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Yes goy. Support Merkel only. She makes you many shekels.
I guesd I should do that
the only decent car manufacturer in germany is mercedes. no one is going to cry they can't buy a beetle or 318i especially with alfa romeo shitting on bmw now
Our cars were built for roads
There are no roads to where the future is headed.
>Cars built for roads
Your country is so backwater and you don't even know it
German cars are unreliable garbage.
Get a Japanese car if you want something made well and reliably for an affordable price. Get a German car if you want something over-engineered with heaps of useless shit that costs too much and breaks down all the time, in addition to being fucking expensive to fix if it does actually break down.
Germany is literally worse than it's ever been, Hitler's ambition never truly died, the only difference nowadays is the person running Germany doesn't care about what happens to it's citizens.
Volkswagen is the biggest automaker in the world. There's a reason why they outsell Ford and GM.
BMW makes paki cars anyway. with all your new refugees there are plenty to drive them in Germany
Germans lost 2 world wars... why do they still exist. Shouldn't they have been dealt with as the Romans dealt with Carthaginians? Trump speaks the truth and he needs to direct a few minutemen missiles the way of Krautistan.
They are also lying jews that scam their customers
So when can we start bombing the germans again anons? For the keks and for tradition?
God i fucking hate germany, so glad my parents left early. I shudder at the thought of having grown up in that disgusting sewer of a country.
WWII carpet bombing should restart
I've never lost a race to a German car
Good work on the twin turbo 3 series by the way, watching them blow their turbos at 80K makes them less reliable than an eagle fucking talon.
What a joke.
German cars have been dogshit since the 90s.
>you are an cuck that hates our industry.
Just say you're a traitor dip shit.
>There's a reason why they outsell Ford and GM
Whatever that reason may be, it isn't became they make good cars.
VW's are notoriously shitty, especially when it comes to electrical system failures
>attempts to press their heel down on the rest of europe again with an oppressive diversity Reich
>bad mouths anyone who suggests that maybe the people should have a voice or that a country should control bits of itself on its own and threatens them
>utter disdain for their own citizens
>not bad guys
>Trump's grandfather dodges the draft flees to America
>Runs "Hotels" in Klondike
>Tries to move back to Germany
>Germany has no room for traitors
>he has to go back.
Trump hates us cause he knows we are better people than he could ever be.
Bomber Harris lets do it again.
your countries history is that you are the children of criminals. You should exist yet you attack others
But da jewneva convention!
I'm sorry, but what's, wrong with an eagle talon? I've got a 97 and it's never given me any issue.
British vitriol is the classiest
silence Germ... all you people know how to do is to lose wars. My country ws on the right side of both world wars. Sucks to be a kraut doesn't it?
This kills the ancap
I'd rather live next to Australians than Germans. They are real bros and will always lend a hand when you are down and out, you cunts just put the boot in, well guess what shoes on the other foot cunt.
Thanks Kiwi bro. The Germ needs another lesson like he got in 1918 and 1945 me thinks.
make germany german again and then we'll support your industry
Man I really have begun to hate Germany too. I mean like really hate. Frau Merkel is a commie bitch from hell.
Nah fuck the germs... the ruin of europe they are.
ITT: all the anglos being jelly.
The (((Allies))) made them this way, we should not be punishing them for what we did to them.
Maybe we can punish them if it fixes them idk Germany is dead.
Oh really????
Fuck Germany they ruin everything they touch.
Your cars suck, Merkel sucks, and fuck the Frankfurt school socialism bullshit german fags spew. Go fucking die off by migrant overpopulation already.
German cars have been shite for over a decade now, nothing but overpriced garbage with too many gimmicks.
Make a fucking automobile, not "transportation" with fifty flavours of infotainment shoved into every orifice of the cheap plastic dash
And maybe some engines that a regular joe can mend so we don't have to bankrupt ourselves every time a fucking bolt gets loose.
