Liberals want no science driven expedition to Mars in 2033 because of "Global Warming"
Liberals want no science driven expedition to Mars in 2033 because of "Global Warming"
(((Space))) is one of their tricks.
>global warming
100% fiction
>liberal jew screams fuck science because muh sides science theory is more important.
Wtf I support abortion now
Why are we wasting millions of dollars going to some stupid floating rock when we still have people dying on the streets?
Lets be honest flat earther, the only lies are that our earth is going to fail due to global warming. There is no global warming, it is a myth and exaggerated like the holocaust.
We know something is out there and if you like it or not our world isn't the only one. If you want God to shine his light on you, first search his temple.
i thought it was the liberals that wanted to throw money into orbit because MUH SCIENCE, not the conservatives?
There is no reason to go to Mars when your entire civilization is full of Mexicans and Jewish psychopaths are destroying your Children's minds.
Fuck your fantasy world, nerds. We need to get out shit together first. JFK went to the moon and now you shitpost on Sup Forums
Maybe they should get off their pathetic asses and get a job? The unemployment isnt because of lack of jobs but the lack of care to be in a job.
>Liberals spend years gushing about space and Star Trek
>Trump takes steps to make it happen
At this point their grasping is just getting sad
Is he wrong though? The video seemed to have some logical points.
At this point, the environment is fucked regardless of what we do or don't do. Best bet is to push forward and try to mitigate it with technology.
Its in 2033. I think we got time to fix ourselves.
Global warming is a myth you absoluete retard. His entire argument is fucked
>a jew kvetches about not understanding the faustian spirits of whites
wow who could have seen this coming
we go to mars because we can you dumb kike
trump supports space exploration so liberals are against it
I wish I was joking
Not our fault that its fucked, its called expiration date. Humans are intelligent and can colonize and create civilization regardless of the biome. I think we can repopulate and find somewhere else
The Earth is still hospitable to life. We just need to end consumer culture and stop (((Developing))) countries from destroying the Earth.
Going tinfoil mode here too but I believe we have technology far more advanced than we're led to believe.
Ill drink to that leaf! No rake needed tonight
It's not, but the left wants to use it for political jewery and to be perfectly honest, it was already set in motion at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, and there was never any stopping it. Secondly, albedo has increased a slight but detectable amount on every object in the solar system. It's part geological, part manmade, part solar.. but theres absolutely nothing we can do to stop it. Anyone who claims otherwise is just trying to get some shekels from a carbon credit scheme or some other bullshit.
It matters not, the earth will endure and plants will roll over to using the CB4 gene to process CO2 because it will be more efficient in these conditions. Ecosystems will have upheaval and a few shitty coastal cities will get dunked, but it'll take fucking centuries, if not longer.
Overpopulation and Peak Oil are far more immediate and existential threats to mankind.
>It's not
Yeah it is. 100% fiction
It is hospitalble for a good amount of centuries if not a few more thousand! We have the technology to mend things, like the bee problem or x libtard issue. They have the technology, i believe they sell it to the highest elites and then they sell it off years down the line to make even more off the outdated tech we needed decades before
i can't wait for trump to openly support suicide prevention
Dude I know they kicked your head in with that shit, 21 year old here, but fuck man look at the scientific arguments on global warming and you will find how fake it is.
I have man.. but the thing no one talks about is the fact that we've been WAYYYY hotter in the mezozoic era.
It's real but it's not a big deal. At all.
I'm more worried that sipping out all the oil from the crust will have some unexpected effect because it was lubing up the tectonic plates or some shit.
I think overpopulation and peak oil can be fixed by tackling a key issue. Think of how inefficient our current system is, and how much oil we use to transport and package our food in. Think of all the dead retail spaces that can be converted to farmland, and all the lawns that could be turned into gardens.
Though what if these numbers are false for the sake of political jewry? I mean, I already cant believe anything that comes out of their mouths since they got their mole infested hands all over it
This fucking meme needs to die. It's only applied to the West, you never hear about nigger or chink overpopulation, only whites and how much the world sucks and why would you ever have kids in such a horrible world bla bla bla. Go stick your nihilist propaganda up your ass. If you are really worried about overpopulation then lobby for governments to stop sending food to literally everywhere. Food should be illegal to ship into Africa for charity, same with China and India.
