Anyone here not a shill but disappointed in Trump since the election?
Anyone just dissapointed with Trmp?
Drumpf will be the next Hitler!!!
My president just lined up your cucked leader and the rest of the NATO members and fucking humiliated them!
no but i'm disappointed in cnd
dissapointed he's been so restrained. But we get it, his 2nd term he'll go full trump
Trump has backed down on almost all of his election promises.
I knew things were going to be shit the second he decided not to go after Clinton.
no, I just got done masturbating to his speech to the NATO leaders
Yes, he could've done more for the 2nd Amendment by now just by signing executive orders. I don't understand why he hasn't considering he wants to undo Obummer's legacy.
Not disappointed at all
I'm from a very bad country.
Trump can suck on my big trade deficit.
I'm hoping for some annexation up in here.
>Being so delusional thinking he'll get re-elected
Not gonna lie here, etc. etc.
If you're seriously dissapointed (your probably from shareblue) , but if you're really serious , then you need to know that you're a neurotic bitch. Stay away from politics and vote how your dad or grandpa tells you to.
Cirously ~ such a grate man
I feel ya dude. We have to stop him from getting those nuclear codes.
>Hans and all his cucked bros
>the rest of NATO
BIGGEST BTFO since fucking WW2
Fuck you faggot
America Great Again
>humiliated them
Uh no sweetie. No one cares what he has to say.
>"Hillary has a 99% chance of winning!"
Yep. The differences between Clinton and Trump are getting smaller by the minute. He's transforming into a George Bush-esque neocon.
Yeah a little bit, I mean with Clinton we could have just pressed the big red plastic RESET button and everything in the world would be okay again.
Ah... this has been a good day for the righteous right. Shill overlords are so devastated that they can't even produce new marching orders for the peon underlings.
Thats what i would say if I was a weak ass bitch too. You and your pathetic lefty nation is a fucking joke.
Can anyone else confirm?
Has been great except response to syria but I think it drummed up from traditional people who have no clue of the situation. Assad is still doing very well so it seemed like the response was for show. I also don't like the Israel stuff but hes got family and is playing the game. Other shit has been great and the shills just piss me off more and make me want them to hang, they are doing the complete opposite of what they want because lefties are fucking retarded. Also media is all controlled by jews so they are worthless.
nah, I didn't expect much would happen with the amount of people in government we pissed off and on.
Disappointed as fuck. Where is goddamn border wall? Why the fuck he is going on about Obamacare and tax cuts for the rich? Were these really the focus of his campaign? Hell no. He needs to listen to his advisers more, the non-Jewish ones.
You're the ones getting cucked paying for everyone's shit while your country doesn't even have health care. Absolutely laughable.
No, he is doing great. If only he would stop being hounded by that Russia stuff...
As opposed to which Democrat? They are all awful.
You are not wrong . We had our own leftist morons running us for 30 years.
I'm just pumped up bc maybe we are finally uncucking ourselves.
Thought he would have repealed Obamacare and started on the Wall by now desu.
NO I fucking love trump and believe in him. Go back to your non successful non business oriented socialist canadian maple syrup sucking beaver jacking ice skating faggot "cottage".
Not as good as I've hoped, but I'm overall satisfied.
Supreme Court got non-SJW judge, some degeneracy-promoting policies got reversed, gommies and their (((overlords))) are in eternal state of butthurt, and our supreme shitposter providing entertainment fairly regularly.
Anyone who hoped that Trump can actually MAGA is idiot, prolonging our downfall is the best we can hope for, and he's doing that, he bought us another 5-10 years already.
Don't bother op. The paid trump shill on here will flood your thread with Seth rich spam.
I love this inversion of reality. TOTALLY NOT A SHILL GUISE, BUT DON'T WE THINK TRUMP SUCKS? haha.STFU and go research more Seth Rich.
Nope. Libcucks panicking. MSM in death throes. Supreme Court not fucked over. Haven't been drafted to fight a war against Russia.
Yes, disappointed that he hasn't gone far enough. But I am openly proud of my vote.
lol haven't seen you what is happening to Fox News?
It's getting really carried away when horny then fapping to something really degenerate. Watching how dump has turned out is like that post fap feeling of utter disgust.
