Redpill me on sugar, is it really a tool used to control the masses?
Redpill me on sugar, is it really a tool used to control the masses?
>is it really a tool used to control the masses?
for companies who's products are sugar heavy, yes
sugar is legal cocain as far as I'm concerned
it sounds like you already know the answer
h-how do I stop it from controlling me? I'm quickly approaching skinnyfat mode but goddamn that shits in everything.
how does it control the masses?
Grow some balls and don't eat it then you fucking manlet.
learn to cook your own goddamn food
sugar is what is killing us
But I'm at college and broke
If you're under control by someone else then that means you lack some of it.
Fat people are not fully in control of their bodies since they can't control their bowels or move like they wish.
Americans consume 126.4 grams of sugar daily, which is more than anywhere else.
Americans are the fattest.
That means sugar is used to control people.
N-no way goy sugar is SO important you'd die without it!
Just to add. Americans also shit their pants.
At the Wal-Mart.
This. Try learning a few things in the kitchen, douche. Grow a garden, raise your own food, and learn to sustain yourself. People are fucking dumb and don't know how to fend for themselves if it doesn't come off a store shelf anymore.
Switch to honey if you want a sweetener.
>Good Goy eat the granulated Jew.
Any time I go on a very low carb diet my anxiety, depression, and paranoid thoughts go away! It's so difficult to stick with a low carb diet in America though because everything has sugar. Once you eat something sugary you want more and more of it so it's easy to slip. My brother is always anxious and depressed and he only eats junk food, I think that has a lot to do with it.
This website start to make paranoid
>learn to cook your own food
Unless you're a retard who can't cook you still need to add sugar in certain foods for flavour
Low carb diets are easy you get to eat lots of nuts and fish it's affects on mental ailments are imperceptible.
That's true but you can use spices other than sugar to flavor your food. You don't need to use sugar on veggies and only some meat maranaides call for sugar.
Refined sugars are addictive poison.
Am reading a book called "Fat for Fuel" that explains better than I can about the technicalities BUT basically sugar makes it very difficult to lose weight, lowers your iq, lowers your energy and is the major cause of degenerative diseases including cancer and diabetes. Fat, dumb, slow and sickly! Not just sugar from soda and candy either, fruits and natural sugars have the same effect. Carbs turn into sugars and too much protein will be converted via your liver into sugar as well.
In case anyone's interested, the book is about replacing sugar and carbs with fat. I'm on day 1 of this high fat low carb diet, wish me luck
theres no reason you can't eat sugar unless your body has some issue with it
the fad is always to say
first it was saturated fat, then it was gluten, then it was grains, now its sugar
This is the very first book that let me down the redpill path; to search for truth and evidence
Well they are easy to prepare but what's difficult is developing the palate for it and suppressing sugar cravings. Having a diet high in sugar makes everything else taste bland, it takes awhile for things to taste good without it. I grew up eating veggies and fish but my brother did not so he has an even more difficult time eating healthy because he grew up eating microwave meals and chips.
Whole 30 is basically the correct answer for most dieting questions. "It Starts With Food" will go down as one of the most important and influential books of our time, bet on it.
gary taubes is the biggest fucking fraud dude
>exercise doesn't help you lose weight
what a joke
Making your own food is WAY cheaper than the meal plan scam bullshit. Just buy those really cheap tough cuts of meat like pork shoulder, throw it in the crock pot with some onions, garlic, some salt, and like a jar of salsa or something, and turn it on and it'll cook itself. Buy some instant rice or buns for carbs (though any source of carbs just get broken down into sugar inside your body anyways but at least you can control the amount if you cook your own shit). Look up videos on crockpot recipes, but you literally throw in anything you want but basically it's just a device to make you stews for zero effort.
except whats the point of having mexicans here if i cant have them cook me food
literally the one thing they can contribute but noooo
Also when I was in my dorm, they had a common kitchen on the lobby floor, idk if it's the same for yours (if you're in a dorm) but you can use that if you have one.
buy microwave containers on amazon, make 7-10 meals for yourself at a time with rice potatoes and veggies or whatever is cheap
t. libcuck pretending to be edgy alt righter
no just someone who hates doing dishes
fags who can't control their sugar intake because they're to busy cramming their face with cookies all day need to die from diabetes
He's not completely wrong. His argument that exercising increases hunger and may cause you to eat more is valid. The calories lost on a standard moderate intensity program are easily added back.