That shit is the reason i only drive Japanese 80s cars, can be fixed with a hammer and goes like the clap
The last good german car is and will always be the old M3
if german cars suck that much, why would there be a need to create a tax to keep americunts from buying them?
German car sales in the US have been declining since 2004. The tax is just one more fuck you to add to the fact that decline sales only reinforce how shit Germany and its industry has become.
So why does Trump think our cars sell to well
Brand recognition moron. If anyone understands that it's Donald Trump
Your cars are built for busy sidewalks now
the german state need to fall the sooner the better
german cars are ugly & trash + expensive...
absolute waste of money
Next time we finish the job.
might want to find where your crank wandered off to or if its fwd, set it on fire.
well dutch and deutsch are essentially the same word. Not that I blame you for wanting to stand resolutely separate from krautistan
Coming from Sweden, that's pretty rich.
If you are an American living in America and don't drive an American vehicle you are cucked.
German auto companies have been outsourcing labor/production costs for years now, crippling Germany's wages as well as manufacuring in countries where they would sell to directly in order to cut costs while furthering the shortness of the cars. It keeps costs low so it is still viable to consumers globally, giving it some appeal in the least. The tax applies to the fact that the companies are making money off of using free trade export laws/the low valuation of the euro to essentially profit even more, the same way the Chinese have boosted their own economy using such export tactics by artificially unervaluing they Yuan.
So fuck Germany, and fuck you.
It's the same for the swedish state. To hard for a stupid oil nigger to differentiate from two objectes?
Good. Fuxk Germany. They're abput to reelect Merkel for like the 10th time. EU is globalist headquarters and Germany is the main player among nations there.
Yeah because Sweden controls everything that happens in Euripe like Germany does you dumb Norwegian, native goat fuckers of Europe.
All cars except Japanese and Russian ones are built to fail nowadays.
Your argument works only if you drive a classic.
Full of shit: You
We produce our cars here in germany too.
>If you are german
?? what is this racist shit? there are no Germans. Only global citizens.
My point is look to your own fucking state and it's issues before trying to fix other countries. If UK could leave the shit sandwich, so can Sweden.
You got a major window for getting the fuck out coming up with rumours of forced Euro instead of SEK.
Fuck German cars, over engineered, expensive shit.
>have to replace break disk, cause of narrow German disk pad
Check how many tariffs and tariffs masked as "unrelated" taxes are you going to pay when importing American car to EU and then tell me it shouldn't be the same when going in the opposite direction.
Dodge truck, Honda car
& the honda have been the most reliable, fuel efficient, easy to maintain cars i've ever owned
My ford cars were always power houses but not very efficient or safe
Chevy's were always fast but engines built piss poor & blew up
Dodge is a decent ride, gets high marks all the way around. Probably best bang for your buck as far as American rides go
wtf i hate Trump now and then
I have classics and modern, but I am a man and I know how to maintain my vehicles and perform regular maintenance and parts replacement myself. Most American men are so aggressively beta that they don't know how to change a tire let alone rebuild a carburetor.
You think it's impossible to do both? You have no fucking idea what we are doing to fight for that exact thing.
Doesn't mean i can take a little time out of my day to give Germany shit. And if they fall fixing all of Europe (saving them from EU) will be that much easier.
I stopped supporting him when he started lying and stopped doing what he promised. He is jealous about how good German cars are compared to that shitboxes from the US. That's why we are very bad. Because Americans wanna buy German cars.
Our language sounds horrible. Our food is disgusting. Our history is shameful. And our culture is a joke
I hate everything about us. If I could press a button that kills all Germans I would press it in a second knowing full well I would die too.
a german calling someone children of criminals. thats rich
You manufacture cars in Germany too.
>Because Americans wanna buy German cars.
not true..
Sorry dude German cars are not good & they cost alot for being pieces of shit
Get over it & move on
German cars stopped being good in the 90's. But then so did all cars...
