Trump handshake crisis

Trump seems to have lost the art of winning handshakes. Ever since Trudeau showed how to beat Trump, everyone else has been dominating him. Macron is the latest and obvious the victor in their handshaking duel. Just look how Macron has outsqueezed Trmp and Trump wants to escape but can't, like a crying toddler. One commentator said this was a real "fuck you" handshake from Macron. Has Trump lost his knack or is he becoming weak?

When will Trump make handshaking great again?

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He's a tired old man with dementia

Well when is America going to install a president who can lead the world in handshaking? Is there a good candidate?


Who else?

It's because the real world doesn't involve memes. Nobody actually takes him seriously.

this photo was clearly snapped just as they are beginning to shake and trump hasnt engaged his grip yet

Nah, it was at the end of the shake. Trump wanted to disengage but Macron wouldn't let him. Trump's knuckles were going white and he was being physically dominated by the younger man with the older wife.

Check out the gif for evidence.


This is how little you've got?

Not rumors or deals going bad or anything real, just a handshake.

Oh god, it gets worse.

why did America elect a beta? you know your leader is fucking shit when he can't even win a simple handshake

Lmao it's just a fucking hand shake.

Fuck Off you Shills.

drumpf looks a bit constipated

No, it is more than a handshake.

okay this is weird as shit its like i can hear what they're thinking

>im gonna try to feel this guy out by trying my signature handshake, firm and domineering i'll judge his masculinity by this handshake and assert myself as the dominant person
>i know what this cunt is up to, my assistants already told me about his stupid ass handshake. Time for a taste of his own medicine.
Its weird to think this but there's definitely a power struggle in this relationship with trump wanting to have the upper hand and macron not letting him

lol wtf, Macron be like miss me with that gay shit

Trump literally had the upper hand

the jap president looks so much like paul mccartny its not funny

hahaha Lil' Macron is such a little bitch boy

the forward facing hand but not the dominant hand, which is the important thing to note. It indicates that france is going to be a hardballer when trump ever needs them or has to be partners with them

He was actually in the inferior position here, the dominant one is the inside. Usually he avoids this, see how he recently ignored Netenyajew.

what the hell is his problem


macron saying plz let me go
Trump keeps shaking his hand

Marcon was too lost in thought to let go. Being in the presence of an alpha male. Thinking about Trump going balls deep in his wife while he watches.

its obvious our horse is better stronger smarter

Is this payback for

Apparently Macron trained for weeks for this

thats what I was thinking

Why is Trump so retarded? Are Americans not embarrassed about this?

when will the frenchies get their hands off of us

Trump is like 80 and already has a foot in the grave.

Everyone from the past election did, including Hillary and Bernie. It wasn't an election, it was an AARP meeting.

and still failed so bad...

it's a good thing france didn't elect a woman

But it was her turn!

Right when the shill and propaganda get me to lose faith I see how these globalists react to Trump and there's no way he's not the real deal.

unless it's 120D intergalactidimensional chess and it's all scripted

Trump should have just squeezed the shit out of that little pussy hand.

unhand me!

This picture looks like it was taken at the moment where they were either about to start handshaking, or were pulling away.


Trump is in the power position making his hand most visible do you faggots know anything.

I'm not a Trumper, but oh man never-Trumpers have weak "arguments".

In Finland we call it "leftistpsychosis".

yep. macrons hand is literally flopped over like a dog on its back

"If you ever fucking betray me I swear to god.."

FUCK OFF FAG! Trump won that duel, just shows you know fuck all about handshakes...Trump wants nothing to do with this poofta..

why do urban intellectuals keep thinking this is a bow?

"How long do you want to hold my hand faggot?" was all he has to say to end it hard.

Macron is losing by sinking to Trump's level. This shit is childish shit beneath the dignity of Presidents.

trump thinks his little rules apply to the real world.
Ofc they all got said that they must grip his hand longer then him because they know he's a joke
Soros was having a good laugh. Trump needs to stop acting as if this is the apprentice, he's nothing more then a puppet

>my candidate lost so I'm going to make up shit until something sticks

It's going to be a long 8 years for you.

>he doesn't realise that a limp handshake is a sign of superiority, where as an overly tense handshake is a sign of agression

Body position wars are a huge thing for some fucking reason..

I tried to find a decent article I read years ago to link you, but, now it seems there are only ass pained liberals critiquing and honestly not worth the time.

Basically it boils down to subconscious psychology.

At least they actually shook hands

Your President is a literal "Who?"

It's not about the squeeze, asshat...

It's about your hand being visible to the viewers.

Trump clearly won this.

en marche!

*criticizing Trump, I meant to say.


Trump not only has the over the top advantage, but also has the facing camera angle advantage.

>manly Macron
What an overcompensating faggot.

Body position is EVERYTHING in politics. My whole family has been politicians in 4 different states.

Funny thing is... I actually got banned by the mods for saying that before.

what's with the dude's claw hand?

Don't knock Malcolm Trumble, mate.

How fucking based is Macron?

Trump was COMPLETELY humiliated twice in a row! Based France

Trump should have just kept shaking and staring at him. After about ten seconds who would have looked more ridiculous?

Nice try Ahmed.

Can't even see macron's hand... Trump demolished him.

Germany is finished.

