surrounds himself with anti-semites...

> surrounds himself with anti-semites, kikes hate him and have been trying to bring him down for two years but he keeps defeating them
> longstanding eurosceptic, opponent of the EU project, free trade, globalism and zionism
> sabotage the "Remain" campaign from the inside, allowing "Leave" voters in his Labour heartlands to swing the vote for Brexit
> manifesto is basically economic nationalism, taking foreign companies and influence out of public services
> also calls for end to free movement and single market
> opposed ziocuck iraq, libya, syria regime change wars
> end all arms sales to saudi arabia, end involvement in yemen
> is running against an autistic controlfreak woman who literally supports sharia law and as HomeSec *increased* net migration and cut police

he's /ourguy/, you on the corbyn train yet?

Other urls found in this thread:

Reminder that one of the few economists for Brexit, Steve Keen, is also a Corbyn backer.
Reminder that Sharia May oversaw the highest immigration in British history as home secretary.


>anti-white cabinet
>loves terrorists
>out to get anyone who's ever made money
fuck off

>loves terrorists
Only because he hates the jews.

nobody who earns £80k or less will pay even one penny more in tax.

£80k is pretty /comfy/ if you ask me

>actually being this spooked
This is why theresa may will win by a mile - 70% of bongs are "low information"

Beers with the lads is sexist Jeremy, you tell 'em

They're just fiscal cucks desu

Only problem with Jez imho is that he will be easily guilt tripped by his cabinet of wet flannels. That and remaining in the (((single))) market.

If he wins, I'm leaving the country.

His cabinet will be a lot different if he wins as suddenly he'll be mr popular

Honestly, I kind of like him but I worry that he will cuck out for the liberal voters if he ever becomes PM. He might be personally opposed to immigration or personally supportive of Brexit, but would he risk his voters turning on him by going forward with those policies?


Who is this guy?

Future Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

But you know he'll still bring in Biker Diane. And if he even thinks about getting Clive Lewis in, I'm done.

Don't get me wrong he could stack a reasonably strong cabinet, I'd back Tom Watson for Home Sec. I'm just not sure how much of a weapon Jeremy is behind closed doors.

apparently he just sits around eating pot noodles and lets them get on with it

Thats the danger, Momentum (Nu-labour) have him by the sack.

Bet he's a beef and onion man, silently regretting cucking out to the vegetarians.

Momentum is basically JC's personal cult/fanclub. Their ideology flips depending on Corbyn, not the other way round.

New Labour are the blairite globalist neocon cucks who've been trying to take his movement down from day one.

Theresa May is basically a slightly more right-leaning Hillary Clinton.

>they're not voting for corbyn just fuck the system
u dweebs

Her campaign has been Hillary tier so far

and corbyn is basically an anti-trump: a real radical who's constantly being attacked by the deep state and his own party insiders.

Hillary and most US Dems are actually to the right of the tories, if you compare their approach to healthcare, foreign policy and welfare etc.

>he doesn't want his banks nationalized
I am amazed he is going to win too,
>calling an election just to cuck yourself out of office

Just looked it up
>It's real
Not a bong fortunately, but if I was this alone would be enough to disqualify this cuck for me.

>still voting LibLabConistan
this is why this country never ever ever learns.
We have become a two party dictatorship, Sharia May is using the Manchester bombing and the clean sweep win she is getting because of a conveniently shite Labour to inflict us with as much Orwellian control as she can squeeze in on us.
What a country of gullible pussified morons.

How do I claim political asylum in the USA?
I've had enough of pissing into the wind here.

Up here we're blessed with a glorious thousand year SNP reich

cheeky bastards, they realised that although 45% will lose you a referendum, it's enough to win elections in eternity. Maybe they predicted what's happening to UKIP now post-brexit and realised that a "No" victory then was for the best

Time for you lot to kick the Tory cucks out for good