Paganism is the new counter-culture

>be me
>get redpilled
>get into Paganism
>tell my friends about it
>pic related is us

What does Sup Forums think about the new Pagan counter-culture movement?

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You can't win with religion.
If you are a pagan, you're literally worshiping a god that drank semen.
If you're a christcuck you are literally following a kike religion about a kike being God and the son of God at the same time, which by the way borrowed a lot of its traditions from pagans.
If you're an atheist, why are you an atheist you fedora-wearing fag? Go vote democrat lulz.
And muslims are sandniggers who rape kids and goats.
I guess we are better off accepting the blackpill and using it as an excuse to exterminate all non-whites as their lives don't matter for the survival of our group.

Paganism is good. But it's not seeing a revival because people are returning to our ancestral gods, it's because it's a vehicle for white nationalism on a smaller scale as we push for white nationalism on the global scale.

Some Christfags will call that pic cringe but I see two white guys delving deep into their history and obviously they're into it enough to spread it around so all in all it's a good thing imo.

LARPing is cool but that's all they're doing. If they were to seriously like coat themselves in goat blood that would be an issue.

It's good to see some returning to the Old Way, but tbqh most of them are embarrassing faggots. They emulate, but they don't understand it and live it- most of them just staple white supremacy to it and say "hurrr, muh roots."

Better off going to a fucking RenFaire.

Go LARP on Sup Forums

Deus Vult, heathen scum!

You have to take the real red-pill and thats taking back your traditions that were stolen from you by Christians and kikes. You can go out larping and shit like VArg if you want but the number one thing here is traditions as a white person we need roots that date back to our ancient ancestors. You look all across the world where the population has its own religion for example Japan and you see how strong there race is. They have a history and culture that they are staunchly proud of and wouldn't let anyone take it away unless through there deaths. WE AS WHITE PEOPLE NEED THIS. We NEED IT.


Paganism is illogical because the end result is that either you have complete chaos with a bunch of gods fighting each other or they all end up submitting to the most powerful god.

So if that were the case, why on earth who we worship pleb-tier gods when we can worship the Almighty God that all those cucked fake gods submitted to?

Verily Allah has spoken the truth:

Allah has not taken any son, nor has there ever been with Him any deity. [If there had been], then each deity would have taken what it created, and some of them would have sought to overcome others. Exalted is Allah above what they describe [concerning Him].

[17:42] Saheeh International
Say, [O Muhammad], "If there had been with Him [other] gods, as they say, then they [each] would have sought to the Owner of the Throne a way."

I prefer Dungeons and Dragons for my roleplaying


Well it's difficult to understand since it's been practically dead for so +1500 years.

Oh, and if you pagancucks are also swordcucks, just remember:

Don't forget to ditch Spain to Islam for half a millenium, because clearly genociding germanics is much more important. Also crusading against the wrong kind of Christians.

Ur friend looks gay in that tunic, long hair dude is ok. Unless ur the dude in the helmet, than u look gay

LARPers, irrelevant
>kike on a stick meme
when will you people learn how terribly inaccurate this is

Communists in Poland promoted paganism as a part of their war with Christianity & western civilisation.
Good goim.

All pagan gods are demons. Just ask Enoch

6.2 And the Angels, the sons of Heaven,
saw them and desired them. And they
said to one another: "Come, let us
choose for ourselves wives, from the
children of men, and let us beget, for
ourselves, children."
6.3 And Semyaza, who was their leader,
said to them:
"I fear that you may not wish this deed
to be done and that I alone will pay for
this great sin."
6.4 And they all answered him, and
"Let us all swear an oath, and bind oneanother
with curses, so not to alter this
plan, but to carry out this plan
6.5 Then they all swore together and all
bound one another with curses to it.
6.6 And they were, in all, two hundred
and they came down on Ardis, which is
the summit of Mount Hermon. And
they called the mountain Hermon
because on it they swore and bound one
another with curses.
And they took wives for
themselves and everyone chose for
himself one each. And they began to go
into them and were promiscuous with
them. And they taught them charms
and spells, and they showed them the
cutting of roots and trees.
7.2 And they became pregnant and bore
large giants. And their height was three
thousand cubits.
7.3 These devoured all the toil of men;
until men were unable to sustain them.
7.4 And the giants turned against them
in order to devour men.
7.5 And they began to sin against birds,
and against animals, and against
reptiles, and against fish, and they
devoured one another's flesh, and drank
the blood from it.
7.6 Then the Earth complained about
the lawless ones.
8.1 And Azazel taught men to make
swords, and daggers, and shields, and
breastplates. And he showed them the
things after these, and the art of making
them; bracelets, and ornaments, and the
art of making up the eyes, and of
beautifying the eyelids, and the most
precious stones, and all kinds of
coloured dyes. And the world was

Don't take them seriously, pagancucks are right-wing antifa

kys fag

>The whole family defers to the father
>implying this means we should not worship the mother, for bearing her children, and keeping the home
>implying this means we should not respect the children, who aim to carry on the family into the next generation
Paganism values kinship and family. No part of the family is unimportant.

