Straight people don't exist

Straight people don't exist
Checkmate bigots

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Is this supposed to make sense?

Well then I'm an oppressed minority too. Good to know


Damn... So, how did the human race ever reproduce?

How did they define straight?

wtf im gay now

So I can call faggots faggots, right?
I mean it is like the gay nigger so there should be no issue with it anymore, since everyone is a fag.

>when everyone is lgbt, then noone will be

everyone is queer, and everyone is racist

maybe now we can finally move on and advance the fucking species

(not really though)

I'm straight but fucking traps and cute boys isn't gay so long as you only give and not receive

Sexual orientation progression
>gay people don't exist
>ok, gay people do exist, but it's wrong
>hey, maybe we should all just get along
>ok, these heterosexuals are getting on my nerves, they are wring
>there is no such thing as heterosexuality

Study from who? The same scientists the democrats always pay for?

WTF I'm a pansexual flirty wood sprite now

later confirmed by buzzfeed!

I'm straight, I exist




kys gay mafia


Reminder that the Kinsey Scale that determined that there are "degrees of homosexuality" was invented by a mentally ill faggot who dealt with having to suppress his homosexual urges as a kid by jamming things up his dick to give himself sexual pleasure. He got his data by interviewing convicted child molesters or it might have been one child molester he tried to pass off as multiple ones.

>be me
>was kind of bi curious in high school
>first year of college I experiment with a guy after getting drunk
>hook up with him a few times, don't enjoy it at all really, doesn't get me off even though I used to get off to gay porn
>never want to do something with a guy again
>actually disgusted at the thought of ever having sex with a guy again
>can only get off to girls

Am I straight? I can't even tell. I'm not attracted and I don't want to ever do anything with a dude ever again, but at one point in my life it turned me on. After I did it though I hated it

So everyone just magically appeared...
Shit fake science. kys.

Sounds like you were more interested in the fantasy than actually doing it. I'm the same (except I'll never fuck another man since I'm not a faggot like you)

Wait, so all those years of them saying that gays are "born that way" is bullshit now? Good, now we can use shock therapy on faggots.

I'm not gay, but $20 is $20

>Sounds like you were more interested in the fantasy than actually doing it.

I think this might be the case as well. I was young too. I would never ever do it again though. It wasn't fun and the whole thing just felt wrong and weird. I don't think I'm bisexual because I'm actually quite disgusted at the thought of ever doing anything like that again

>the science is settled
Well fuck

I do not deny evolution. I do not deny CO2's influences in climate change. However, I deny the Out of Africa Theory and I definately deny this bullshit. OP is a faggot.

but do you enjoy fleshlights in the cold moonlight?

nice scientific peer reviewed source you got there OP.


We wuz gayz n shyeeet

As a great mind once said to me.

>We are all a little gay sometimes.

not so fast op

Either link an archive to the article or fuck off. This is clearly clickbait.

Did they just assume my sexuality?

Did you just assume they assumed?

But if we're all gay, how are we oppressed? Am I oppressing myself and simultaneously everyone else while being oppressed?

So you can be EDUCATED to be Straight... this is very interesting... are gays prepared to return to christian summer camps?

I can admire another man's physique or intelligence but neither get my peepee up so I'm pretty sure I'm straight.

The female body is just too fucking good, man.

I'm getting real tired of all this "science" shit.
>Gender is Fluid
>Sexuality doesn't exist
>Fucking Your Cousin is Good
>Women Find Dad Bods Attractive

There's no slippery slope they said.
It's just a fallacy they said.

>the year is 3751
>new research has been conducted that concludes that nothing actually exists, the universe is a social construct of the straight white males

look at me, I'm the gay now?


all the random "news outlets" popping up are just absolutely turning then internet into poison.

It's probably an argument for a spectrum of sexuality, only they're asserting that the extremes don't exist. The only reason they don't say "Neither Straight nor Gay People Exist, New Reasearch says" is because straight people are a safe target and the LGBTQ community would throw a fit if anyone dared to question them in any context.


all these random "news" outlets that are sprouting up out of no where are really turning the web into poison.

So if I have a sexual fetish for clowns, that means I'm not straight?

Us this for real?
This can't be serious


I agree, in the sense, that, with enough drugs and conditioning you can get anyone to have sex with anything,

>nothing actually exists

But we know this already.

They were only role-playing as straight

>I'm getting real tired of all this "science" shit.
It's true, we shouldn't believe those """scientists""", well unless they tell us Human history began in Europe not Africa.

