>If the U.S. economy is going to prosper, it needs to keep taking in immigrants.
>Fertility is below replacement levels, and no country has discovered a way to raise native birthrates. That means that immigration is necessary for the survival of the Social Security system and the solvency of pension funds. Immigrants will allow small cities to grow and expand their tax bases, instead of shriveling into ghost towns. Immigrants support the housing market and the stock market. They take care of elderly Americans and provide invaluable skills for U.S. corporations. Without continued robust immigration, the U.S. population will shrink and gray, and the country will start having the same problems as aging societies like Japan, South Korea, and East Europe.
>But in order to keep immigration going, the country needs to accept that most new immigrants won’t be white.
>And that means that the U.S. is now being forced to face up to the issue of increasing diversity for the first time since the immigrant wave of the early 20th century. Today, the old racial dichotomy of white and black is gone, as Asians and Hispanics join the mix. Some on the right fear this change, and worry that it will lead to ethnic balkanization, or a breakdown in the social fabric. But a steady drumbeat of new data should reassure people that this isn’t happening -- instead, the U.S. is handling diversity better than many seem to think.
Are they even trying? Immigrants who come here and refuse to work or assimilate don't do any of those things and aren't needed.
Hint: Muslim blacks and browns don't assimilate, ever.
Ian Morgan
If being filled with niggers is so fucking good for a country than why is Africa so fucking shit.
Ethan Morris
so we should just take in more shitskins to solve the social security and pension fund problem instead of fixing the system that was designed decades ago when people only lived to be about 62.
Henry Hernandez
topkek are (((they))) losing it? do they not even try to be subtle any more?
Carter Lee
>no country has discovered a way to raise native birthrates. Literally lies... Russia just increased theirs by like 2%. It turns out women like having kids if the society supports the choice.
Blake King
It's disgusting how they pushed the overpopulation meme on white kids for fucking decades... ...and NOW that there's a "demographics crisis" we have to open the gates to the third world hordes.
Let's just all agree to fucking cut social security for anybody who is under 50 right now and be done with it, or raise the age to something insane like 80. As much as I want to say "fuck boomers" they vote red.
Liam Taylor
>we created an inherently unsustainable system and have been living on borrowed time ever since >let's continue to purchase bigger and bigger buckets to try and bail out our sinking ship rather than taking the time to plug the fucking hole
It's always 'our economy has to always be expanding forever' instead of just fucking off and living in comfortable, developed-nation prosperity.
Austin Gutierrez
>and no country has discovered a way to raise native birthrates. Decrease taxes for married White couples aged 18-30 Give a $50,000 loan to every married White couple aged 18-30 and every child they have reduces the amount they have to pay back by $10,000 (Optional) Cover healthcare costs for every married White couple aged 18-30 Problem will be fixed within a few generations.
Jeremiah Miller
The only true part of the article: > - instead, the U.S. is handling diversity better than many seem to think.
By electing republicans nationwide, deporting Hispanic illegal immigrants, and body slamming journalists
Oliver Howard
>10 post's in >ctrl+f (((bloomberg))) >nothing you should all be ashamed of yourselves
Xavier Gonzalez
>tfw just read the comments section
Justin Murphy
Jesus fuck! Tomorrow they will have an article explaining how automation will eliminate a majority of the jobs the immigrants will employ.
William Clark
Hello crabbit you can keep your reddot shit to yourself
Ryder Bennett
>>If the U.S. economy is going to prosper, it needs to keep taking in immigrants. Nope. Automation is the future, not unskilled/untalented brown people.
>the same problems as aging societies like Japan, South Korea, and East Europe. I would kill for those problems.
>in order to keep immigration going No thanks. >the country needs to accept I SAID NO THANKS.
Once Trump builds the wall and starts E-Verify I'm going to build a church to worship him in.
Elijah Morales
Why do these people have such a hard-on for immigrants. FIX the fucking school systems, toss the liberal Teacher Unions the fuck out of the country and hire Americans.
Alexander Young
> "country will start having the same problems as aging societies like Japan" > problems like having the highest quality of life on planet Earth, a respectable economy, high ratings for virtually all civil society metrics
I see this in every article but it never makes any sense. Not a weeb but Japan is literally a paradise compared to most western countries if you aren't a beta cuck. You will never find a more livable place or a more amenable people.
There's some sort of insane neoliberal complex about having perpetual growth for everything, and it sets the philosophy up for long-term failure. Quick growing societies are virtually all 3rd world shitholes. "Aging" societies are where everyone wants to live. Why do neoliberal journalists want to create 3rd world problems here?