Don't discredit the entire book on one chapter
Follow the teachings of based Prof Noaks.
This a million times. You Millennials who can't cook sicken me, and it's a lot of you. It satiates a primitive need. It will add depth to your life. Trust me, I'm old.
I'm gen Z m8
Also cooking is hard and takes a lot of time out of studying.
It's not once you understand 4 simple principles: SALT, FAT, ACID, HEAT. Go get the book. You'll be able to walk into anyone's pantry or cupboards and whip up amazing food.
A lot of crock pot meals take like 15 minutes to prepare you lazy nigger.
whether or not a person gets hungry and how hungry when exercising depends on the person and also the exercise being done. the point is you fill that hunger with low calorie foods (like carrots or celery) and have a net calorie loss which has been done by literally millions of people
also, there is the fact he is wishy washy on why grains, sugars and starches supposedly make us fat. he, and other low carb people, say that carbs spike insulin and cause fat storage ..... but regardless of the fact they raise insulin if you burn more calories than you eat you wont get fat period. and if you eat more calories of fat than you burn you will create fat. REGARDLESS OF WHAT YOUR INSULIN LEVELS ARE
so then low carb people default to "well eating lots of carbs makes you hungry all the time and not want to exercise" but this again, will be true for some and not true for others. IT IS NOT SOMETHING YOU CAN PROPOSE AS A GENERAL RULE BECAUSE IT IS NOT. you can read thousands upon thousands of accounts of people saying both high carb and low carb diets work or dont work for them because of how much humans vary
Is it really control if you give the people what they want? It's lack of self-control that's the problem.
This. Get whatever meat/veg/fruits are cheap, divide it up for the week, then take as you need.
Yes. Eat Paleo. Lift weights.Do crossfit. Good prep for the inevitable civil war to come.
Just go paleo, OP. The typical stereotype that people who eat paleo are a bunch of juiced up healthfags/athletes has some merit to it. I don't follow it strictly, and if I want a fucking piece of cake I'm going to eat some damn cake. But that's like... once a week at the most. Nuts, seeds, fruits, vegetables, meat. Eat how our bodies were designed to eat and you'll be golden.
hi andrew anglin
I could really go for some sugar right now. Aren't you hungry for a nice sugary snack or treat friends? Lets all treat ourselves to some nice sweet sugar :)
i want chocolate
Ah yes, the calories in = calories out argument, which fails to account for how individual macronutrients are processed by the body.
Fuck you. Now is not the time for a spinoff of the sleepy meme.
>if I want a fucking piece of cake I'm going to eat some damn cake
I'm going to find a way to say this to my wife tonight.
Other than bullshit deserts, name me 10 foods that you add sugar to in the recipe without googling it.
> he's such a cuck he has to ask his wife to eat fucking cake!
Your wife deserves to get BLACKED but the thing is she probably has and is right now as I type this
you deserve a nice bar of chocolate, wouldnt a soft and rich chocolate bar be perfect right now?
seriously tho, when was the last nice time you had some nice candy?
>for flavour
Jocks really should have their own flag.
no you dingus. the only argument you can make against calories in calories out is that some things take more calories to process than others, which is certainly true. a very fiberous food for example will burn more calories to process than soda pop. but that is still calories in calories out
my question to you: if it is not calories in vs calories out, what does your body do with the extra energy from the calories in if it doesn't burn them off? blow them out your ear?
You don't understand the nuance of my post, ya FUCKING VIRGIN.
