Let's make a list of Democratis who might run in 2020:

Let's make a list of Democratis who might run in 2020:

- Cory Booker

- Elizabeth Warren

- Al Franken

- Bernie's corpse

- Mark Zuckerberg

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This is now a North Sentinelese Colonization thread.

We need to make a plan and compile our resources before we storm the beaches.

Briefing on North sentinel Island:

>Sentinelese are an ancient dark race of warriors with lineage tracing back to Egyptian pharaohs
>It is said that the sentinelese have horded gold deposits in excess of 500 trillion
>average IQ of 400+
>many whites have died at the hands of this master race
>Jews bow to sentinelese
>Technology capable of chucking spears over 2000 miles (Rumored that Seth Rich was found with a sentinelese spear in his back)

Dwayne Johnson might run. He's the only one i'm slightly worried about

what is this spam?

Never let anyone with "Booker" in their name win anything.

Shaniqua Rajos bin Mohammed Mohammed al Mohammed Memet Mamoud Mohhamed

>Wins by a landslide

Unironically, Kanye, I think he's going to be the nominee, and that's terrifying.

Have you body slammed a commie today?

do you think the Democrats will stop REEEing or will they just amp up their game? it seems like they've just been waiting for shifting demographics to hand them a victory over the past few elections with limited success. Obama was a charismatic black man in aftermath of a terrible Republican presidency, but the minority gimmick can only work for so long. even Hillary's woman did very little for her. while the recent Democratic primaries election wasn't completely indicative as they were shilling hard for Hillary, the Democrats nonetheless seemed relatively disinterested in a token candidate (Latino, Muslim, etc.). what do you think we can expect?

I really think they will run Cory Booker and some celeb though i dont know who...oprah as VP? that sounds good.

Excuse me Obama was half-white. Don't mis-color him.

I'm out of uni for the summer so no. The commies in my program are mostly women, though, so I don't bodyslam them. There's a pinko guy in my program with a solid B-cup, it's pretty funny.

Kanye came out of Trump Tower proclaiming he would run in 2024

But then he got MK Ultra'd and now I think he's just focused on not having his family suicided and learning to launder his money from his foundation into his fashion lines

Hillary is running again. They'll give her the nomination again, even though she is the least likely to win a general election. I think they want to lose.

Obama really didn't fit the mold for first black president; he was half-white, hardly knew his black atheist father (although most black kids don't know their father), has a Muslim name, grew up middle class, went to Harvard, etc.

>four of Hillary's stunt doubles are running again

Lack of a father figure (except for a communist pedophile) was key to winning over the black population.

North sentinel island is one of three elite "hideaways" that essentially govern the entire world (the other two are in antarctica and North Korea)

If we can crowdfund enough bitcoin we may be able to storm the beach and establish a base of operations on the island.

was Obama's father a pedophile? source? or was Obama's mother underage when Barack was conceived?

His stand-in father was Frank Marshall Davis, who escaped to Hawaii to continue his Communist ways, and who even photographed Obama's CIA mom in the continuance of his pornographic ways.

Some people think Frank Marshall Davis was Obama's real father. Other people think it was Abdul Obongo or whatever, who, in which case ran back to Kenya after knocking up a pornography whore who had her son raised by a Communist pervert.

I don't think it matters much what exactly happened.

She's the grim reaper of the Democratic party. She follows it around and sucks the life out of it...

Just remember: we need to register as demofaggots just before primaries to help nominate the grim reaper, so she can loose to Trump again.

God I would love one of the first three. It'd be another amazing General Election to watch.

>Communist pervert

mark zuckerberg is their only hope but i don't feel most people like him

I do feel he would have to resign from facebook to become a politician and many people would quit facebook over him running for an election. I'd love to see FB not exist anymore.

>Al Franken
i fucking hope so lol what a dopey cunt

Get out faggot, enjoy your new pronouns. openparliament.ca/bills/42-1/C-16/

Also Jim Webb and Tulsi Gabbard

Cory Booker wants illegals to be able to vote and wants to open voter registration for non-americans it seems.

I don't think they'll give her the nomination again, but she MAY run again.

Goofy Warren said she wouldn't run


Even though I'm as far right as right goes, I'd actually be generally sort-of OK with ether of them.
>which is why they'd never win the nomination.

I can't wait for Mark Zuckerberg.

Even my NY relatives hate him. Everybody hates him. It would be such a glorious bloodbath built on a false predicate.

>Mark Zuckerberg
I hope that smug faggot retard gets nominate just to see him loose to Trump,

Basically. They don't hate white people. Which is the only acceptable position in the Democrat Party.

I think he was just saying that and will find a sane reason to oppose trump, and run a more old-school style campaign, while staying in character. I'm so certain I'd bet money on it, and i'd be worried that he's just a DNC long-game/puppet because they know their SJW pandering politicians won't be able to do anything right.

This is the betting odds on almost anyone that would run