Wow drumpfy btfo!!

wow drumpfy btfo!!

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I have zero common values with Germany

She's right you know

wow shill rats kys


>open societies that share the same values
What if your society shares the value of wanting to build a big wall to keep out mexicans?

>isolationism doesn't work

Try again sweetie

>same values
>importing millions of non-whites who have fundamentally different values

>"...that share the same values."

Literally nothing to add.

>open society

she's been repeating that for the past months, she's gone full Soros

Muslims are literally the antithesis of western liberal democratic values.

>Same values
>Bringing it people by the millions that don't share your values

Fuck off Merkel.

It's funny how having no border or cultural identity is what makes societies "successful" but only in white countries.

islamic and western societies do not share the same values
i don't understand why progressives don't punch people when they say dumb shit like this

>open societies

Well she has a point.

Most millennial women share the same values are welfare refugees.

But the middle east is neither open nor shares the same values.

Meanwhile all of Europe is collapsing
Real successful there shithead

Europe is falling to Islam

We actually want mexicans to stay.
The only reasons mexican people are against the wall are the huge left bias of most media and the fact that, while we want mexicans to stay, we ourselves don't want to stay

>share the same values

>same values

About that...

21% or 1 in 5 people living in Germany are of migrant background. So much for the Fatherland.



(((open societies)))

>the same values


The mudslimes she's letting in don't share the same values.
All the niggers here don't share the same values.
You can't just let in everybody that want in...especially if they are coming for gimmie dats and to change the culture to suit thier needs at the expense of the existing, native-born citizens.


You'd think she maybe would've changed her speech after Manchester

"open societies" is not the hallmark of a successful nation. Globalist whipped crony your EU is going to fall.

Besides, the wall is for security, not to keep out Mexicans who want to work legally. Even Mexicans who are here legally don't like illegal immigration because it undercuts the salaries that they have worked to build.

The children here who are against the wall tend to live in affluent all-white suburbs and have a "close friendship" with a legal Mexican worker, therefore they think they know everything.

>You'd think she maybe would've changed her speech after Manchester
A normal logical leader who has the safety and concern of their nation in mind would change their speech.

Merkel falls heavily in the Muh Suicidal Liberal Policies category.

>share the same values
That's the key. But rape, intolerance of other religions, suicide bombings are not western values.


Merkel BTFO

>share the same vaule

well no shit! why are the left bringing in people that have opposing values then?

>fuking retards can't even stand by there own words.

I know, it's fucking weird. Almost as if we were our own parody honestly.


She's right about sharing values.
Shut down the mosques when?

She's right you know. Socialism is great.

Daily reminder that Merkel was literally part of the East German (USSR) Stasi (state secret police - the commie gestapo).

Never trust her.
Never believe what she says at face value.
Always assume that she is working for the man behind the curtain.


I think you have your own battles to fight.

Literally communism

>open society

Wonder who could be behind this...

But user, open society has never been tried

>share the same values

Americans believe in freedom of speech, right to bear arms, patriotism, military strength, and we don't believe in cultural self-destruction. We actually share very little with Doucheland.

>We actually want mexicans to stay

You want mexicans to stay in the US, not in Mexico.

Nobody in Mexico likes the people that come to the US illegally. In Mexico they have the same jobs as maids or construction/factory workers, nobody helps them and everybody treats them like shit unless they're your servants.

Mexico's middle+ class absolutely hates their poor and those are the ones that sneak into the US.

so basically she's saying we should vet immigrants to make sure they share the same values

too bad the west shares no values with the islamic colonists

I wish someone would snipe that STASI MEMBER

But muslims don't share the same values as Germans.

Yeah thats the point. Open societies welcome anyone and everyone until they are transformed into something entirely different. You never govern a nation with feels else you get a dictator down the line.

She's right.

So then why import all the muslims ??

You know she's right, we should get Mexico the American treatment.

And pave a parking lot over them instead of building a wall.

the irony of a female leader talking about letting people in that "share the same values" while letting in millions that would sooner see her stoned for standing next to the man in the pic (not her husband) is palpable.

