England: Nation of Revolting Cowards

>Once mighty Island nation now can't even protect the smallest and most innocent among you.

England, I just want you to know that I fucking hate you people. You disgusting, sickening cowards.

The fact that you have let your enemy tell you to your face that this is all "normal" and "part of living in a big city" is just more proof that you are a nation of loathsome, sniveling cowards.

The sun has finally set on your "empire", and now you descend into the eternal darkness.

I truly hope your entire island nation burns.

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Well fucking said OP.

The brits are faggot cuckold cowards and deserve all the nigger and paki cock that can rape them.

Fuck them.

They had a chance to keep us out of the locust swarm, and they fucked it up

>i posted it again xD

See Ya bongs

Even Maoris is better n you

It's time for the long dark Father.

It was a hoax. Nobody died.

This crisis actor pretends to cry, but where are the tears? You see this a lot in these dirty Mason hoaxes. Same with Jo Cox. No tears in any of the photos.


neck yourself if you rly think this was a hoax

bump for the truth.

>t. abdul

Piss off you fucking leb.

Not a single brit will even confront the accusations, illustrating their moral cowardice and weakness

Are you mad?

And do you seriously think your country's situation would be any better if you had muslims instead of chinks?

cucked you for more then 100 years

Amen brother.

I agree, I mean I have some good English mates still over in England right now, but the country as a whole is just fucking disgusting.

Britains decent into cowardice, cuckoldry and disgusting weak degeneracy is one of the major reasons that I seriously fear staying in the commonwealth. I mean I love old England, and our values of freedom and all that. But it's changed. It's changed and we are still connected to this rotting diseased corpse of an empire. We need to get the fuck out.

I know the liberal shitstains in Melbourne want us to be a republic so they can shit us up with some gay socialist system. But if the right wing here also wises up to how shit England is, and we seperate, get rid of British oversight of our government, and get a right wing Republic based on freedom and western values, like old time USA did. I think we'd be set.

We could get a USA style constitution too, but be even more plain so that no leftist little fuck can try to argue that we actually meant you can't have guns and freedom of speech 300 years down the line.

you expect a nation that loves niggers to be able to shelter their offspring ?

God speed kangaroo fucker.

Just a reminder that the OP's nation lost a war to flightless birds


This bloke here needs to be arrested.

we may have lost the war but we didn't lose 22 of our kids to them

Brits being beta cucks has been public knowledge since the Cold War

Acting like killing and raping little girls hasn't been Muslim pastime for 1500 years.

All the Brits on this post, nay, this page, make me fucking sick.

Kill yourselves you miserable fucks.

---Britain then---
---Britain now---

I think Brits are cool people and hope they manage to save their country. It would be a real shame to lose it. They have a lot of neat history sites that I would like to visit one day.
