Is it even possible
How do we stop women from being whores?
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let the whores be whores and find a homely QT with a cool dad
Be a good parent
Fucking what?
This. have a good balance between attention and being strict. Be a good example
Its in their nature and suits their biology to be whores.
It can only be stopped if men keep them in line, but that fight was lost long ago
>just look for that needle in that haystack
White Sharia
Yeah women are whores by nature, unless there are social pressures to stop them.
Not really knocking women. People in general will just do what feels good, make terrible life choices and have no standards if standards are not enforced on them.
if the girl has hobbies who cares. if she doesnt that she is useless
it is literally not possible unless it's your daughter
any random woman you meet as a adult is a straight-up whore with whore tendencies and you have to decide if it's worth it to invest in transforming her
Social Media and the Internet is the worst thing to happen to women. I could not imagine having a daughter in today's world with tinder, Instagram and snapchat being a thing.
They are no whores if there is no client
Stay at home daughters
nope, not possible
anna is fucking ugly
if you have to waste any time questioning their virginity then dont even bother
>How do we stop women from being whores?
Marry them, have children, be a father and raise a family you fucking degenerate. That is how.
who cares
The amount of semen and sheer force of a cumshot from genitalia that large would likely knock her out
>it's chads like me that turn them into whores...sorry beta's.
fucking dicklets itt
"All women are whores."
The lonely cry of the unfucked.
That picture kek.
The chick i'm pumping says she doesn't want me to fuck her in the ass because my dick is too big when its only 6 inches.
>How do we stop women from being whores?
Promote the ideal of a nuclear family and allow children to marry younger. Families should support one another.
Adulterous behavior should be shamed and whores should be despised and also pitied.
this is the problem. if a woman only cares about penis size she is probably going to enjoy a life with a temporary 9 inch cock that is shared, and a lot of kids she will have to raise on her own, and will grow to be lonely and old.
When a relationship was more than just masterbatory, families thrived and society prospered. Men are guilty as well. This is the big subversion media has created. It changed the meaning of sex from a vital act to create a family into masterbation with someone else...this was the catalyst of the downfall of western civilization seen today.
how new are you?
you have to stretch the anus first through foreplay
hows the girth? 5.5x5.5 checking in
punish them for whorism
tell whores they're disgusting ruined degenerates
don't date or marry whores
don't use actual whores
t. faggot
Whores are great!!!
t. dicklet
She says that because its easier to get you to swallow than she doesn't want to have sex except to reward you for servile cattle behavior. Have fun being used.
vaginas come in all shapes sizes too
some women just can't handle the big dick
all women can handle a big dick
but dicklets don't want girls to know that all it takes is stretching through foreplay.
Women like cock. What are we supposed to do about it? Castrate their vaginas?
It is not possible. *ALL* women are born whores. Ever single last one of them. It's part of their DNA.
God this website is such a cesspool crawling with mental illness.
who the fuck has time for foreplay
just ram that shit in and slap her on the face after you bust a nut
It's too late. Media and society have basically boiled it down to the point where it's impossible for women to achieve anything without selling themselves out one way or another.
It's also a bit of a grey area as well. Purity with women is mostly a religious thing. Yet religion is attacked by the opposite side of the spectrum, where on that side of the spectrum, they seek to destroy the common social view of the "perfect body, perfect you" dogma that is plastered everywhere from TV to magazines to commercials to even pornography. The question is rather "Can we stop women from being whores without causing moral panic?"
my gf cant handle my dick... no lie she cries and is in terrible pain
Take away their rights.
crying because she misses tyrone's 9 inch bbc
do you're girlfriend a favor and learn how to properly stretch her through foreplay and sex toys before fucking
Easy, ban feminism, in all forms. Its the primary reason theyve all become whores the last decade, and act proud about it.
Increasing the popularity of the that meme.
Are you retarded? I don't want to just fuck. I've had that. It's not who I am. I want a relationship with one woman who I can hopefully spend my life with and have children. Most Women don't want serious relationships until AFTER they're used up.
wrong. most women want a relationship to enjoy the fruit of your labour while she does nothing at home and then takes half your shit in a divorce bc she misses Jamal's cock
>if you have to waste any time questioning their virginity then dont even bother
Exactly this
you don't. just get them pregnant and then be a good dad
remove all forms of welfare and marriage laws
let women have their own luck without daddy state taking care of their needs
they will need to compete and submit to males to have a decent quality of living
>Is it even possible
Yes. Submit to Islam.
>Purity with women is mostly a religious thing.
virginity means that a woman is better at pair bonding.
Sharia law is the only answer.
This coming from someone who hates muzzies.
An actual patriarchy is needed.
Get rid of the subversive media that poisons their impressionable juvenile minds.
