Holocaust for 5 years = $50,000,000,000 in reperations and counting

Holocaust for 5 years = $50,000,000,000 in reperations and counting

Slavery for 300 years = $0 in reperations

How is that fair????????????

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Paying to who? The people that suffered the most are long dead and their grand children are no good niggers who would piss the money away on gambling and baboon pusy

because if it wasn't for slaverey they'd all still be in Africa being picked off by lions with their ribs showing

Niggers get welfare.

Niggas already have enough money from welfare

Nogs are continually getting paid billions in welfare benefits. Not to mention the massive human cost Whites paid during the civil war and WWII, you ignorant faggot.

Yes let's talk about the Islamic and Jewish slave traders...I think it's time to get reparations from the both of them.


Here's a one time payment of $1000 for your ancestors being slaves.

In return we will remove the following:
>Affirmative Action
>Scholarships for being Black
>Hate Crime Laws
>Diversity Quotas
>Food Stamps

Seems like a good deal desu

this lady makes some solid arguments for reparations.

Good taste friendo

moslems took more slaves than america, and they took white slaves too... and jews controlled the slave trade so...........

Do Jews owe black reperations for slavery for their role as middlemen trading in the human cargo, how about the Arabs for castrating their black slaves.


We need to stop the Jews. Also, there's welfare, which we've spent $22 trillion on niggers just for them to still be poor.

I believe there are many arguments as to why reparations is a terrible idea.

1. You're basically profiting from slavery, much like the slave masters. You're condensing the lives of tons of slaves from centuries into a luxury item from reparations (and yes, that includes education because people go to universities not to survive, but to benefit). If you need food, water, shelter and other necessities, you might as well obtain it yourself or go on welfare. It just seems like these people just want an excuse for making money without really improving their lives.

2. Only 1% of whites (5% of white Southerners) owned slaves in the United States before slavery was abolished. Should we punish every white person because of that 1%?

3. Some white are also immigrants. Their ancestors weren't even involved in slavery and in some cases were slaves or indentured servants themselves. What happens to them? Would there existence even matter?

4. Technically, Native Americans have ancestral claims and treaty rights to the land that has been taken. So, you're essentially taking the land of Natives, not white people, if we're talking about land.

5. Remember, there were African merchants who sold slaves to Europeans and slave catchers. What about their descendants?

6. What if there was a white person who had a slave in his lineage, or a non-white individual? Does he get reparations? What about mixed people? How much of the reparations do they get?

What did your people actually lose from slavery?
>got to leave a dustbowl of a country
>integrated into a mostly white country
>through major hardship you are now equal
>u wuz kangz for 8 years

And don't forget you fuckers sold your own people to the whites so maybe you should be asking africa for reparations.


7. As I said before, slaves lived a lot worse than blacks today. Why should blacks today receive the money that blacks in the earlier centuries should have had if reparations were implemented?

8. Not all black people that came to the United States come from slave descendants. Some came willingly.

9. Slavery was technically legal before Lincoln was killed. There was not a US government existing before 1788 as well.

10. This might even cause more racism, and further the tension we have in the US today. This might also not help black people in the long run once those reparations become meaningless, much like Reagan giving $20,000 to each Japanese-American internment camp survivor during WWII, along with thenever-ending Native American treaties. Those have, for some reason, not solve the racial tension and other problems of said groups.

It's a very complicated process. If reparations were to be implemented, they should have been done right after the Civil War. It's way too late now.

Frederick Douglass once said that when the slaves were freed, absolutely nothing should be done with them and they should be left on their own two feet, but every since the government and other groups came in to cater to or tamper with black people, the black community has essentially been ruined. This sense of entitlement needs to stop.


Tell blacks to hand back all the welfare payments, all the value of affirmative action and quotas, and then we can talk about reparations.

US are slaves. We took a quick break. You can't squeeze blood from a stone.


>blacks want 40 acres and a mule
>clear some land in Africa
>tell the blacks they can have it if they leave
wtf I love reparations now

This meme again

guess the hues better pay up too
and the arabs, they had african slaves well into the 20th century
come to think of it, lots of continental africans have slaves now. they should pay reparations

Jews are lawyers, niggers can't stay employed at McDonald's

>July 4, 1776 to December 18, 1865
>300 years


I hope this happens. 1 It will piss off and redpill most of the white population. 2 They will have no more excuse if they basically get $30,000 and do nothing with it.

We'd give them reparation money, they'd blow it all on stupid shit and then complain it wasn't enough and they were shortchanged because racism, and the cycle would repeat as long as white people were willing to listen.

We will pay reparations if they go back to Africa and they pay reparations for fucking up out cities

Kikes will pay in blood someday, internet ruined them

What about the black africans that captured and sold black slaves, should they pay as well?

What about Saudi Arabia should they pay?

What about the slavic countries, we often went there to pick slaves should we pay them?

What about the population who took slaves within their own country, should we p.. wait this isnt working. Neither is it far for someone not involved to pay for it.

Niggers were bought from Africa fair and square. If anyone should be getting reparations, are the plantation owners, for the lost profits and stolen property..

>All Europeans that came to America had it easy.
>All European immigrants owned slaves.