Why? Because they don't have faith, of any kind. They don't actually believe there's anything more than themselves. That's why they don't have empathy and don't have the values that white people have. Whites, whether religious or not, have at least a sense that there is something more. Jews don't.
she was apparently dirty and smelly irl senpai.
also crazy
Jews have one-upped white man for some time buddy.
They dominate all political and social and economic institutions and they are less than 1% of pop.
Keep crying because it appears that it is YOU that is sub-human.
That's just all women you idiot. They all think the world owes them everything for being born a pretty pretty princess.
ehhhh seek professional help.
>brown eyes
We don't really look for converts, that's the thing. People choose to become Jews and we get shit because of it
>hurr durr a jew messed up my mcdonalds order and I'm mad
>hurr durr I got aids, I bet the jews invented it
That'll be 5 bucks, miss.
Actually jewesses are surprisingly maternal compared to wasps.
They are nosy and obnoxious, but affectionate as well. They're complicated. Obviously they shouldn't be judges or professors, but jews aren't that bad.
Jewesses are sexual deviants and domineer their men. Jews may be in control, but all their men are cuckolds (literally)
>t. dated Jew in HS and College only to dump her when she started to sleep with other girls at parties
that girl in your pic should have gotten hit harder. it pisses me off she's still a cunt. needs more beatings until she gets back in line.
Jews wish nothing more than for whites to fall to their level. We never will.
Jews are the worst there is. A thorn in the side of humanity for millennia.
I had a jew friend in high school who was raped by her dad a few times...I guess you could consider that "spoiled"
>Ayn Rand came back as Lena Dunham
You do look for converts, though. Jewish women marrying the goyim spreads Judaism.
I mean, it's kinda more about love. But I guess that's true
Pretty sure thats a wasp name senpai.
How much money do you make?
Not even that much. About £35k per year.
I've looked at it from every angle and I don't understand it. I'm a pretty average looking (maybe even borderline uninteresting) guy. But they can't keep their hands off me.
whatever you say JIDF
are you sure you're not a cute boy with a nice british accent?
The God of the Jews is gold. There is no crime he would not commit to get it. He has no rest till he can sit on the top of a gold-sack. He has no rest till he has become King Money. And with this money he would make us all into slaves and destroy us. With this money he seeks to dominate the whole world
ya cuz my family is totally rich and I'm just a princess sitting in my castle rn
Does it surprise you that girls want to fuck, even ugly people get laid, and you might be a decent catch even if you're not the best fish in the sea?
I'm not "cute" mate. I'm bald and I swear a lot.
They were all decent looking. At least good enough to get a regular bloke.
Face it, the only possible solution is that Israel has a time machine and I'm just destined to be the next Hitler. It's just straightforward logic.
Were any of them art students? In other words, were you in GATE as a child?
Mother is Jewish
I kinda want to GOY a jewish girl, there was one in my math class that was a bit thicc
>Gifted And Talented Education
Hardly. I was a shit-stirrer at best, and a violent juvenile criminal at worst.
Are you saying they were genetically bred to look for certain traits in men, and those traits are the same traits that our schools promote?
i wanna be goyed and dominated by an ubermensch desu
That is most American women in general ,incapable retarded women. Fuck jews there is what like 16 million of them in the world? sooo many fucking jews and the holohoax NEVER happened. What pissed me off most about ww2 is that they took a european conflict and warped it into lies and fiction to be entirely about them. History books are teaching kids ww2 fantasy propaganda about Semite bullshit instead of examine the conflict seriously understanding it from a 20th century European perspective.
shut up
you sound like you're 14
Found the kike
No, you are the one who needs help. Kikes are the most psychopathic race, and psychopaths are subhuman animals that have one answer: blood. They need to be slaughtered and dropped from helicopters. They cannot understand the objective moral integral natural laws the creator has endowed to every being with a neocortex.
smells like a kike
kill yourself 50%
Jews have zero shame. holodomir, communism. They commit all these genocides then have the nerve to write themselves as the victim in a hoax.
Bitch you literally descended from russian prostitutes and manwhores that sold themselves to jews you should keep your thoughts to yourself and mouth shut.
There were a series of threads recently where a bunch of anons noticed that they all had a bunch of stuff in common, most importantly of which being that they were in GATE and thought they were being raised to be in the elite class. I don't really buy into it, but I figured it was a good opportunity to reference the latest meme.
Is one example of such threads
K ahmed
you know bolsheviks hated jews and zionism, right?they made life hell FOR EVERYONE. they hated all religion. shut the fuck up and stop repeating garbage that you read on stormfront.
I think that begs the question of what you find deficient about staying within the tribe, since it's all about love and God according to you. Is there something you find repulsive about Jewish guys?
think of it this way, the most famous jewish girl is famous because of her diary, but
>no fluffy jewish gf
>bolsheviks hated jews
Is this the new lie that's going to be told now that 200 years together is getting around?