I disagree. You'll find that plenty of sluts go to church (only when it's convenient) to confess their sins, attempting to create a public facade that morally, they are pure. They aren't fully devout to the faith (piousness), but it still involves religion in the end. I've personally met non-religious and "religious" women that were all slutty cunts. Hell, I went to a catholic school and pretty much every bitch in there were all whores.
it's not guaranteed
it's only a higher chance
virginity means a higher chance of having a faithful female partner
as soon as men stop being whoremongers and enabling them
user it is unquestionably a uphill battle.
The only answers I have are somewhat difficult.
1. You become the best you can be. A true Alpha. Be a real trailblazer. Bring a hottie into your world.
2. Move somewhere conservative. Marry someone not very concerned with their looks- not fancy clothes or make up. A farmers daughter still down to earth that goes to church.
that is really the best shot in my onion. Holding out for number 1. for one more year. It's not easy.
don't worry OP you're already doing your part by remaining a virgin.
keep it up!
I feel dumb for never thinking this way
This is easily one of the most viscerally disgusting images I've seen on the net.
I dunno man I think it depends on the girl. Some can handle big dicks naturally but most need to get broken in before they can. I just assume if a girl can take a big dick with no issue they've probably been around too much and now they're stuck in a cock cycle.
As soon as men stop being whore mongers and man-sluts and be superior and celibate.
A girl who can take a big dick just means she's experienced and knows how to properly get ready for the big dick.
strayan women are straight up dumpsters
I once faced an unquestionably uphill battle
it is a long story but to sum it up, I got summoned to lead a imperial japanese army against the last of the samurai population. In the first clash we were severely beaten and I was taken captive by the victorious samurai. Eventually I became one of their own and ultimately almost died fighting against the imperials at their side. We had swords, they had machine guns. We didn't stand a chance and all the samurai perished. I lived on to racemix with a woman from our conquered village.
All these hypocritical threads by whiney redneckbeard manchildren blaming
>muh degenerate wimmin
for being sl00tz posted by blokes shitposting on an anonymous Kampchatkahn Finger Boarding imageboard while they wank to loli hentai....
At least they're not fucking anyone so therefore keeping themselves out of the genepool I guess.
Beat them back into submission
>tfw 8.3 inch dick
I didn't know we measured from the penis bone, I've been telling women it's 7.5 for the longest time, this is fantastic.
What did she mean by this?
if scientists some how managed to measure the world average penis size as 5.17 inches using the pubic bone method, then it's all alright that you do it too.
sharia law
beat some discipline in to them
lol, check this guy out. He's got a square dick.
Better question: why would a fucking commie shill who espouses equality for women be posting topics like this?
His name was Seth Rich, and Barack and Secretary Clinton are both accessories to his murder.
As far as I know Islam is the only thing that works. The only women I heard about that don't sleep with everyone all the time is muslims.
Domestic discipline.
HAhaha this bitch looks exactly like my ex and this is exactly the kind of thing she would do, but she has a side tattoo
stop indulging them and being whores yourself. there's a lot of women that hate me cause I wouldn't fuck em, but they changed their shit afterward. lol most of them settled down and got married. I'm like the nonphysical good luck chuck lmao.
Beat them to death whenever they start complaining about stupid shit.
>tfw square too at 6.5 7x6.5 on a real good one.
>boo hoo women won't let put my peepee in her special place, why are them so mean?! all of them are whores for not letting me fuck them
By killing all popular modern musicians and figures in live-action media
That is all.
miley maybe wasn't the best choice. I don't think anyone wants to put their dick in that here.
That's where you're wrong mate.
Females completely obsess over their image, and only become whores when allowed to by males. The female problem is just spill over from the male problem.
She is a conservative pure waifu now.
Hahahaha hahahaha
Vestal virgins rool!
I'm a spotty bottomed virgin with greasy hair and a twitch because I want to be.
My hair palms and thick glasses are a sign of maturity.
this guys right, if you date a super hot chick shes constantly being hit on and its not worth the trouble, trust me... finding a girl you can just hang out with everyday is sooo much more worthwhile then dealing with hot sluts. and you can still bang sluts on the side but when you find the right one you wont want to cheat on her. ---24 yr old user
They're acting like any normal human is acting. More than 3/4ths of my male friends bang different chicks either weekly or monthly. The rest wish they could/had the ability to. Chicks are no different than we are. Just comes down to finding a chick who wouldn't cuck you. A double standard indeed. You imply males are not whores, but that isn't possible when the majority are. You can't fix humans.
she realized that her old image was pure fucking cancer
>lots of shitty tatts and showing off her pussy on stage
>twerking on candy painted cars on "dubs"
>dude weed, xtc coke LMAO
it's smart what she did, with a little bit of time she might become popular again.
the fuck she is.
>hair palms
4' 11"
Hairy palms
You know
From wanking so much
Wank wank wank wank wank wank wank
Strong right arm