Who created God?
Is his infinite wisdom simply beyond our comprehension?
I believe in a higher power, but it's hard to wrap my head around it
Who created God?
Is his infinite wisdom simply beyond our comprehension?
I believe in a higher power, but it's hard to wrap my head around it
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Nobody created God. Why would you need to comprehend the creation of something that doesn't exist?
God created God.
Why do Atheists have such boner for asking who created God, when the Atheist explanation for the universe is, "It's just there."
You're offering the same explanation
>I believe in a higher power, but it's hard to wrap my head around it
Just b urself user :^)
Then how do you know who's right?
In reality it's an apology, explaining "This is as far as we could explain, we can't explain what happens without time and/or space."
But the rest makes more sense
They're both right.
At some point, no matter how far you go, there's an unmoved mover somewhere.
Spinoza has proofs that god created himself.
>where's our bible?
>We don't have a bible, this is a bar
>I'm going to go find our bible then
it's moved movers all the way down
Jesus created God in his image.
Existence has always existed.
Trips of truth. I am now a #cruzmissile
If time if the 4th dimension, and god exists outside our universe, then he would exist in at least 4 dimensions, thus a "beginning or end" as we understand it are properties that would not necessarily be traits that apply to god.
>Who created God?
God is that which is without beginning or end. Time and cause and effect as we understand them are unique phenomenon of our perspective being oriented in 3D. It will always be a mystery. Engaging in that mystery is religion. Religion deals with problems that will always lie outside the domain of what we can know because God precedes knowledge.
How and from what?
>Who created God?
Military leaders were sick of their generals killing them so they created a priest class to protect them.
Other times it was crazy child abusers like Abraham cutting their babies dicks which was a slaver marking in Egypt.
Turtles all the way down, my friend. Our overclocked ape-brains are a bit more limited than people tend to realize.
here you go OP
Gross, an atheist
>God is that which is without beginning or end.
= he doesn't exist
>If time if the 4th dimension, and god exists outside our universe, then he would exist in at least 4 dimensions
Your JJ Abrams Star Trek version of "dimensions" is laughable if it wasn't so sad.
>but but dimensions = muh fantasy realms
This is your mind on the electric Jew
A god is a collective of people. The question is just "where did people come from." Praise White God, seig heil!
>Gross, an atheist
Atheist has become a pejorative for telling the truth these days. Good work slave kike worshiper
God is, was, and will always be
God creates himself. God is only an idea. Those who choose to lead a Godly life create and manifests their idea of God into existence.
The fact that you think it's a star trek concept and not one of actual scientific theory shows that you're basically a moron with an acute case of dunning-kruger.
God mode: A paradox is impossible to exist.