Drumpf was a mistake. 2016 and early 2017 is probably the cringiest period in pol's history.
Realistically, nothing is getting done. Cut out the noise. No obamacare replacement yet, no border wall, no infrastructure plan, naft a still exists and ISIS is attacking our allies.
Where's the leadership?
>b-but libruhls are getting btfo every day I love donald lumpf
It's cause trump doesn't want to pass anything. He's got to make it appear like he's done a lot to keep his redneck base from realizing the con job they are getting?
Tulsi Gabbard could easily win if she doesn't go full retard and polarize the electorate.
only a leaf would be dumb enough to think this was a reasonable question to ask on a board swimming with leftist commie shills.
You niggers need to leave. Your kind isn't welcome on this board.
Also, since you're too fucking stupid to read or understand the rules, you need to lurk for years before you post.
and just fucking kys if that's beyond your grasp of understanding. you "people" are absolutely disgusting, you fucking worthless sub-human anti-intellectual commie filth.
>muh safespace
reddit immigrant detected
It's almost as if the media started with that end-result as a goal, and manufactured the evidence to support it along the way.
Congratulation on being too fucking stupid to see what was right in front of you. It's just more proof--as if we needed more--that you are in fact an inferior species to us.
Now gtfo here, shitskin, we have work to do and nobody here summoned you for anything, so why the fuck are you even here? In fact, we're trying to free you from slavery right now, you dumb fucking sub-human, so if you could please get your stupid nigger ass out of the way that'd great.
No one who wasn't a newfag gave a shit about Trump outside of it being funny if he won, I still don't give a shit about Trump, he pissed off a bunch of faggots and that's good enough. No one with half a braincell thought he would change anything positively, half of original Sup Forums wanted him to bring on ww3
Congratulations on being a newfag plebbit nigger who can't recognize bait, neck yourself
>1 post by this ID
Stfu shill... your ip has only started being on Sup Forums a week ago.
Let me guess, you moved/got a new computer blah blah blah
No faggot, you're a fucking shill. Kys.
>he thinks America is uncucking itself just because it elected Trump
dream on
>Stfu shill... your ip has only started being on Sup Forums a week ago
ohh how did you figure out his IP, are you a hacker?
just LOVE that trump HATES this job. what an ignorant fucknozzle
Probably a Russian using a proxy.
everything about this post is embarrassing
Yes, it appears his main focus after the election turned to making him and his friends richer and abandoning his campaign platform.
More like disappointed in his family.
Steve Bannon, don't you have more important things to be doing right now?
Dunning-Kruger effect is shockingly accurate at describing most of Sup Forums
He is pretty lame. I didn't vote for or against him. I was happy he defeated that shrill harpy but overall he is a let down.
We are out there everyday fighting for this dude and against the media and every day another democrat doesn't go to prison. Its us and reddit scrubs v the entire establishment and it feels like we get fuck all backup.
I don't wana blackpill but this is draining me
Fuck off shareblue shills
I think it's mostly going well
The economy is doing great.
Illegal immigration is down dramatically.
He's calling out Islamic terrorism.
He even called out Germany and the EU for accepting all these migrants, which I didn't think he'd do.
But I wish he would stay out of the Middle East.
>it's a pity the kike bankers have got such a tight grip on what's left of his balls.
Sup Forums is dead you meme
what we see today is not Sup Forums at all, merely a colony of reddit
I'm not American but my 2 cents. I don't expect politicians to do everything they promise, it just doesn't happen.
As for now you have a guy who finally stops drawing imaginary red lines in South China Sea and moves them further and further when China crosses them but sends carrier task force there. A man who got ICE to be highly active and illegal immigration to drop down. Hope he'll be able to secure the border with wall because otherwise he'll be like Eisenhower - he threw spics out, but then Johnson let them back in. His response to Syria was disappointing, he's not playing his cards right(use Syria to drive a wedge between Russia and China).
There's been some ups and downs, but I like him
I'm starting to really like him again
I am a tad upset. There are still three """Dreamers""", three old(if based) illegal Mexican men, and two other "youths" who never got their DACA filled out for whatever reason at my job.