
Can Sup Forums ever respect Democrats?

Other urls found in this thread: 13, 2002&author=Lloyd, Marion&pub=Boston Globe&edition=&startpage=A.20&desc=SOVIETS CLOSE TO USING A-BOMB IN 1962 CRISIS, FORUM IS TOLD

>le dead papist face

I can respect classic democrats, but the modern scumbag racist privileged string bean faggot are intolerable too me on so many fucking levels.

False dilemma.

The people here only pretend to be conservative because it's edgy.

If they actually wanted to bury the democrats:

Damn, never knew Sup Forums could hide so many Democrats

Like a pile of dog shit, i recognized it and avoid it.

They aren't democrats either. That's the entire point.

So Sup Forums is 30% Conservative, 70% edgefags, and 10% closeted liberals?

When I see 30-40% of it talking about #DNCFraudLawsuit, yes.

The silence is overwhelming.

How is a major party asserting it's legal to rig elections not of interest to any of the people here?

There's a lie somewhere. Has to be.

Could this in any way affect the Conservative party as well? That could be the reason