Greg Gianforte on Retirement

>There’s nothing in the Bible that talks about retirement. And yet it’s been an accepted concept in our culture today. Nowhere does it say, ‘Well, he was a good and faithful servant, so he went to the beach.’ It doesn’t say that anywhere. How old was Noah when he built the ark? 600. He wasn’t like, cashing Social Security checks, he wasn’t hanging out, he was working. So, I think we have an obligation to work. The role we have in work may change over time, but the concept of retirement is not biblical.


Pretty sure Jesus retired after he rose from the dead. I mean, that nigga did nothing after that.

Numbers 8:25
"And from the age of fifty years they shall withdraw from the duty of the service and serve no more."

Greg Gianforte like all those that oppose Absolutist Traditional Catholic Monarchy are heretics.

What do you think is the probability that the guy actually read the Bible?

>he doesn't realize this only applies to Levites

Bloody hell, read the fucking Bible sometime.

Then do you agree that retirement is a sin?

It's not a sin, but it's certainly unusual in human history.

Yes goyim get back to work, dont retire.

Mostly because people tended to die fairly young; the age of retirement was actually initially set to age 65 because nobody actually lived that long and stuck when life expectancy increased. The elderly have traditionally been taken care of their family when they got old and decrepit, but I guess there was no official 'retirement' prior to industrialization because there were few institutional job roles.

Deus Gevalt!

I agree, retirement is for the weak. No matter where you are or the culture you live in, you should be working toward something until your dying breath.

Come now, God wants you to work your shitty labor job until you die because Noah didn't go to the beach. Would you betray God like that?

>the age of retirement was actually initially set to age 65 because nobody actually lived that long
Fake and gay. Humans have had roughly the same life expectancy as long as they have existed. It's living beyond one's teens and twenties which has greatly improved over time.

Most people over 70 are totally useless at their jobs anyway. Most of them can barely even drive a car for fuck sakes.

There are many other things to work for that don't page a wage, user. And let's be real here- the vast majority of the people here aren't making a living doing something meaningful, invaluable, or even skilled. Spending time with loved ones or volunteering in the community is going to be more productive than pushing papers or taking orders.

>Fake and gay.
You're right- the initial age of retirement was 70, though 65 was still set at a time when the life expectancy was seven years lower for men. Do you seriously think that lives haven't been extended with the major advances in medical care, discovery of penicillin, and huge reduction in workplace hazards/improvement of working conditions?

Do shit for your family then

learn to knit

tell stories

fuck, be useful

No one's telling you to go work in an iron mill

>No one's telling you to go work in an iron mill

Our future Montana congressman is. :^)

>Noah built the ark at age 600
>retirement should be abolished
flawless logic

How does it make you feel that this man is probably going to have a piece of the nation's fate in his hands?

That's for priests, faggot. That's when the Levites were allowed to own property again.

No. Because human beings need to continually create or destroy to be mentally healthy.

It's pretty recent in American history that men work for other men.

He's saying there were plenty of old people but the average was skewed by tons of people dying at 8 years old. It wasn't some grave problem to get typhus and die with 6 million other people. Shit was just normal back then.

There is literally no reason for a perfectly healthy 65 year old man to stop working, especially considering a majority of jobs aren't physically intensive.

I'm not talking about policy because I think getting rid of SS only hurts men and the working middle class but morally, what kind of man retires when he could be consulting in his field, teaching/mentoring or investing back into family.

I would have no problem providing for my elderly (68 yo) father if he did something besides sitting on his ass watching television all day. Frustrating as all hell.

That's exactly what retirement is for.

The statistics were heavily skewed by child mortality, but even after factoring that out, the improvements to medical care and public/workplace safety has had a major contribution on life expectancy. As such, there were elders, but people tended to drop off earlier for some reason or other that would be preventable/treatable today. You'd be hard-pressed to find a 70-80yo that hasn't undergone life-saving medical treatment or preventative care that wasn't available until quite recently. Plus antibiotics.

So you think that people who've slaved away for most of their lives in primarily taxing and meaningless jobs should spend the rest of their lives in these taxing and meaningless jobs rather than spending time with their families or on pursuits they've always dreamed of doing?

>what kind of man retires when he could be consulting in his field, teaching/mentoring

Most people don't work jobs where this is useful or feasible.

>investing back into family.

Healthy families with healthy relationships want to spend as much time as possible with their aging loved ones, not watch them work themselves away. Not to mention that any income the average person would make in late age would go towards medical and residential care. What the hell are you smoking? Were your parents so shitty that you'd rather see them wither away at a menial job into their 80's than relax and pursue their dreams while you spend their remaining time with them? Or are you just an edgy teen or autist? Genuinely can't imagine somebody with meaningful family connections and no mental handicap holding this belief.

This is patently untrue, given slavery and indentured servitude. Not to mention the long history of feudalism that European nations have.

Don't know about you, but the majority of retirees in my area spend nearly half of the year traveling or on vacation.

Like, fuck, if you can go climb Kili, you should not be expecting Gibs. Boomers are fucking cancer.

>Nigger alert.

There is literally nothing wrong with slavery.

Out of curiosity, how old are you and what do you do for a living? You can be honest. :)

I'm 22, a single teacher with two retired parents living off of/with me.