So when I fap to hot females with big tits,nice asses, and gorgeous pussies.

Im really wanting cock?

this really jumps my jahosafats

That's awkard

welcome to the 21st century user

i a male who is repulsed at the sight of other men. what do?

And yet still I am

>tfw no Sup Forums bf

Why is this allowed?


This century is bad for some aspects but it's pretty good

Same thing as telling a lesbian she just hasn't met the right man.

>New (((Research)))

Who else here doesn't exist according to (((research)))?

Wait so homophobia doesn't exist then since gays don't exist

science is now the the way for those who wish to confirm their denial of reality and to shut up their critics at the same time
>scientist x said y
>y must be true
>you can't question y you ignorant hillbilly
>because if you question science that means you're a retard

>feeling awkward on Sup Forums

lurk more.

from one extremity to another...

Not even going to lookup the article behind the clickbait.

I guess I should put my penis in a man's shit and disease covered anus, then.

The entire time I thought I had evolved to want only women because having sex with another man wastes sperm.

On the bright side, LGBT are no longer a protected minority, right? Oh...

I identify as straight
Now pay for my rape babies statists

just as credible as shill nye the fake science guy

ITT: A bunch of guys trying to convince other guys they don't fuck boy pussy on the DL.

Never change Sup Forums

>(((New Research)))

>project this hard


Underrated post.

>Instantly gets defensive enough to reply
>Isn't a closeted cock gobbling jizz drinking homosexual

kek whatever you say queen.

Bill Nye The Kike Shill Guy or Goy

im going to use that study as evidence when i get tried for a hate crime

Yeah i fall into this category. Like i've got off to the idea of sucking a dick before, but i've tried look at dudes on apps and its just meh.

This fucking sheeps isn't that bad as long as you give and not receive

>straight people

Only when it's convenient for the narrative

>Sexuality is a spectrum with infinite permutations
>I know where I lie on it! You can't say my sexuality isn't valid.
>But your sexuality... you're wrong about that. You don't know. These two points on the spectrum are impossible.
gr8 b8 m8

In terms of toon porn, I don't mind some gay femboy stuff or homo side action with two guys and a girl (like double anal). I also feel incapable of forming a true emotional bond with a woman. IRL physically though, I could never do it with a guy. I just don't find men attractive.


Thank you. I'm getting off fourchan now.

those researchers can suck my dick
but wait, if white people don't exist, like some say, then white privilege doesn't exist
but hey:
we need more niggers to work all the jobs we have
we need universal income because not enough jobs
white people need to die
white people don't exist
men and women marrying is patriarchy
men and women don't exist
gay marriage when
every marriage was gay


Probably not, but the jews found out if they pump out massive amounts of lies the goyim will start to believe them.

>weeaboo faggot

I don't think so.

so a bunch of fags have been keeping this species alive for thousands of years?

I like it.

>"New Research says everyone is a fag"
>Usual Homo accusation that straight ppl are secretly all cocklovers
>Next week: Similar article that contradicts this one

Why should I care about this?

Made me giggle

that's where the mistake is made, I don't know if it's called 'the fallacy fallacy' or what. But just because an argument can be called a slippery slope fallacy, does not make it factually incorrect. It just means that that does not logically follow as a MUST

When it comes to the left, there are no slippery slope fallacies. Why? We must take into account this is not an argument in a vacuum, it is a series of arguments, fought between 2 parties. One of the parties' state goal is PROGRESS, meaning, it is literally their goal TO slip down the slope.

Let me show why it is a slippery slope fallacy. If I were to legalize gay marriage in afghanistan, a few years later, they would not be trying to gain 'trans rights;' for this reason, making the rational argument that trans rights necessarily follows from gay marriage, in a vacuum, is a logical fallacy.

In the context of our society, we KNOW that this is the stated goal of the left. Once they are finished with one goal, they focus their resources and attention on the next goal. Rationally arguing that they will achieve their next goal, base don the achievement of their first goal, is a cogent argument. Calling that a slippery slope fallacy is the fallacy fallacy- just because something is a logical fallacy when de-contectualized and argued in a vacuum, does not make it irrational when contextualized.

An argument being a logical fallacy does not mean that the stated result of the argument will not happen.

Read that in his voice kek.


This. The only true gay things are receiving cock and pegging.

Sex has two biological functions:

1. Make Babies
2. Bond a couple emotionally so they pool resources to raise babies.

Having no biological function lezbofaggotry is literally a social construct.

So does this mean that sexual orientation is not a way you were born and you can change over time?