Trying so hard not to blame some of these victims.
Trying so hard not to blame some of these victims
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nice tits
trying hard not to blame OP for no sauce
The nipples are odd.
I feel dumb
That's what normal nipples look like, brah. The shemales you fap to are the ones with weird nipples... because they are actually men, and men have tiny, vestigial nipples.
Heavenly tits gonna need source OP otherwise I'm gonna call you a faggot.
To be fair though heres a pretty puffy, nice rack though definitely
OP really needs to fuck off and give me the source.
sorry hunny. men are murderers and rapists by nature. best find yourself one who would murder on your behalf.
It's funny because in a completely white country she could walk around topless all day and have no problems but in non-white countries they have to dress from head to toe in clothing and still manage to be raped.
Like a leaf would know anything about non-canine tits
Don't tell the mods, but that what nipples look like when the grill is underage (they get puffy when their are full of puberty hormones).
Could just be a late bloomer, but dat bitch is still most likely 16-17y/o, lel.
Sadly this basedness could come only from non-whites. Whites are too cucked and don't do this as much as it's needed to do.
this makes too much sense. Could it be true by any offchance?
>men have tiny, vestigial nipples
they are not vestigial, vestigial means something that was formed and then atrophied. they were never formed at all. they are precursor
that's because most 1st world white men are impotent faggots who live in cuck sheds and treat used up whores like princesses
Wtf is going on -
More info/images/sauce on whore
Free the nipple is the only feminist cause I support. Hopefully next comes free the cock and pussy so I can finally get the amount of pussy I deserve with my big swinging 7x6.5 inch FLACCID cock
American whites compete desperately for sluts on "dating apps" on their phone, just for the chance to be another guy text-flirting with a slut that he likely won't fuck unless he fulfills her Christian Grey 666 (6inch cock, 6figure, 6pack) fantasy to actually meet.
The best your "average" white American western male can hope for is to pick up some used slut after she's finished racking up a bunch of debt for a degree while getting indoctrinated to spend the rest of her life challenging him and denying him fucking, holding a gun to his head to legally fuck him in court if he ever pisses her off.
I remember watching a 40-something psych teacher in college who brought her two little girls to work, and she -- in front of a class of impressionable young men and women -- shit-talked the little kids' dad in front of them. "Your dad couldn't change the TV channel without the remote" after the kids had said something randomly about how "daddy can do that," yep, she had to shoot him down, shit on him, right in front of the man's own kids, right in front of impressionable young students too.
I see this too much. A woman who shits on a father in front of the kids is a piece of stupidity, essentially telling them "you're half shit." These women are probably too stupid to realize that they're just auto-replicating robots trained by Jews to attack men their whole lives.
Is this not why the "effective game" to fuck women is completely backwards? To treat them like shit? Because they've been bred to see "acting like a scumbag" is powerful.
Forget about nice respectable societies and clean neighborhoods. The future is spiritually-impoverished coalburners, douchebag "Chads" and Chad-wannabees spending endless hours in the gym, and Jewish materialism to fill the void between STD swaps.
>6 inch cock
>anything more than mediocre
Pick one. It's like the 5'10'' of dick sizes
You're welcome
Christ even her cuntflaps look like they've been battered by the football and basketball teams. Fucking sluts.
TITS are all I have (and you must accept my fat stomach and hippo-hips with it) because I have nothing else to offer men.
of course its fucking true. just like IQ is heritable and ethnicity can be correlated to a mean IQ. All of it is fucking science but fucking marxists took over the colleges and suppressed it.
>with a slut that he likely won't fuck unless he fulfills her Christian Grey 666 (6inch cock, 6figure, 6pack) fantasy to actually meet
nah. Anyone that isn't disgusting can fuck these sluts.
But that's it, they won't really commit to you. They'll pretend to but not REALLY commit unless you meet that standard you mentioned.
They'll waste years of your life in a relationship that wasn't really going anywhere.
Also just move to a European country with less hangups on nudity.
it's absolutely true that men have larger brains but the rest of the stuff doesn't have much scientific confirmation
but all you need to know is that men think more logically and women think more emotionally
this is why we'll always be smarter and better at planning, designing and leading
while women will always be better at taking care of children and taking on support roles
all you have to do to know that women shouldn't be in charge of anything, even themselves is argue with one
once they get angry or riled up enough they lose all logical faculties
they can no longer see reason and all they know is that they're angry and that you need to pay for it, it doesn't matter who's right or wrong.
even if it should be painfully obvious that they're in the wrong and that they should be apologizing
doesn't matter when they're flustered
some women are slightly better at not losing their minds completely (depending on how mad they are) but there are no women that can avoid this completely
women should be treated as property
Chub a dub dub - sry
I've seen a lot of dumb shit in my life but this post takes the cake.
She is free to show me those tits any time. Be free, young lass.
truth right here, i'm in the law field and can attest to this.
you know the rules
Sometimes, a man's just gotta argue.
usually lurking, but here I felt compelled to express my appreciation for these tits. I would like to own this woman.
Unenlightened femanimals detected. You are dejure Brockpuppets doing it for free. Truly subhuman behavior.
and so do i
you are a fucking idiot. emotional problems ARE logical problems. either you're good at all of them, or none of them. IF you feel men have less a grasp on emotions compared to women, you are probably unironically an autist.
The caption is qrongly translated. It reads "(s)he asked me if i was a mistress (third wheel)"
Nothing to do with virgins here.
show them or back to /reddit bitch
we have a strict codes heres and you're breaking two, so something has to give
>forgot to turn off Brockpuppet-sanctioned VPN.
>while women will always be better at taking care of children and taking on support roles
They are only "better" at this from inside a male constructed/managed framework.
>Emotional """""intelligence"""""" I'd the ONLY ONLY intelligence! Just listen to me and trust me, misogynist!
Toppest Kek. I can smell your failure from here, cunt.
5'10" with a 6 inch dick is a pretty good build desu
>t. roastie
emotions and logic are two completely different things you imbecile
you probably believed it when your college professor told you there's such a thing as "emotional intelligence"
guess what there isn't
and i never said that men are devoid of emotions
why don't you take a reading comprehension class?
what i SAID is that women are more empathetic and their brains prioritize emotions over logic while men's brains prioritize logic over emotions
and it just so happens that prioritizing logic is better in almost every practical situation
and you can choose to assume that im wrong if you want but you can research it if you want
men being more logical and women being more emotional is pretty well established scientific observation
nips are weird because its a tit job. Not attractive - off putting
>sharia blue shill runs around calling everything a shill in an attempt to confuse nu-fags
I'm on to you kikes.
Your appreciation justifys and grows my own.
>illegal to post naked pics of a minor
>OP accepts the pic he posted is of a minor
Leaf, you're fucked.
You dense or something
>tfw 6'4" with a 6"