You guys, if we don't import Hispanics and Asians to lower wages and increase housing prices, the economy will fail!

You guys, if we don't import Hispanics and Asians to lower wages and increase housing prices, the economy will fail!

>We need more hispanics to grow the economy
>Soon, automation will require a smaller workforce

>Liberal uses hispanic as a race
>Sup Forums must use hispanic as a race

Can we stop this word "Hispanic"

these brown fucks are mestizo mexicans

Hispanic isn't a race

Everyone talks about declining population like it's a bad thing, but why is that?

People use Japan as the poster child for this, but they never consider how little space there is in that country. Why would you want a growing population if you're already living in a shoebox to begin with?

A return to the 50's era population with our current level of economic output would be incredible. Imagine how much wealth everyone could have.

because they can use low population as an excuse to increase mass immigration of non whites

besides workers having high wages and high living standards is bad.

>kike economic system requires perpetual growth to feed debt
Need more low IQ subordinate ant people goyium! It's the only way out of this financial jam!

Limousine liberals don't care about multiculti societies, they just want immigration for economic purposes. If they lose that incentive with automation, we'll all go back to having strict controls on immigration.

Low population fucks up the welfare state since the next smaller generation is paying less which means boomers won't get their free money, people will get pissed at the government, and become more right wing since they'll see Marxist bullshit doesn't fucking work

We need lots of new people to come in so they can pay for all the shit the previous generation took out loans for.

They sure have been shilling this shit hard this week. I expect it to increase.

G-d I hate them.


It's funny they basically took the Ponzi scheme and turned it into a fucking economic model. It's so fucking stupid it's painful and people just gobble these turds down.

>still wanting to propogate the white race
>not wanting to see the white race dwindle to nothing so chad and stacies offspring will be enslaved and raped to death
>not looking forward to the revenge of the omegas to be unleashed on chad and stacies offspring by the brown horde

Gas yourself omega faggot.

>Noah Smith
Every fucking time.

It's funny how all the elites are literally crashing the economy and it seems like no one gives a fuck


Tell that to Rhodesia.

Notice how providing financial incentives for white families to have more kids is never even mentioned.

They want to crash Western Civilization. Leftists are so self-loathing that they are suicidal. The problem is they want to take us all with them.

agreed fuck the white race. fuck all these worthless brown invaders too.
fuck humanity and fuck life.

>American Prosperity Depends on a Non-jewish Future


Once the white race commits harakiri by 'Camp of the Saints' the Chinese will have free reign to liquidate Africa and strip mine the continent from coast to coast.

the money lenders need new people to push debt onto and keep inflating the money supply.

your just jealous white boys can look menacing and innocent throughout their lives while browns can only look menacing and repulsive

Don't most of the immigrants coming in just go on welfare? I know that the vast majority of Somalians do because they have a collective IQ of like 70.

>oy vey, goy, hurry up and import more shitskins like there's no tommorow(automation will get rid of the it's good for the economy excuse in a few years)

Japan seems to be doing fine

It's amazing how they push this. I saw some shit about how in Denmark non-white immigrants make up like 12% of the population but use 84% of the welfare. Such a prosperous future that multiculti brings you!

I doubt it's as big with hispanics here because we have oogas and all but it's probably still much higher than it should be.


It's almost like, a wall and a functioning immigration system would be cheaper... especially in the long run.

I don't even care about a wall at this point.

Just beef up ICE and have a zero tolerance policy for illegals.

Are we already past the pont of no return?


>He doesn't know that ultra poor people literally keep the economy afloat...
You make 100$ and buy 10$ worth of general goods (food, gas, clothing, etc). The other 90$ is wither put into savings, or spent of luxury items that only employ specialists to create (video games, paintings, etc)... The easiests way for a government to stimulate the economy is to take some of your 100$ and give it to some poor people. You give them 10$ and they spend it right away on those initial goods (food, gas, etc).

Congrats, the inclusion of parasites into society just increased the amount of money flowing within an economy... It's a shit solution to a stupid problem (productive citizens don't need all the shit they make, but someone has to buy it so that the productive people can keep working).

The ultimate fantasy of these people is having America pay their beloved basic income to citizens of other countries.

>Everyone talks about declining population like it's a bad thing, but why is that?
Because the global economy is literally a Jewish ponzi scheme built on consumption.
It only works if populations keep growing.

I liked this so I made a counter-signal meme out of it.

Critique my meme guyz.

Good work, Miguel.

Holy trips whaddup.

Well, at least Kek liked my meme.

That's Miguel Jose-Pablo Antonio Velazquez Riviera del Castillo Sanchez for you.


Would make more sense if it was a Jew-nosed economist rather than a hipster nu-male. Other than that it's good

Replace "Hispanic" with mestizo

Don't lump spaniards into this