Come home to your AESTHETIC gods white man.

*tips sovietly*

sword is larping/symbolic, we aren't retarded, it's like that British officer who refused to go into battle without a sword.

>be me
>get "redpilled"
>get into Paganism]

You idiots don't even realise that you identify as a category made up by Christians


Oh wow your Jewish sandnigger book says white gods are demons. Who would've guessed

>Allah Akbar, dirty kufar

White man!

Come home.


It's not new. It's been being done for ... well over 100 years, at least. You are just too stupid and young to do research to see how long that shit has been in the background as a way to experiment and excuse a bunch of degenerate behavior.
Christianity is cucoldry and weakness incarnate in faith. Communism fir the soul.

Always archive known sources of clickbait. If site, dump on; if youtube video, rewrite domain in url to

>I am euphoric, you plebs

kek thats really shit

I think its stupid and gay. Christianity is the only true religion. Paganism is cancer.


>Christians made up European polytheistic religions
I don't understand, are you mentally ill? Or do you mean they made up the word "Pagan"? Well sure, and the Brits came up with the song "yankee doodle" which Patriots came to sing with pride.


nur der gesunde , kriegerische Heide kann das Finanzjudentum sowie die Freimaurerei ausrotten . Zunächst solltet Ihr die deutsche Sprache erlernen denn "Englisch" ist eine jüdische Geisteskrankheit ; ähnlich wie der Marxismus führt eben dieses primitive Denkschema in die Irre - und dort seid Ihr nun - kleine , unmündige Idioten .

eigentlich sollte man euch alle vergasen . Aber : Wotan will euch eine zweite Chance geben - versaut es nicht nochmal

>any religion

go back to Sup Forums

You're fucking larping and its infuriating.
You have no understanding of sacred and profane, of the gifting cycle (do ut des), of maegen, inneryard, outeryard, frith, grith, and mund.

As someone who has studied proto Indo European and Germanic culture in order to reconstruct something truly wonderful fuck you.

a dead kike on a cross will do NOTHING for you . remember THAT when you ask for help from da nigger jesus

I'm sure if you told the Romans that the Germans were fine because they're both white and pagan, it would've gone over very well.

But paganism came to die out or be relegated to civilisations long past their prime that have failed to rejuvenate, like India, or places that are not civilised, like Africa.

>signed, Schlomo Goldman

Fuck off that's not a real green pill comic bitch

Germanic paganism is the ultimate redpill.
Germanic gods are the sources of the internal moral conscience.
Christianity disrupted European harmony, causing Europeans to attack their own people, particularly those who refused to deny the truth.
Honor, courage, and strength were the hallmarks of those targeted by Christians, Honor your pagan ancestors, instead of the Jewish Christ, and face torture & death.
Have the Courage to resist the foreign influence of the Jewish Christ, and face torture & death.
Have the Strength to supersede the Jewish Christ, and face torture & death.
The entire religion was designed to cripple whites, to cripple our folk.
Jesus Christ admitted that he came only for the lost sheep from the house of Israel, if you are not an Israelite, then Jesus wanted nothing more for you than to lick up your food from the ground like an animal, as he said in Matthew 15:21-28
Germanic paganism is what brings dignity to our people.
Hail Odin.

You heathens need Christ though

The Romans literally employed Germans in their armies, are you okay?

Also, I'm sure if you told a hellenic priest about the norse gods they would see the similarities as surely as we do today.


Doesn't exist.

What you're referring to is larping.

You can't just revive a culture, it doesn't work that way. paganism is dead and will stay dead.

Return to your AESTHETIC nature white man.

>"why do you do this to us son, why havent you gotten a job"
>friend struts forward gayly

i just think the whole viking thing is cringe.
but thanks to Judas Priest leather has been pretty gay since

And they loved the Germans so much that they periodically slaughtered them in the cities, until they were so decadent and unable to defend themselves that they needed the Germans

wow thank you for enlightening me on the fact that chimps are more advanced than black people

Doesn't really compare. The people going deus vult can't see the irony in complaining about desert people going deus vult in another language.

Who not educate us with your wisdom then?

Would you accept a Muslim telling you you need a semitic prophet?