>[citation needed]

wasn't merkel at a meeting with obama these days?

i heard obama is doing his last money grabbing world tour where he does paid speeches and shit

explain to me the same values muslims share with us?

Im actually shocked how quickly Europeans are succumbing to communism. Which is funny considering Russia their neighbor is a prime example against it. Fgt judges in the USA are trying to subvert us yet the supreme court always swaps them down.

What other nation is open society? Canada? We need to alert before these commies are able to project power.

Yes yes they are. Dont try to understand the liberal mind it has no logic. For an example you can understand its why households run by single moms have so many issues. The Muslims call Merkel a Mufti which no doubtingly like a mom runs the country for their benefit at the expensive of household stability.

PS She has no blood kin of her own. The EU is her house and Muslims are her children. Europe is doomed lol

About what?

>that share the same values

Are germans wife beating, goat fucking, rapists?

Isolation until we figure this shit out find the best way to help keep Islamic bomb trucks and suicide bombers from killing American citizens.

Walls, god forbid we enforce our immigration laws and make an effort to keep crime and drugs out among many other things. Further, small holes sink large ships and illegal aliens are sinking ours and, with your open borders, Merkel, well, they're sinking your ship, causing division and murdering your own citizens. The citizens you're charge with protecting.

Fuck you Merkel. Smart immigration and careful screening is what makes success, peace, cohesion and shared American spirit.


NATO dissolved. Only Five-Eyes alliance remains. Don't call it a grave, it is the future you chose.

So why is she bringing in millions of mudslimes? OR ARE THE ELITE MOOSLAMS

Hilariously, reality incessantly confirms that her platitudes are fantastical nonsense. We'll see Twerkl humiliated and ousted soon.

Never trust a woman and especially never trust a childless woman.

What if the people you want to share your society with don't share your values and want to kill you?

Hannity did nothing wrong. Cuuuuuucks. Reeeeeee

Anglos will (already) rule the world. The Continent is impotent and useless. We will save (You)rope from your suicidal conditioning.


ya, good luck on that one, Merkel.

BTFO just like those 22 kids at the Ariana Grande concert. Let more in!

>Merkel 'Multiculturalism Has Failed' Angel
She should crawl back to Hell

>giving up your culture and letting your daughters get raped is progress
This is the sort of thing Europeans eat up?


Does Soros write her speeches?

t.tanned burger

>that share the same values
theres the issue

Says the woman who undoubtedly lives and works behind walls, both concrete and armed human.

>cheap labor; citizens losing jobs
>death of your western culture
>having to live in fear of a jihadist attack every day
>women getting raped
>men getting laughed at


She is right. Which is why you can't be successful if you let in Muslims. Muslims destroy your ability to have an open society and undermine your values because theirs are uttlerly opposed to yours.

Same goes for any ethnic group - especially ones that look different and speak another language brought in at a rate that they form enclaves rather than integrate - the diversity brings diverse interests and conflict undermining your open society and your values.

But Islam is pure poison and an order of magnitude worse.

Actually making the argument for not having open borders

>open societies that share the same values
Pick one and only one, rube.

>didn't mention judaism too
the only way to stop things is to redeem our Christian values

That's why Sweden is well on it's way from being an Aryan paradise to an actual third-world country.

The rapefugees shared German values?

Sweden was to remain untouched like a pure frosted icecap.

>1990s - Man europe is the bomb id like to visit someday!
>2000s - Europe is still kinda cool but their irony is becoming too realistic
>2010+ Islamic what now? Feminists? EU cares about GDP????

I dont even want to visit now, its sad.


Open societies huh? Tell me, will I have the same exact rights as a natural born Chinese or Indian if I decide to immigrate there?

I just want to take a nap. Anyone want to cuddle?

All according to (((their))) plan.

yes, the destruction of europe is a key german value

well both muzzies and germans love killing the jews by the bushels.

so i guess they do have common values.

You are controlled by kikes on a level we were back in 1933

Muslims don't share your values


She is right.

That's why spics, niggers and sandniggers have no place in these societies.

> open societies that share the same values
sounds good, too bad shitskins don't share our values