
Im new to the site. Can some one help with some tips


Have you imported your karma from your Reddit account yet?

kill yourself

what Reddit is

Welcome to Sup Forums. Now get the fuck out.

for starters you could kill yourself. further more leave this site and never come back. also it would be grat if you kill yourself

I kill éd myself

Come back in six month, we have too many newfags to process right now

I'll save you some time.
This infographic says it all.

welcome to pol

Yes go back to kikebook and plebbit

too late i ded

learn that (((they))) are the enemy and that Podesta is guilty of the most heinous crimes.

kill yourself

go back we are full

No step on snek!

lurk more

No step on snek

why are there so many (((parenthèses))) on the site


Holy fuck, emu fag rips me off and pulls digits.

how does a toilet work

why are idiots bumping this shit? why hasnt this been deleted yet?

why are idiots bumping. Why is this deleted yet

it's all for (You)

why are idits bumping. Why is this deleted yet

>Why is this deleted yet
9 posts later OP

lurk more faggot