Pretty funny when macaroni wouldn't let go. The entire EU is trying to stand against Trump and they don't know how. Probably why libs default to nervous humor.



The dude is fucking 70 years old. Fucking stallion.

France elected a bitchboy.

Look at that!

He tries to use his other arm to disengage from Trump because he's so weak!

Absolutely fucking pathetic!

literally bowed to islam for a golden trinket
he should have taken it from his lowered hands and wear himself, but he's too much of an egomaniac to sabotage a moment of "glory"

How is that a bow?

He's tall and he's receiving a medal from a shorter person.

trump is fat and 70 im surprised hes still moving like he is.

trump wont run at 74, ill be damned if we have a 78 year old president. Also considering he barely won the first time due to him swinging states towards him and narrowly winning pennsylvania and florida

The amount of damage control in this thread. Trump could lick Netanyahu's shoes and you cucks will still claim him as God Emperor

The real issue here is with Trump's pants. LOOK AT THE HEM OF HIS PANTS. Why Is doesn't trump have a well tailored suit

You don't take your good pants to a dirty country like France.

this is impressive

>Just look how Macron has outsqueezed Trmp and Trump wants to escape but can't, like a crying toddler.
lol ok kid

>Be me, President of the USA
>People hate me because CNN says so and it was "Her Turn"
>The media circlejerks so hard over the dumbest shit
>I literally cant have two scoops of chocolate with out these fags freaking the fuck out
>Get told its time to do some "diplomatic visits"
>lol k, It means i get to take my private jet
>First stop is Saudi Arabia
>I hate these desert monkey sand cultists, but they are paying us tons of money for outdated and used military equipment, I guess ill survive
>have to be at some useless center for detecting islamic terrorists on facebook or something
>walking to the entrance, its fucking 120 F
>All i can think about is how badly i want my presidential two scoops sundae when i get back to the hotel later
>Meet the King of Saudi Arabia, the filthy desert monkey smells like BO and Kebab
>Shake his hand and try not to gag from the stench.
>We walk towards the entrance
>Between the pictures, the noise, and the heat everyone is on edge
>Realize i should hold my wife's hand to keep up appearances despite us being sweaty as fuck
>Reach out to touch her hand, they bump and we miss the grab while trying to keep up with the entourage
>MFW literally the next day the cuck media has made up a whole fan fiction about Melania hating me as much as they do

>A few days later i am at a NATO summit to tell these european deadbeats to pay their fucking bills
>Macron brought his mom or something
>Merkel is wringing her hands in the corner and mumbling something about needing more immigrants to weaken Europe
>she creeps me the fuck out
>At lunch, I sit by myself because these people literally disgust me
>All they do is talk about how diverse they are and how tight their chastity cages are
>Oh shit its Macron and his mom
>They ask if they can have a seat, I tell them sure
>He is being super touchy with her and at one point i look up from my pudding cup and see them making out
>accidentially gag
>"What's wrong Mr. Trump?" Macron's mom asks
>I say fuck it and that incest isnt appropriate
>they laugh and say she is actually his wife
>Turns out she molested him or something as a child when she was in her 40s and everyone was totally cool with it
>Europeans are fucking nasty
>After lunch we have to do photo-ops with each other
>time passes and its my turn
>my op is with Macron
>I smile and try to keep a healthy distance
>He smells of arab semen and dried up old lady pussy
>"now sit in those chairs and let us get some photos of you two shaking hands"
>I touch his hand and can literally feel the cuck slime dripping from it
>Try to minimize contact and get away from this disgusting human as quickly as possible
>a little while later the CNN cuck brigade has twisted the picture into the narrative that this limp wristed manlet somehow dominated me through a hand shake
>They even edited out the cuck grease oozing from his pores
>They literally analyze my obviously fake handshake with a microscope to somehow "BTFO" me
>MFW the liberal media is furiously masturbating over this picture and I still cant wash Macron's cuck slime off my hand

>The MSM actually now acts autistically because they listen to reddit or Sup Forums all day

Holy shit, you leftists have to confine autism to your acceptable internet bubbles and not reveal it to the masses.

Every person on the planet just realized how unhinged the media is.


This is high quality humor boys

Our God emperor is being made a bitch and we can't even help him

Top KEK indeed





Notice how little frenchies hands are to trump

Hahahaahhahha gasp hahaha hah

cry more

Alzheimer at the least
and all these brumph faggots here are in pure denial about how much of a lunatic this guy is
but in all seriousness we can't let him get the nucleus codes

>This much damage control
Lmao, you bootling cuck!

This. FFS he's giving a salute!

Pointless thread
Go back to Sup Forums

>It's not about the electoral votes, asshat...
>It's about winning the popular vote

This is what you sound like

macron has a lot of previous experience from grabbing and jerking off african and arabian cocks. it's an unbalanced competition

one of the signs of someone overcompensating for perceived or obvious inadequacy is a death grip handshake and/or hanging onto a handshake for too long such as here.

normal functional adults have shaken enough hands to know the appropriate amount of pressure to apply to a mans hand and the ability to grip a woman's hand confidently without crushing it. And the 2-3 pump rule for a normal congenial handshake.

Over what? A fucking hand shake
top milkdud


I love lunatics and I'm giving him the codes