Asher Jenkins
Why do you guys fight it? You have 1, 2, 3, 4 white kids...they government brings in 50 million mexicans, 200 million africans, and 30 million muslims. Whats there to defend, to preserve? The constitution and bill of rights that are already trampled on? Hamburgers?
The only way to counter balance ALL of whats currently happening is a militia with aid from the military to take down the government, a total rebellion. A race war doesn't matter, because in the end (((they))) will have more life boats ready to sail and open the flood gates.
Take the void pill. Ride the tiger, participate in degeneracy, lay low until the rebellion begins
Luke Evans
This is utter bullshit Denmark Japan and Russia both have success raising native birth rates.
Brayden Murphy
Bullshit. The only thing dependant on mass immigration and mud-babies is our debt-based financial system and (((central bank))) cartel. Per capita GDP doesn't require one fucking immigrant, and in fact suffers greatly from it. Overall GDP doesn't speak to the well being or quality of life of a nation's citizens one iota.
Aiden Gutierrez
>Fertility is below replacement levels, and no country has discovered a way to raise native birthrates That tends to happen when you implode the economy, and then actively subsidize non-whites to live and have children at the native population's expense. No, fuck you Boomers, you destroyed this fucking country so you could have ethnic food and get taken care of by your Jamaican nursing home aide in your old age.
William Cook
Oh and Poland as well. Fucking lying kikes.
Henry Cook
>Why do these people have such a hard-on for immigrants. Every new immigrant is a bucket to fill with debt. Debt and loans are a Trillion dollar industry in the US. Not to mention everyone that gets a cut off of immigrant housing, social services, HHS and other related services.
>insane neoliberal complex about having perpetual growth for everything A permanent underclass to sell "social justice" to, debt buckets to fill up, and brown people to breed away western civilization. What's not to love?
Gavin Cox
So let me get this straight.
We're looking at a future where automation, robots and computers are going to put so many people out of work that we're going to need to put people on basic assistance so they don't starve.
We need to import more immigrants because we aren't reproducing enough to expand the labor force.
Pick one fucktard.
Thomas Sanders
This article is exactly why neoliberals are even worse than communists. At least the fucking commies at least pretend to serve the people's interests. They're outright telling us we're disposable cogs in a machine whose sole purpose is to feed "muh economic growth".
Adam Watson
>Fertility is below replacement levels, and no country has discovered a way to raise native birthrates. Thats because in countries with this issue, propaganda is pushed every fucking minute of the day that over population is killing the Earth so people choose to not have children out of that respect.
THEN! >Lets bring in people from over populated areas of the Earth that are causing the massive fucking problems.
>Golly gee.
How about this. >The government offers incentives to parents to fucking reproduce. >Hey there, have 5 kids and we will give you this small home able to house a family of 5. BAM!
Alexander Johnson
>implying we need to prosper but also >implying anything you said is even true protip: it's not.
James Parker
Nah...youre sourcing a lying kike.
The numbers are conclusive, and over the years since the browning of America has risen, more people have become impoverished and dependent on welfare.
Learn how to think, instead of being told what to think.
Mason Garcia
>those fucking comments
people are advocating for all out white supremacy and the physical removal of brown people. its beautiful. the goyim are actually waking up.
Joshua Gray
Don't forget yesterday's line:
Overcrowding is totally real and a serious problem and not just a function of everyone moving to large cities.
Also, you have to bring in more immigrants because small towns are dying.
Thomas Roberts
>no country had discovered a way to raise native birthrates
from wikipedia "Mussolini feuded with the Catholic Church over a number of issues in his time in office, but their views, at that time, coincided on the issue of gender roles and contraception: both felt that women should assume a role as wife and mother, and both disagreed with contraception and abortion, with Mussolini banning the former. The Battle for Births began in 1927: Mussolini introduced a number of measures to encourage reproduction, with an objective of increasing the population from 40 million to 60 million by 1950. Loans were offered to married couples, with part of the loan cancelled for each new child, and any married man who had more than six children was made exempt from taxation."
Kayden Powell
>no country has discovered a way to raise native birthrates >but actually we haven't even tried because that would be a racist thing to do
Benjamin Garcia
>That means that immigration is necessary for the survival of the Social Security system and the solvency of pension funds. Then the solution should be getting rid of fucking social security and pensions, not importing a bunch of third world savages.
Alexander Ortiz
Looks like you'll be taking refugees instead of us.