They collect about $400 each and go vacationing on savings. Literally the only reason I'm doing it is because they sold their house to be able to travel and told me they'd be using my guest room "in between trips." Which is like 2 weeks out of every month.

Can we be real?

This is what hobbies are for. Learn to do something fun that can make money in your spare time and by the time you are 65, if you've been financially responsible - (i.e. No mortgage, low cost of living) your hobby can more than likely pay your way.

My grandmother retired early from a job at a potato processing plant because she couldn't hack it physically. She opened this bookstore coffee shop and makes enough to pay the mortgage and expenses and basically sits around reading, drinking coffee and chatting all day.

Boomer "retirement" is self-centered, consumer-based narcissism.

No millennial I know expects to have a safety net at that age.

Ahahahahahaha, so you work a job where you basically get a paycheck to show up and are applying your experiences to people who actually have to work hard for a living? Cool.

>They collect about $400 each and go vacationing on savings. Literally the only reason I'm doing it is because they sold their house to be able to travel and told me they'd be using my guest room "in between trips." Which is like 2 weeks out of every month.

So what you're saying is that your parents worked hard and saved up their money so that they could enjoy their lives for once.

Retirement is an abomination
for the levites.

Enjoy slaving away until you're old and decrepit and your handlers (probably your old boss' wife's son at this point because everyone your age or older is dead or enjoying the fruits of their labor with their spouse and/or family) keeps you around out of pity. If you're lucky enough. Most businesses that pay over min wage look for reasons to get rid of anyone older than 60 and certainly don't hire them. Even younger if you're skilled enough to work the tech field. Can't imagine being so cucked that you'd continue working a shitty job under some 30yo manager into your old age instead of saving up and pursuing your own interests surrounded by your family.

Um, no. I work where I can invest in the future with two parents living in the house that I OWN because it's more fun and convenient than being a goddamn adult. Requiring your barely adult daughter to take care of you is fucking ridiculous and quite a few like me are in similar positions because Boomers take advantage of whomever they can.

Like, I love them because they are my parents and I'm not actually a shit IRL, but I would rather die than be completely helpless by choice at the end of my life.

>Um, no. I work where I can invest in the future

Let's be real here- if you're edgeposting on Sup Forums then you work in some shitty podunk southern town where you wouldn't make a difference even if you tried (which I'm sure you don't).

>with two parents living in the house that I OWN because it's more fun and convenient than being a goddamn adult

Then tell them not to live there...if they're taking advantage of you to travel then it sounds like a personal problem, not a problem with the concept of retirement. It sounds like you're projecting your frustrations with your parents on retirement at large. Good on you for taking care of your parents, but you do sound resentful and you have absolutely no obligation to do so, especially given that you're so young.

>I would rather die than be completely helpless by choice at the end of my life.

Plenty of older adults are independent of their family members because they saved up the earnings they accumulated over decades or live in a mite-infested hovel on govt income. All of my older family members live with little help from their families. One died on his farm after spending his life digging ditches and serving as a paratrooper in WWII. Retirement allowed him to spend full time doing the meaningful work he loved. Being parasitic and/or doing nothing of note in retirement is often a choice that many people make, but that doesn't invalidate retirement as a concept, and it's up to family members to stop enabling parasites.

I've been here since before Sup Forums and likely before you Senpei.

And no. It's fundamentally degenerate to spend the end of your life doing entirely selfish shit. And no, not a Southerner - this is a Cali/PNW problem where Boomers retire literally as early as possible and so save up (to the nickle) what they think they'll need and someone else will handle it if it ends up being not enough.

But literally, what else can you expect from the generation that invented second wave feminism and the wage gap.

FYI, a majority of the conservative millennial females I know in CA/OR/WA are in my exact situation and totally overwhelmed to be providing for one or more NEETs. Liberal chicks can jump on the carousel as an excuse to not deal with things like honor and loyalty.

Tl;dr Boomers need to be purged.

What is going to happen to retirement and social security when people are living hundreds of years?

WWII vets and peers are different. They generally contribute - my grandfather made furniture and remodeled houses after he retired. He couldn't just sit on his ass and demand eggs four times a day because he had work ethic. Boomers, as a whole, have no idea what work ethic is - at least not in Cali.

Gas the nogs and reappropriate welfare.

>"barely adult daughter"

>"i have a vagina btw"

t. every girl on the internet

just put your pussy to work and get someone to pay for you. have some kids, learn to cook, sooner than later. second wave feminism ruined women so quit doing an impression of a man and "teaching" while calling it a "job". assuming youre white have some kids before its too late. fulfill your bilogical purpose for a man, that actually knows what its like to work hard.

woman "works" like a man when shes in her biological prime, cant figure out why she isnt happy. (((some people))) would love it if you kept wondering forever.

Half of my boomer grandparents definitely deserved their retirement as well. They worked hard, saved up, and are now enjoying the fruits of their labor.

t. incel

Sorry, but modern amenities and K-12 make being a 'housewife' obsolete for any woman who isn't a parasite and any ''''man'''''''' who isn't an anemic beta or '''''traditionalist'''''''' willing to get scammed in pursuit of their shitty ideology. Enjoy your lazy-ass pintrest-dweller if you somehow manage to pick up some scraps, though.