Global Warming is not Climate change
Climate change is natural as fuck too. Nothing to do with us
This. I'm getting sick of whiny Jews.
The last time I heard about overpopulation was from that dumb niggerfag amazing gaythiest.
He made the argument that we should kill babies if the parents already have 2
you understand that, in the beginning, the earth was boiling, do you?
>economic scarcity leads to starving people
>can go to space and mine fucking spacerocks for shit to eliminate scarcity
>stupid starving people cry about nasa spending what would amount to one day of food for all poor people.
How can you expect that we could terraform Mars in the future, when we can't even terraform Australia?
>they are still this fucking assmad about his signature
Shit like this is why I can't take these people serious in the least.
Can we do this in Africa? No? Oh well, I guess it's only for hwhites :^)
The hypocrisy of these people hurts my insides. First of all overpopulation isn't an issue, second, if it were an issue it would fix itself the moment we stop shipping food to shit holes.
Liberals still dont know that the theory of the Big Bang was created by a Jesuit priest...heh
Dude ; wtf did I just watch?
You do realize that Trump lowered NASA's budget, right? By a small amount but you get the idea. Trump did steep cuts to scientific and medical research, almost unparalleled in presidential history.
NASA will decide which project is more worth it for science, not some retarded right-wingers.
Why do they draw him so ugly and red? Its similar to drawing a black man with flies swarming around, crooked teeth, and having a kfc bucket
Well they have their budgets, and cant just suck money for meaningless research or some jewry. Time to put money where Nasa's mouth is and colonize to a new planet to further the white race
Fuck mars, the Europa lander would have been better. They're just going plant a flag and never go back, it's the lunar mission bullshit all over again
Ironically though, these fags would be all over if their lich queen wanted to do it.
>meaningless research
It's not meaningless research, it's science. We have plenty of data on Mars and any job that could be done by a human on Mars could easily be much cheaper when done by a robot.
Also, you can't colonize Mars, not in the next 200 years at least. NASA gets out there in space to get data, it doesn't care about your ethnic needs. If you ever do really want whites on Mars, then push to double NASA's budget.
Thst was a moon, not an actual planet full of secrets and undiscovered land. We can colonize and further the white race there
Well it's not an either/or situation you can do both.
Nigga that robot isnt real. They didnt send shit
>colonize to a new planet
NASA's mission to mars would likely include colonization plans due to SpaceX involvement.
keep your porn on /hc/, not here. Or I'll post my considerable more degenerate porn and kill your boner
I think it's high possible, it would need to be set up remotely though as having astronauts building an underground complex would be a waste of time and money.
the better the drone technology get means a base could be built so astronauts could live fine as soon as they get there. They should have went for the Venus skycity plan as it would be much easier and cheaper.
please post more
futa dick docking is my fetish, but this is close enough
it didn't have to be this way
Wow thats all you got!?!
Any manned mission to Mars will be a huge waste of time and resources in terms of research-potential. We already know more about the surface of Mars than we do about our own oceans, whats a few humans going to change?
Any humans brought to Mars will be done purely to learn about the effect of different G's on the body (not really relevant since very well known already) and for nationalistic pride. NASA wouldn't do it any time soon with it's budget.
Please dear lord is that who i think it is? please god no
Liberal here. I would love a mars mission. Fat chance of ever getting it funded with a republican congress though.
Sonichu is proud
>He doesn't know the pic
For pure research rather than colonization, I agree. Europa and Titan should be research priorities due to the potential for life.
Liberals are not allowed here. Fuck off you stupid regressive retard
dems and repubs are pretty much the same though. If you want anything to get done a completely new government would be needed
But why, how has he not been killed, its a fucking open wound..
Modern science friend
I've been on Sup Forums far longer than you plebbit cuck.
I agree. Only in the sense that they bow down to suck the cocks of the corporate elite.
any time you see cartoons in this style, just walk the other way.
why the fuck do globalists always use this animation style to make propaganda for the normies.
is it is minimalist and makes people subconsciously think in less refined ways?