Does anyone like Russians

Does anyone like Russians

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No duh

Trump seems to like the taste of their leader's cock, in fact he likes it so much he let's his mouth be used for sitting in in place.


They are always shifty folks. Iv liked a few of them, but most are wanabe niggers/gangsters. But the good ones are ok, nothing special.

Watching the MSM lose their fucking minds over Putin sure helps.

Seth Rich.


>Old calenderists


Heretics but they're okay I guess.

If you are a Democrat, you LOVE RUSSIANS.

It's all that you think!

They are okay, not a super power anymore but a regional power in Eurasia. Once Finland and Sweden join NATO they will be powerless to the west.

They're good people, just need Jesus in their heart

I generally do. They can come across as cold but once you befriend a Russian, they are your friend for life.

I think they see any overt displays of emotion as disingenuous.

I love Russia since my family is from there. I have a Russian flag on my wall

This site is good for US-Russians



They tend to be pretty funny posters on here but I'll never forgive them for their warcrimes in ww2 and for the communism they planted into America during the Cold War

France has nukes tho


I do, they're entertaining, and they understand the struggle.

Alexey makeev is


They do make lovely places to plant lead farms.

Yes, but then I'm 50% Russian.


Bomb Moscow and blame it on the North Koreans.


You have to go back, Igor.


try again.


One of my best friends was Moldovan, he was alright

I have never met a Russian that i would not trust with my life.

>I have never met a Russian.


Leave your lakehouse in Joensuu, go back to St. Petersburg and never come back to Suomi.

твoю мaть.

Why are you even posting the Russian ones? No one can read that shit you fag.

Post more ones that are in American.

Tell me why I should, sell me on it.

>found the uneducated middle american retard who has never read a book voluntarily
im genuinely curious why anyone in america would dislike russians for any reason other than that they dont live near/know any or that they got cucked by one.

i like to russ b

like? i love.


>want to prove you are superior to western capitalist pig
>steal something they invented and make it worse

A summary of Russian history.

Of course.

I am a white canadian of English descent and I support Russia and President Putin 100%.

I can't believe people don't support Russia.


I'm genuinely curious why you're so quick to insult middle America.

You sound like an insufferable faggot desu.



Umm, Sweetie, how about half a century of torture and occupation of Latvia, Estonia and Hungary?

What is this artist even thinking lol. Post more tho

America and Russia should be best friends, theres a reason why at the darkest times of the world they were allies (WWI and WWII). They would rule the world if they werent so greedy and backstabby with each other,just divide it up into spheres of influence. deep down both are forces for good if they were to follow their core values and work together


As they definitely have access to the internet and presumably mostly live in first world areas with well enough paying jobs for comfortable living they probably aren't much different from other caucasians and as such I'm indifferent. Then again you hear a lot about them using drugs that kill them in three days and living squalor, any comrades want to chime in to my post?

I know what you mean. I'm a British citizen and I don't understand that animosity against Russians in the media. Russia is our #1 ally, and has been since WW2.



Russians are creepy depressed alcoholic snake-people who beat their wives and eat frozen beet soup and never win wars.

I only support them because it pisses off our liberals.



I love russian women, that's for sure.

They're okay, I guess.

I hate communism. Russia was the epitome of communism. These days i just see russia's government as a very sly and subversive entity that is looking out for their own interests above all else...for which i cant hold anything against them for that, and am jealous sort of of that. Russia makes nothing worth buying, produces nothing of interest in general other than dash cam videos of awesome wrecks. Id have sex with a russian chick if i wasn't so sure all of them have aids and do hard drugs. Also i think their massive land mass is the most depressing and miserable lot of land on the planet, with anything of interest being too fucking cold or full of mosquitos to really enjoy if you could even get the time off to get out in the middle of fucking no where...and the middle of no where russia is peak middle of no where. I see them unfortunately as the future of european culture, maybe theyll start progressing humanity at some point but honestly i feel the poles are on the rise and thats a bad thing since russia cant stand anyone of importance to border them without war....which i get sort of...Russia...not a team player on the civilization metagame...their biggest downside. Just my thoughts.

What is this garbage


because ive been there and it's full of people in monster branded clothing who dont know anything other than consumerism.
it's just a monotonous strip mall wasteland with absolutely no culture.


>I love russian women


well first off russia is cucked as fuck with its huge muslim population and it will only get worse.
russians are arrogant, worthless, fetal-alcohol syndrome stricken white trash who have the audacity to dictate to ukrainians how to live their lives, ignoring the fact that they don't even have their shit together in the first place.
they talk mad shit on america and the west, but at the same time they rip off everything from the west. they want to be like the west so bad. and russian humor is horrendously lame
fuck em.
and fuck ukrainians too

That's funny man. The coasts are just shitskin colonies with white outposts every so often. But I guess they have a better fashion sense so it's better there.






and when i say people, i mean this
they are on par with russian bydlo
exactly on par.

мopгaлa выкoлю, пaдлa.

You're the most aggravating poster; the Russian with a Finnish house.

If I ever find your location, I am going to use jokamiehenoikeus and shit all over your fucking until you fuck off back to Russia. I will then burn your Finnish house down.


I don't mind them. Getting on better terms with them helps the world.

I am tired of hearing about the whole Russian Boogeyman

I made friends with a Russian during study abroad. We drank every night, toasting to our future sons. Even taught me to play Durak. I have nothing but admiration for my Russian bros. only the Jews put us against one another.

Serbshits love them to the point where they can't stop drinking their semen. It's very sad, really.


You could at least translate these you fag.

>the coasts
wow, you seem really worldly.
you dont even know your own country.


10x better looking than a niggress


Yeah every russian i've ever met is pretty cool

its pathetic

Yeah the east and west coast. I've been to 48 states actually. Haven't had a chance to go to Alaska or Hawaii yet. I'm not even joking when you're on the coasts it's majority shitskin and the white people almost look like tourists.

And every Russian I've met (and there are plenty of them where I live) is a drunken lout and deserve to be shot.

kys nigger


And they love #Pizza too.

I had a shit job working in a factory while i was in undergrad. There were a few russian immigrants there that were breddy cool.

I do.
Putin is the best leader in the world and is the most based, yet everyone on here still worships trump.
When he is just a puppet for the jews.

Fuck you, I'm more white than you are.

t. Whitest genes in Europe.

Needs better countryball.

As an American, I have been programmed to distrust them since birth, but I like them. They have an awful government that holds them back, a terrible alcohol problem and a mafia that has run amuck, but if they can get control of those issues, they would flourish for sure. Smart and dedicated.

Where do you live where there are so many inebriated russians?

That too, but considering we're talking about serbia here, pathetic is something to be expected.

if you had, you wouldnt say such over-generalized nonsense.
what happened, user?