What's an unpopular opinion that you hold, even by Sup Forums's standards?

>no normie opinions pls.
>nah fuck it, go ahead

I'll start.

we should abort retarded babies
>this is actually popular shhhhh

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reddit is a great source of useful information sometimes



Jews are the real master race.

i love non white women

There are proven health benefits to circumcision, despite it being invented by jews, and it's okay not to care about another man's penis.

Shotas > Lolis.

the usa is bound to be destroyed and its a good thing .

The only two options for society are to nationalize basic necessities or put artificial constraints on the market to avoid conglomeration.

And I mean heavy artificial constraints.

Only tax payers should be allowed to vote in any election.


We should have robots take over our jobs and have a National basic income through the taxation of these robots.

Sugar is good for you

>we should abort black babies
Pretty certain that majority of Sup Forums agrees

I love/have tattoos

Fucking your mom or your sister should be absolutely acceptable. Incest for pleasure is totally fine, it only becomes a problem when siblings or mothers and sons want to have kids

Life is meaningless suffering, but it can be endured and analysed properly by receding from this world and attaining Union with the next

reddit experience can be made enjoyable and even not shit with a few easy tweaks.

The real redpill is that we are all idiots and enlightenment is 300 years of evolution away

Liberals are actually right. Their core beliefs are moral. They just haven't the slightest clue what they are doing.

Kinda like a fan who watches baseball once and thinks he knows what's best for a pro team. They are too stupid and dangerous to give any power to.

I agree.

Whitebois have nice asses, literally made for my bbc

Being a politician should be punished by perpetual enslavement

Go back to Sup Forums

Racism and xenophobia are awful. This place made me more left wing than I was before entering it.

Abos are great. Every so often I meet some street urchins and end up staying out drinking with them all night. Some are attractive, most are misunderstood and I've never had a single problem with them.

Most of Sup Forums are victims of groupthink.

Hitler was a Jew, worked for the Rothschilds through Emil Georg von Stauss. And Jews weren't killed during the Holocaust. It was a scam by the Nazi's working for the Ashke-nazi jews to create Israel.
This coin was minted by Goebbels in the 1930's to celebrate Zionism. And has the Nazi word in it which shows that Nazi was not a Jewish slur, but an agreed name that the Zionist Jews and NatSocs would use to bring about a Zionist state.

I have a few...

The Japanese Empire was not inherently full of rapacious barbarians. Tojo would have been repulsed by so the actions committed by his men, as was reportedly a very kind human being.

Black people aren't terrible by nature, they simply got fucked by the European powers. I'm wondering if that is why all third world countries were prior European colonies, because of all the change that happened so quickly. They get fucked for 300 years or so, have their coups, they oust the whites, and then their country goes to shit because they took out their central government with no knowledge to govern themselves. American Blacks are far worse off because not only did we strip them of their humanity, we stripped them of all their culture and dignity. No wonder they are barbarians here...

I actually like the taste of aboriginal pussy and plus after i have a munch I get a free tank of petty cheers

It's because they know you have anything to sate their cravings

All black men who pursue relations with white women and the white women who accept it deserve to be hung. Every. Last. One.

Everyone has a will, and people intuitively believe we have free will, but it makes no sense, whether you believe in a deterministic, indeterministic, simulated, or God-filled universe. All of our actions have a cause; to be able to act regardless of past chain of events defies physical, chemical, and biological laws, which apply to our brains just as much as gravity applies to a bouncing ball.

Other races being inferior would imply that they should receive some degree of fixed government income (or other substantial benefits), because in a sense they would have a racial disability.

Women are redeemable. Even the roasties.

Or that they should be expelled

I'm not sure how popular or unpopular this opinion is on Sup Forums but...

Most poor people are poor because they're dumb or lazy. Of course shit happens. People suffer injury, people are mentally ill, people suffer from addiction, etc... But otherwise people are poor because they aren't able to offer value in the competitive market place due to being intellectual inferior or too lazy to invest in themselves and actually try.


Right-wing parties need to drop religion and focused almost solely on immigration and nationalism. They need to justify it scientifically. Also they need to accept weed.

They fail to understand that it's about winning, and immigration/multiculturalism is clearly the biggest issue to be concerned about. All that other shit doesn't matter if this issue isn't covered.

Right-wingers are way too stubborn though, they fail to see that pushing their christian/anti-drug/anti-abortion message so hard alienates so many potential voters. Plus constantly talking about religion will always get them labeled as anti-intellectual.

I honestly like Tan Cirno.

ISIS is the first 21st century political movement, and a blueprint for things to come.

Technology such as the internet, cheap shipping, langauge standardization and translation, makes globalism inevitable, yet liberalism is spiritually and aesthetically weak. No one is going to die for gay wedding cakes and free dildos. The next great conflict will be pan-ethnic religious extremism occuring in all major nations simultanously, and the people with something worth killing and dying for, will win.

And that will be the end of the enlightenment.

Race mixing with orientals and light skin hispanics is acceptable

Interesting opinion honestly, makes a lot of sense and really makes ya think.

I think ISIS will be gone soon though due to the fact they've lost so much territory in Syria and unless they can get organized and have another march like in 2014, I can't see how they will stay alive

Fuck the environment, we should strip mine and drill this planet to death

Terrorists attacks are false flags and many have crisis actors most are not real.


Fuck this planet. strip this bitch and move on to the next one.