If you buy Ford,GM, or god forbid chrysler, you are supporting shit product and non-US production.
You are a traitor and should bve killed.
germany is a matriarchy. only cucks support matriarchy.
>Germany is bad for selling cars in the US
I don't understand, this is just a supply and demand question
For real, fuck Merkel and the kraut cuck crew
>After Toyota the most reliable cars these days
>Incredible safe
>Innovative technologies such as the traffic light assistant which could lead to less emissions and faster commuting
Also we move forward pretty quick. Audi and Daimler have a huge advantage in automated driving, even Tesla can't keep up with them. Same with eletronic cars.
If we are talking about the design, then I agree. But that's because of aerodynamics and safety. Other than that cars these days are much more reliable and last longer (obviously, you have to get it repaired sometimes).
The problems is in the fact that it's very easy and cheap to import a car to the US but EU has hundreds out thousands of layers of bureaucracy and taxes to hinder imports.
Germans are one of the biggest hypocrites around, right after the Chinese. They've outsourced protectionist policy to the EU and now preach that protectionism isn't working when Americans elected protectionist president.
>sell shitty unreliable cars to save shekels on manufacturing
>wonder why nobody wants to buy them
Eternal Germ at its finest.
well then the problem becomes the EU really, not just Germany
well. i can change a tire and do simple repairs but definitely dont know how to rebuild a carburetor
>fuel efficient
kys faggot
I only drive American V8
2006 GTO/ 1994 Silverado (350k miles) runs strong / 1948 Chevy Stylemaster
>vodkaniggers accusing anyone of selling shitty unreliable trash to save money on manufacturing costs
el oh el
cars are blue pill cuck-tire anyways.
Invented by germans who were so stubbornly incompetent they couldn't figure out boats or the ocean.
cars and air planes can go fuck themselves, and the germans can too
I have had a nissan for 13 years. Never had 1 issue. Japanese build some great stuff. If I had the choice between another Nissan or bmw or audi, i would go with Nissan, i like to know im going to have no hastle for years to come.
I miss american muscle to be honest.
Your time is running out kraut, soon the Anglo will once again be the dominant power in Europe.
Also why would anyone want to buy your cars when they will inevitable be built by shitskins?
No user, you don't get it.
The Netherlands has minimal influence on EU policy, just like Poland.
Germans on the other hand have a lot of it. For decades they've steered the EU into a direction where it imposes protectionist policies profitable for them, while not raising any eyebrows to free market propagandists that would start raising hell in the media and international arena had any nation started going protectionist by itself. However, had EU not existed, Germans would do exactly the same - start enacting protectionist policies to protect their own businesses against competition while calling everybody who does the same idiots who don't know shit about economy.
Of course you have less influence if you only profit by getting free money from the EU instead of contributing
>relevant ever again
anglo's gave up their firearms willingly in every country they occupy and have the most draconian anti-white laws in place that outshine places like germany and sweden
anglo's aren't even considered human at this point
> Other than that cars these days are much more reliable and last longer (obviously, you have to get it repaired sometimes).
ahhh, falling for the car jew, i see.
New cars are shit, break down like shit, and look like shit.
Not one of modern car models will be remembered 60 years from now as "holy shit, that's beautiful!!!".
Every car looks the same.
American cars were the prettiest in the world, from 1950-1970, not it all looks like fucking SHIT.
Pic related, just look at this mediocre piece of shit.
It looks like every other car right now.
Take the chevy logo out, and what does it look like?
A Passat? A mondeo? a fucking corrola?
Its all a piece of shit.
I'm saving up for a 1969 Charger and all ya'll can kiss my ass.
>Trump salty people buy our cars
pay debts mothafukka.
This, I have a 2008 Honda Accord V6 Luxury, has every option imaginable, lovely car to drive and extremely reliable and cheap to service.
Fuck off leaf.
>I miss american muscle to be honest.
What a beauty