>Redpill me on sugar, is it really a tool used to control the masses?
No, it's just not good for you.. and American's are fat as fuck because of it.
That's because there is no fat industry. There is a sugar industry, though. Just look at European skeletons before sugar was introduced.
As for gluten, that's just dickheads wanting to be different and not understanding Celiac disease.
>>exercise doesn't help you lose weight
It does, but not as much as you think. If you plan on using only exercise to lose weight, you'll only get massively frustrated. You'll feel better, but still fat.
>but regardless of the fact they raise insulin if you burn more calories than you eat you wont get fat period. and if you eat more calories of fat than you burn you will create fat. REGARDLESS OF WHAT YOUR INSULIN LEVELS ARE
Insulin spiking creates cravings and feelings of lethargy, not that it violates the laws of thermodynamics.
>so then low carb people default to "well eating lots of carbs makes you hungry all the time and not want to exercise" but this again, will be true for some and not true for others.
Anyone arguing that would be retarded. Wanting to exercise isn't going to be impacted by carb intake unless you're literally eating to the point of sickness all the time.
>you can read thousands upon thousands of accounts of people saying both high carb and low carb diets work or dont work for them because of how much humans vary
Diets "work," largely based on the relative adoption by the subject and the diet's adherence to the logic of cal in = cal out. It's kind of obvious that any (reasonable nutrient-wise) kind of diet can "work," but I don't think it's debatable to say the carb/insulin/apetite response relationship chain is bunk based on that. In-fact it seems like a giant non sequitur.
Despite the fact that no-carb is meme-tier and full of junk science, it's still the case that minimizing carb intake does allow most people to better regulate their appetite by reducing the number of insulin spikes they experience.
Combined with intermittent fasting, low-carb is by far the best way for those of average willpower to suppress over-eating impulses. The high-impulse crowd is hopeless regardless and the low-impulse crowd can calorie count anything and do just fine.
Vegetables, meat, olive oil, coconut oil. Some fruit if you want sweet stuff (get a grapefruit spoon), mix frozen berries with plain homemade yogurt and some raw honey.
Get on probiotics (make your own kefir, its easy); and your gut bacteria will change to contain less early GI tract bacteria that spams your brain with cravings for sugar and carbs. Then olive oil on a bacon and spinach and blueberry salad will be more satisfying then a sugar crap product.
>what does your body do with the extra energy from the calories in if it doesn't burn them off?
It goes back in time to affect muh genetix.
>there is no fat industry
its called the animal products industry and they wage war against their competitors just like their competitors do against them
>need to add sugar in certain foods for flavour
Its called coconut oil, olive oil, or bacon. Adapt your body and healthy fats are more satisfying and filling.
What was the difference in skeletons?
b-but i cant cook, it take too long..
guess ill have to stick to spaghetti'os
basically a hard drug as strong as cocaine, but your body has developed a resistance to since childbirth. You have no idea how potent it is.
My woman respects me enough to let me do what I damn well please. Just eat the cake, user. Do what you want. She'll probably get turned on by your confidence.
Intermittent fasting and keto is the true redpill
I had to live off of $25 for two weeks and I wasn't eating sugar-loaded shit all day? What the fuck is wrong with you?
You could say the same about literally all food. Most people who post here would never have experienced what "true hunger" means.
Unless, of course, you have the whole day to exercise, not work in a sitting job.
They don't sell just lard for meals, though. Not to mention they can control both sides of the argument by selling "low-fat" shit.
Prior to sugar in Europe, teeth were almost all perfect (always going to be an exception or two). Afterwards, that's when you get the horrible rotten teeth meme.
desu I think fasting is the ultimate redpill with respect to the big-problem of diet, which is willpower
Once you have the willpower to go a day or two without food, you find the willpower to eat healthy instead of shit food is trivial by comparison.
Your body needs sugar. Get it from fruits; not cola.
