Canada needs to get used to that

>Canada needs to get used to that

No not Saudi Arabia or Syria, but Canada..

Other urls found in this thread: bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

>white Hispanic

>When you warn people about whites randomly shooting people in the streets when a black man is randomly shooting people in the streets.


This is typical for the left, and shows their inclusion is fake. Yeah, they're all for your rights and shit, if you just goosestep neatly in line. Go against the grain, and these people will treat you like the lowest of the low.

Imagine if Hillary won and the Republicans said the same thing. You know what they'd call it? Misogyny. Men trying to own women by telling them what to do and who to vote for. And they'd be right. However, that logic does not change when they are the salty party.

Time and again the left claims to own women's votes, blacks' votes, LGBT votes as if they're fucking property. I've even seen lefties call anyone from a "minority" group who doesn't vote for their communist garbage "traitors", because they genuinely believe that these people owe a debt to leftism for granting them rights.

So how fucking self-serving is leftism? That their idealism isn't actualy, unconditional idealism, but a bargaining chip used to secure votes? Yeah, faggots should TOTALLY vote for the parties that let in people who want to kill them, and never punish them when they try, because years ago lefties treated gays like normal people.

Just fuck the left. There are no redeeming factors to it.


This guy is def retarded

Leftism is a mental disorder


the worst part is that shes tattood

inkniggers are worse than real niggers for me at this point



what are you on about? she doesn't live in saudi arabia dumbass. what do they have to do with this?

>and Muslim

Does anyone actually take people like that seriously? I don't think even leftists do anymore.

Are you stupid? Those countries will behead you for being gay or tattooed... or a woman without a burka for that matter

Canada is turning into Sweden 2.0 bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/


By Allah that thing will have a taste of my shoe!

Now thats how you treat a woman.

How pathetic can you be

do you even know if shareblue is a real thing, like CTR and JIDF had some legitimacy but shareblue just seems like something redditors made up to label shitposters or those who are committing wrongthink

>This is typical for the left, and shows their inclusion is fake
yeah the leftists are the REAL racists!


>le oppressed stereotyped paranoid 'everyone is staring at me' person meme

Literally no one gives a fuck about this woman.


You should know, seems like you work for them

>Shareblue doesn't really exist goy!


user is it you again

surely fucking not

>yfw that dumb bitch probably thought Sikhs were some sect of Islam

What did he mean by this

The lack of self-awareness among the left is amazing.

So when white, working class people say or do racist things, that is because they are irredeemable racists and therefore not worthy of sympathy.

But if an islamic terrorist with ISIS ties kills dozens of white Westerners, he is not a racist, misogynists, or antisemite. No, he is a poor, oppressed darling who saw this as his only recourse because "we are bombing his country". And what is his country? Well, that depends entirely on what's most advantageous to him. If we want to deport him, this is his country. But if we want to talk about responsibility, suddenly his country of origin is his country. And both times it effectively amounts to us not being able to do anything to stop terrorism, because that would be infringing on the rights of poor terrorists.

Christ, I fucking hate the left.



Double haram means double behead. Wtf is she on about? You're supposed to take care of your skin and be clean when praying.

I am not going to explain why being a homo is haram af, and a lot more so than tattoos because that's common knowledge.

She needs to khs.

no of course not user, i dont work for them please ignore me

Fake article.

The woman in the picture is some model in New York



So.. she's not muslim? I'm fine with that

Yeah...I'm gonna need a sauce on that one okay.

I'm actually genuinely upset for him. Fuck these people, in the age of instant information they don't even bother to google even though they were clearly unsure.

Surely not what?

But the tweet they took the photo from literally says he is Sikh
>this sikh cab driver

Why do they need to get used to you
Your family came here jack ass

>I'm a special snowflake and there's nothing you can do abou....
>Hey stop ignoring me!!!

>this is considered white in the usa

Well that's just about the hottest thing I've seen all year


>blacks: glorify crime, violence
>whites: care about weapon safety and have a healthy attitude and respect for their proper use.

Need more Asians to have the same attitude as whites; my parents still tell me stories about relatives or friends who were ruined in the LA riots.

u wet bb?

Low IQ, just low IQ

She thinks she's entitled to Canadian soil and is a "cool hipster maaaan just lyke me bruh". She has little concept of the complexities of her own culture or religion

>white hispanic

This guy in this tweet is insane

Canada needs Islam.

>your own country would throw you off the roof for this blatantly haram conduct
>our country has to get used to you

this bitch needs to be purged.

that headline is so counter productive.

maybe the democratic party isnt run by jews when their marketing is this terrible.

News flash shit-cupcake, we've been used to it since the 90's. I swear I will find the person who wrote the first 'get used to that' tag line and break all their fingers



Top kek


It's not. That guy is a retard

why arent they taking refugees into their mansion then?

Fucking fake ass elitists.

It's sadly real, she's some P/T Canadian

>I spend my time between Montreal and Williamsburg
>Look how special I am being another ho showing off my juvenile tattoos

It looks like an angsty Jian Ghomeshi

That's fantastic news, I look forward to the Black Panthers reincarnated with Hilliqua as supreme leader, jumpsuit and all

Hispanics are not white, "white Hispanics" is a meme and most people outside of Sup Forums know that hispanics are their own separate ethnicity. It was only when I went to Sup Forums did I see the "HISPANICS ARE WHITE" meme for the first time.

That cunt-- sikhs are great


>Refugees welcome
>not my homeland goyim

She knew he was sikh too, it says so write in the original. But that doesn't push the narrative, so she conveniently ignored it

>im queer, tattooed and muslim, saudi arabia needs to get used to that

These dumb cunts should grow a pair and give it a try.

There is no sisterhood!!!!!

That is some bullshit that coastal elites made up. Women are people with varying interests and therefore varying votes.

There are women who are
>Pro life
>pro choice
>pro amnesty
>anti amnesty
>jobs realists
>coal burners
>neo nazis


Tatoo is strictly forbbiden in islam.



Absolutely haram

kek fucking based

is it me or has Canada gone bye bye?

This attention whore should try this shit in her homecountry (Pro-Tip: It's not fucking Canada).


one of these things is not like the other, reminder boys are for recreation


So shes a fake muslim? Nice.

>le nonreligious brown person identifies as Muslim and gay for oppression points




Kinda cute

Have these people no moral compass?
I just don't understand how you can openly lie and steal the credit from one man and give it to another that doesn't deserves it.

There is so many tattooed brown crackheads here, nobody gives a shit.



Virtue signaling is so obnoxious

>we can be tribalist but you can't you white pos


do more of these, how about one for IQ

Bible Black.



The point being that all of those things are a non-issue in Canada, so there's zero point in bringing it up in Canada.