Elijah Hill
>not ending the ponzi scheme socialist scheme known as Social Security
problem solved
>white welfare
YES MORE GIBS WILL SOLVE EVERYTHING!!! >get more gibs for kids
You plans turns whites into niggers
Tax cuts are fine,but government gibs is to far
John Young
I literally stumped a educated liberal with the question >Who says the population needs to stay the same or increase A. Higher wages B. Consolidation of wealth within families and society as a whole C. Automation means most low level jobs won't/don't have to exist now or in the future D. Saves the environment and conserves resources
Killing blow is >Companies like immigrants because they saddle them with Dept that creates paper capital to pretend there is growth, exploiting the immigrant worker with crushing debt while harming the economy
Robert Nguyen
>That means that immigration is necessary for the survival of the Social Security system and the solvency of pension funds
Iv been saying this for years.
Mass immigration at the moment is all about the baby boomers massive costs projected as they age.
Baby Boomers fucked up. They travelled and were general degenerates and didn't have enough children. Now society literally cant afford to keep them alive for the next 40 years so their solution is to just flood the west with "workers" where ever they can get them from.
Kayden Evans
You already are what we are afraid of becoming. No need to shill harder.
Lincoln Cox
>If the U.S. economy is going to prosper >MUH ECONOMY GOY! >forces people to live in a third world shithole, but it's fine because muh economy God, I hate these kike bastards
Jack Edwards
>If being filled with niggers She said Asians and Hispanics. Jesus Christ, put your boner for black ppl away for a second and read what was actually wrote.
Jose Peterson
>and worry that it will lead to ethnic balkanization, or a breakdown in the social fabric
Because that's exactly what will happen & always does happen?
The Jews who push for mass immigration know this, it's why they are so desperate to keep Israel Jewish
>brainwash females into doing abortions >population starts declining >you need to take more immigrants, goy these people...
Ryan Murphy
Stopped reading after "necessary for the survival of social security". When are we going to end that god damn Ponzi scheme? Fuck democracy and its shortsightedness. Politicians will promise anything for votes even if it fucks shit up down the line.
Adam Nguyen
How to fund native birthrates >Take money from foreign wars for isreal. >Take that money and give every white family a loan of 100,000 dollars. >For every child they have they dont have to pay back 25,0000 dollars.
There you go, fixed.
Christopher Morales
oh, and if you come out with a plan to raise birthrates they will just call you a sexist, "you want females to stay in the kitchen and nothing else, you monster". globalists suddenly care about white birthrates, give me a break.
Dylan Cook
>Our success depends on how many wage/debt slaves we have
No it doesn't, (((their))) success does.
We've had many population booms, such is a natural process. Population decline is natural as well. I would rather live in a less overpopulated country than one full of shitskins. The (((elites))) can go fuck themselves, I will not have a lower quality of life so they can keep their profit margins up. I would rather there be less people to compete with so my work is worth more.
Cameron Clark
They tried in Italy & it got racist, sexist etc
It is really frustrating they claim we need higher birth rates but then tell kids at a young age to use birth control
Camden Rodriguez
Im glad im not the only one who remembers muh overpopulation meme >Accept gays goy! Otherwise you'll be overpopulated >Not having kids is the best way to be happy
Then they do a complete 180 and say shit like
>Accept immigrants goy!You're too underpopulated! >You need it for your economy!
Carson Jackson
Nobody can fucking do shit either because anyone who talks about shutting it down is going to have some fuck come out and say "you want old people to die you heartless bastard!" Look at what they are doing with preexisting conditions. It is hard to roll this shit back after it is out there.
Chase Rogers
Kids should be weaned off birth control and on to monogomy soon as they hit puberty.
But birth control should be pushed for teens cause we want succesful white families and not shitty ones
Cooper Lewis
Luke Moore
End the fed and you don't need economic growth not to collapse. Also if your economic growth happens only thanks to demographic growth then your economy is dysfunctional.
Noah Green
Then let's not be prosperous. I'm fine with being mediocre if it means no more goddamn fuckin shit-skins.
Tyler Garcia
They say this about every 1st world country
Infinite population growth is not sustainable, it's a pyramid scheme, just dumping debt off to the next generation.
There are already too many people on this planet to begin with
Isaiah Miller
>overpopulation meme it's like they've completely stopped talking about overpopulation, molyneux also noticed that. he said "when i was young they would always blabber about overpopulation but now nothing".
Jordan James
No, it's because of joining Crimea, high fertility in south muslim regions and constant influx of immigrants. Ethnic russians population (or "white whites") is decreasing quickly for many years now.