In bootcamp I got very irritable and felt like I was on withdraw cause we couldnt eat anything with sugar, the closest i could get was peanut butter, and by got it was like heaven every time.
this is when i learned sugar is like a drug.
again, everything you said regarding insulin spikes via carbs making you feel lethargic is person dependent
they dont have that effect on me, maybe you are the opposite
where do you get the authority to say that a low-carb diet is best for the average person to control their cravings?
quitting processed sugar will be the hardest challenge in your life. harder than tobacco. it's in everything, very addictive, and there are no cessation programs. it's a huge part of the economy, has built cities, and it's not going away.
>he bought into the cuck bro science diet
>he'll never gain any real mass
>any real gainer would laugh you out of the room
To be expected from a shithole like the Philippines though. Stick to playing pool.
>the only argument you can make against calories in calories out is that some things take more calories to process than others
Calories are the energy content of food. Some is used to build muscles, bone, and tissues (protein and fat) and some is used for energy storage (carbs).
Would you rather have all your calories formed into fat or into muscles?
As someone who gets paid to cook, granulated sugar rarely needs to be added to many dishes. Usually just things like sauces, and even then it'll be like half a cup max for a yield of like 3 quarts.
If there's an assload of sugar in the food you're buying, I can almost assure you it's more than needed.
Your body is not designed to eat that shit. Only naturally ocurring fructose, and not a whole lot of it. Do yourself a favor and eliminate refined sugars from your life, feels like a veil being lifted.
>You could say the same about literally all food.
Equating refined sugar with food.
Go to the store and get vegetables and the dirt cheap meat that they're having a hard time selling. 50% off of $10 of meat should last you about 2-3 days. Also, I go to Big Lots, but if there isn't one around you, there may be a similar type of place. They almost always have cans of peanuts for $1, bags of pre-hulled sunflower seeds for $1.5, and tins of almost for $2, sometimes cheaper. I mostly go there for the dry snacky type things on the cheap.
read 'The Case Against Sugar' by Gary taubes or watch his youtube lectures.
sugar is poison and will fuck with your hormone balance of insulin/leptin, causing appetite disregulation and obesity etc
soda tax is a good thing but conservatards cant understand the basics
But how? Just eating rice and beans all day won't be good for me and I I can't afford to get fancy expensive fruits and vegetables.
L0L? if you tear your muscles down your body will use your calories to build muscle regardless of where the calories come from as long as you have the protein and other nutrients to do it. if you dont work your muscles your body wont use calories to build them even if you ate pure saturated fat.
i hope you are joking dude
read 'The Case Against Sugar' by Gary taubes or watch his youtube lectures.
Go three weeks without food come back and tell me how wrong it is. People kill for crack, people kill for food.
Most honey has high fructose corn syrup and they lie on the label.
>grow a garden
Saving up for that yard m8. Condo life blows but MA real estate ain't easy. The worst part is it's doable so I can't in good conscience abandon everyone I know
I cut back my sugar intake to almost nothing. Was really hard at first. Really shows you how addicted the average person is to the stuff. After it's out of your system you feel so much better and now I can't have much of it at all or I feel like shit.
I work out a lot more since I cut it out and the idea of bombing my body with sugar for 10 minutes of a sugary treat and undoing all that work is insanity to me now.
Do you think its natural for a mammal to drink a sugary drink along with every meal?
it's called keto diet, fag.
>t. Abdulah
Intermittent fasting is legit tho. The meme is water fasting for days you fuck. I bet you also think that breakfast should be eaten at 8am or youll shrink.
>everything you said regarding insulin spikes via carbs making you feel lethargic is person dependent
There are a range of insulin response profiles but outside of diabetics it's fairly uniform for whites and who the hell cares about anyone else?
How poor are you? 6 meals worth of baby kale or spinach is $5-$6 around here. Carrots and tomatoes are cheap too. Chicken is like $2 a pound, fish and bacon can be around $5/lb.