Just a reminder to everyone new to Sup Forums

This unregulated Lithuanian debate forum is a Christian board.
No blasphemy or false righteousness will be tolerated.

Keep all discussions pertaining to politics or international government affairs.
Slide threads will be pruned.

Another thing to keep in mind.
Half the people here are bots.
Most of the other half are CIA with a few FBI sprinkled in.
Good luck finding actual human interaction.

Other urls found in this thread:

>is a Christian board
christ is cumming
open your mouth

Fuck off, this board worships Kek

Deus Vult.
Happening here in the Philippines.
Keep fapping and sending these pics, you're showing that your a cuck.

you follow a slave religion
pure cuck behavior

>Slave Religion.
My sides.
Good luck saving yourself and your race.
Because it's the East's turn to shine.

This board worships whatever the kek approved international news meme happens to be that week or day or hour.

Good luck having actual discourse on this board.

Especially when it's filled with porn pics, fat pics, degenerate things that would subtly demoralize a common lurker.
Also, fuck you. I'll never change.

You have to go back..
Sup Forums is a Christian board, you too, have to go back. Fedora tipping faggot

acting like a cuck and "turning the other cheek" is literally your belief system
you even believe it's a virtue

Never change.

Lol atheist west eurpe is cucked because of their dna, the religious eastern europe is still alpha as fuck. You have to go back.


>Sup Forums is a Christian board, you too
newfag detected that wasn't even here during /new/
this whole board was founded by libertarians, atheists and natsocs
you really believe a board that posts nigger hate threads, anime porn, gore threads and CP is a christian board?

Fuck off, faggot.

Please, continue.
Show your beta "religion".

But who comes to Sup Forums to start browsing Sup Forums regularly? It took me several years of mentally and morally corrosive Sup Forums lurking to even check out other boards.

I think the #1 issue with this board is the inebtibility to know what the fuck is actually going on and what niggers actually believe in this shithole. And the heavy shitposting along with several of the more commonly used memes (i.e. calling out shills) have just become redundant for me and I don't see where the humour is most of the time.

Still better than reddit. Slightly.

fuck off

Atonement for your sins will be denied if committed within the premises of this board. Burn in hell heathen

Posting shill pics?
I'm in.

>fell for the kike atheist meme.

>i pray to a magical being in the sky to help my sports team win games on the weekend

>falling for the LARP
>if an user posted it then it must be true

>i dont clean my room and haven't venerated my father in ages

> durr hurr guys, atheism roks! Globalist united pplz! Refugees welcum to cum!

Fuck off fedora tipping faggot

100% right on this on this one though, the shill larping/calling out has to stop. It's a cancer upon this board

>inb4 benny fischburn

This christian thread is now having to fend off the faggotry of these heathens. Eliminate all enemies of Christ



>St. Louis Archbishop Didn’t Know Sex With Children Was a Crime

>“I’m not sure whether I knew it was a crime or not,” Carlson responded. “I understand today it’s a crime.”

post pics of your kids, user
>for christ

>American Catholics

your parents mutilated your dick to appease your angry god

oh yesss, remember the Christian values! Yeshua al-Nasareeti is indeed YOUR Messiah. Crusades were meant to wipe off the Muslim rats off the streets, not to make room for the Chosen people! *tosses a shekel to OP's hat*

I think you got your religions confused


Nice falseflag pic, Asian negroe.

I did. I tried opening Sup Forums once before I dived into Sup Forums but I was hit with one long page of shock porn and quickly dipped out and never returned. Still dont quite understand this place.

It's not gay if it's Jesus.

It's time to go back (((user)))