1) abortion is valuable insofar that it gets rid of a lot of minorities who will most likely grow up as a scummy burden

2) there is no god. there is no afterlife

3) israeli jews are muslim-killing machines and must be supported. international jews are the only jewish threat

4) donald trump will go down as the greatest president of all time

if the enemy of my enemy is my friend, and my enemy is islam, then judaism is my friend

Donnie is as bad as all the other politicians. All of them are super statist. Not one of them cares about you. Only refreshing thing about him is that he can't keep his mouth closed.

Doesn't that just produce Filipinos, as most of Spanish invasion force for that campaign were from colonized Mexico?


I think God obviously doesn't exist and I find it fucking surreal that Sup Forums of all places has a sizeable population of vocal Christians and miscellaneous hipster religions.

If we are able to eliminate nepotism and cronyism and all isms for jobs then there are still big racial and cultural disparities then it is because on average some races are better than others and should not be changed

inb4 pol agrees affirmative action is bad

>what if the Jews really are smarter?

We are all indentured servants who are taught to find comfort and security in their chains.

I want to marry a robot women.


If I were you, I'd build bigger tits on that thing. It's a robot, you can manipulate it as you see fit.


I hope you get cancer and die a slow painful death.

>thinking that Jew is a religion and not an ethnic race

Pantera made their best music before Cowboys From Hell

It's not.

While mostly true, the % of poor is heavily reliant on the countries policies or somethin like technology that makes many jobs obsolete.

The best way to solve it is to have generous welfare benefits; however, they must be sterilized to end the problem in that generation.

I'll be sure to get some yous for this (NOT ALL RACES ARE FUCKING INFERIOR ITS CULTURES)

Americans should only have to work five days a week in order to keep a living

genocide of undesirable migrants is preferable to assimilation, deportation and integration

No shit.

Whites are one of the worst races right now and we have a lot to learn from muslims and indians.

>we should abort retarded babies

Skip to 10:44
He seems like a good guy

Every military action taken by the United States is justifiable so long as it benefits it's people.

No exceptions, if the US were to drop sarin gas on every square inch of Canada and give the US citizenry free reign over the formerly Canadian owned resources I'd support it.

Most office jobs have about 20 hours of work a week, the other 20 are made up of chatting, facebooking, or socializing with cooworkers.

Bonus opinion: You must learn to care about some normie activities if you want to keep your job and have a chance at promotion. Fitting in is just as important as the job you do.

terrorist attacks makes me happy as i always imagine the victims are lefitst traitors

JESUS is the only way to salvation and eternal life.

Shotas getting squatted on by their mommies you mean.

everything is good in moderation

Slavery was actually the best thing that happened for the black race. African blacks are still tribal, short-lived, and stupid. Blacks in first world countries get to reap all the benefits of modern life: they are smarter (comparatively) and live longer. I would go so far as to say that most African blacks would be happier as a servant class in the first world than they are in their 3rd world hell holes.
So what I'm saying is that slavery was good for blacks and probably still is...if we're trying to tame them, that is.


You're not wrong. They are currently ripping out all of the Confederate statues in cities all across America. They don't know they're just making room for the statues for the next civil war.

Your retarded if you think isis represents islam cause they already violated a shit tons

Circumcision actually changes the chemistry in the brain because it is so traumatizing. Look it up.

go drink rat poison.

There is nothing wrong with smoking pot.

Anyone who does not believe an Absolute Traditional Catholic Monarchy will not save humanity is a heretic & must/will die when the GREAT REACTION arrives.


What's your theory on have black or octaroons with other half blacks and octaroons?

liberals are right, socialism is a good thing
they are just retards about it

All dogs deserve good homes- doesn't matter where they come from, including pet stores or backyard breeder. Do your part to stop it, sure, but don't punish the dogs. (Trouble with rescuers & ethical breeders)

I also support ethical breeders because everybody should have the dog of their dreams. (Trouble with rescuers)

Rescue dogs are not for everyone. They almost all come with baggage; behavior, health, whatever. (Trouble with EVERYONE in the dog world)

Whatever. They don't pay my bills. They're not my god.

What benefits would those be?

Are you me? How do you feel about nationalized healthcare? I feel as if it's an eventuality that should be embraced by first world nations.

The idea that anyone with a certain last name is automatically in on some kind of global conspiracy. How does that even work?

You know why the Jews aren't actually smarter? Because Hispanics get rolled up into "white" IQ datasets.

I think globalism/world government is the next step for humanity but we are not ready yet.
Some people are pushing it too fast. People need time to adjust to new stuff.
Too many people are using globalism to exploit th weaker people at the moment

i feel like i'd like it a lot better with high risk pools for fat slobs or just get rid of fat slobs somehow and also alcoholics etc

I hope I make him happy. I would have happily given 7 lifetimes to him and the Emperor.

I really am ashamed. We have no general fight for survival it seems. One of our greatest traits - empathy - has been used against us again and again. Erosion of society can be traced back to man giving women the right to vote and not shipping slaves overseas upon their release from slavery.

What if it's done in a hospital with full anesthesia?
I had it done because of phimosis when I was 5.
I don't have any problems.
Also no smegma

That Canadian Research one?
Sorry bro, you have been memed on

The us needs to spend more on defense. Not less. Only way for us to win is to stay way way ahead of every other nation. We need to win space and cyber before there is a war in those areas.

Being an unmarried childless white man is the absolute form of degeneracy

You just have to get rid of fat slobs. How do you do that you might ask? Shame. It's really not that shameful to be a fat slob in America right now. It's considered "average" to have dad-bod. If we go back to shaming fat fucks, and make healthy life choices the only way to get pussy, then you end up with a healthier populace.


Part-black might as well be all black. Pure white women are off-limits.