Pick one.

I guarantee it had nothing to do with their religion, and entirely to do with cultural differences, I won't deny the Germans were savages at the time.

This AESTHETIC Saxon slaps your maiden's buttocks in the great hall.

What do, Sup Forums?

du sollst deine verfluchte Judenhackfresse halten ; der Kamerad hat dir befohlen dein Drecksjudenmaul zu halten ( grabs a steelbar and hits the kike several times on the scull untill its begging for his niggerlife ; mercyless SS boots demolish the kike skull , SS dogs are about to eat the wortless Untermensch

i guess Ill start to have to make threads about hex powwow magic which is the truest form of christianity and paganism.
check out six and seventh books of moses


I guess commies never went ballistic on religious nuts for the sake of religion. They DID leave a lot of atheists in their wake, though.

>having dieties
Have you praised the sun?

What made the Germans civilised to some degree then?

He's wrong in both cases
Viking huts were designed to protect from the wind and snow, while african huts were designed to be as cool as possible inside
They're both shit tier on both design and structure tho

OP if that's you in the pic you look like a fucking ladyboy

All the Hindus are just larping?

Challenge him to a duel, bet that faggot doesn't even know how to chain block.

Argentina spitting hot facts all over! Black pill is the only choice since Christianity is a fucking shit show if you actually look at it

>>get into Paganism
More like larping.

India is like a Rome that never collapsed. It's still dead

> Using Bill Nye and "science" in the same post...

Did somebody say CAWNTAH CULCHA?

The same thing that makes every culture civilized? I mean, if you claim that only Christianity could civilize a European, then you deny the greek and roman empires were civilized.

you are a fucking shill.
larping =/= paganism.


I went to some pagan ceremonies and some wiccan holiday parties in the past. filled with liberal trash, the only difference is that the beta men in neopagan circles at least hold up masculinity as a necessary aspect of society, instead of holding it in contempt like most other betas.

did drink some pretty good home brew meads, beers, and teas, though.

now where did you hear this drivel

other way round my nigger - we civilized YOU and your kike Untermenschen friends ( Integralrechnung ; Horten B1B2 nasa von Braun , Stahlgewinnung Chlorchemie , Braunschweiggerät ("radar") , mp3 zuse 1st computer + 300.000 gestohlene Patente - i kill kikelovers like you

>Included everything but Judaism

Religions are wrong but if you're just a cultural pagan that's acceptable, I understand the need to escape modern society and return to the ways of ancient europe

But what civilised the Germans specifically? Do you even know?

And remember that the Greeks started out monotheistic (Gaia) and then degenerated from there

I look at that pic and understand how we got our arse kicked by everyone.

>Who not educate us with your wisdom then?
Firstly, quit playing dress up. It is embarrassing.
Second the fundamental texts you'll be using to reconstruct a Germanic praxis won't generally focus on Germanic peoples at all, rather IE peoples at large.

Understanding the gifting cycle is crucial. Its the entire basis of the various Germanic peoples' faith.
The Gift: From And Reason for Exchange in Archaic Societies by Marcel Mauss
Then follow up with. The Sacred and the Profane: The Nature of Religion by Mircea Eliade which details sacredness and profanity and the idea of ritual space.
In order to understand the Heathen worldview you will want We Are Our Deeds.

That should form a good basis.

>paganism is cosplaying 9th century peasants and taking photographs

That isn't how Jesus dressed, but close.

It is the furthest thing from drivel.
Christianity is the truest drivel.
Answer my question, Do you believe that you are an Israelite?

Maybe if I raped a virgin German girl I'd be ok with you though, seems to be how modern Germany works

Also, fix your algorithm or whatever

The greats were nothing of note until the city-states (like Athens, named after the patron goddess Athena) grew powerful.

Don't know exactly what civilized the Germans, but I can say without a doubt that Christian vikings were no more civilized than pagan vikings. They naturally progressed along with the rest of Europe.

greeks* I don't know how that happened.

Looking very warrior-like and intimidating with your straightened hair and all. Just kidding mate, good on you for pursuing an original hobby.

Kek! Join the SCA they'll love your cute outfits

germanic Luther was the game changer . daily reminder that your way of life ("Kapitalismus") is based on protestantismus .

das Betriebssystem OS white world was invented by Martin Luther . grasp that . all anglo colonies are now under german management and soon our chinese kapos will remove inkompetent and inefficient kikes , niggers and other subhumans

Everybody is roleplaying Sup Forums just roleplays as a christian baby boomer

Benedictine monks civilised Germany. Charlemagne made it possible for them to do this

hey nigger , back to work