David Nguyen
>bloom (((berg))) Every Fucking Time
Tyler Sullivan
And Russia is ultrapoor, there's no significant tupport for mothers from society.
Cooper Rodriguez
>No country has discovered a way to raise native birthrates Did they even try? I dont remember any call to have kids from western governments in the 28 years ive been on this planet
Colton Johnson
>plug the fucking hole That would involved some blood shed... Of course it's inevitable, but politicians keep this hot potato rolling because nobody want this shit in his shift
Dominic Mitchell
more propaganda pushed by globalist kikes
Christopher Adams
immigrants are debt bombs. The reason 1M 3rd worlders get in every year is so in 18 years there is 3M foreigners with college debt and in 28 years there are 3M foreigners with mortgages and credit card debt.
They know that debt will never be paid off, it's better for US hegemony if it never does.
Justin Cooper
>(((Bloomberg))) the kikes are getting pretty overt with their kill whitey program now
Robert Morgan
Those geriatrics aren't going to go to war for their pensions. If they do, it would be a one day war. It's like, we have this huge ass security apparatus that is perfect for quelling domestic insurrection. What is the hold up? The elite is pushing so much shit that benefits the underclass while the middle class gets shafted. Why is that?
Jaxon Barnes
>oy vey the world is overpopulated stop having kids >oy vey let in peaceful rapefugees because you aren't reproducing WE ARE NOT FALLING FOR THIS SHIT ANYMORE.
Noah Sanders
they won't go to war, but they will try and enslave their children to foreigners
50% of boomers need a bullet into their head and the other half deserve a slow death
Luis Miller
They always mention >Fertility is below replacement levels And never ask why. I'll tell you why: you're encouraged into going into debt as quickly as possible and stay in debt because it is good for the creditors i.e. bankers and investors.
Also population decline is not bad unless GDP doesn't increase at a sustainable rate. Which is why Japan is doing so well economically yet you don't hear them complaining about lack of foreigners.
Owen Ramirez
>in order for shekelbergstein and his clique of acolytes to afford their new 50 story skyscraper where they host massive pedo orgies, more goys must be brought in and put to work
Easton Scott
Japan is doing good?
WTF you are smoking? Average Japanese is poorer than average American
Caleb Gomez
>Which is why Japan is doing so well economically yet you don't hear them complaining about lack of foreigners.
Japan's GDP has been stagnant for a long time, their economy is shit
Jaxson Turner
>They tried in Italy & it got racist, sexist etc it's literally impossible. imagine being a western european/north american politician and one day you come out for a press conference in which you talk about a plan for raising white birthrates. and if you didn't specifically said white birthrates but instead you said only german birthrates, for example, the lefties will say "well, we're ALL germans, black, white or arab it's all the same", and if you say "no, no, you don't understand, i'm only talking about white birthrates", they will crucify you on the spot.
Adrian Fisher
You don't understand. Their population is falling, and unless their GDP is falling faster than their population, they won't feel the need to import foreigners because their livelihood is not affected. The stagnancy is more a result of failed economic system (cheap growth but low return on investment) during the 80s that they are trying to climb out of.
Julian Gomez
(((They))) have been working on their takeover for many generations.
Daniel Bailey
because they don't understand this idea of a nation, of a people and tradition that needs to be preserved. they're not alarmed and they just don't care.
Owen Stewart
Also American GDP is the highest in the world, of course Japan is lower you fucking idiot.
Ethan Adams
Japan's GDP per capita is falling since 1990's recession.
They did same mistake what China is doing.
Giving subsidies to state run companies too much and they piled up massive debt.
The same thing Trump wants to do. Give money to do called manufacturing companies despite they are making loss in The name of jobs.
But Trump supporters who are socialists won't mind.
Ethan Ross
>Middle class getting bled dry by stagnant wages, taxes, obongocare >Nothing but shitty service type jobs >Insane housing prices and high cost of living >Huurrr why doesn't anyone want kids? >Huurrr surely more niggers and spics freeloading will fix it!
Carter Scott
better than having to live near poo in loos or niggers. Nations can recover from poverty, but can't recover from shitskins
Parker Thomas
>falling for the GDP meme if you get your maid/cook pregnant, gdp increases
if you get your girlfriend pregnant, gdp falls
gee, what a useful measurement
Hudson Bennett
You don't think I know this, Ranjit Dikshit?
>subsidies >state run companies You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Trump wanted to negotiate trade deals and impose tariffs, not fucking state socialism. Typical poo.
Jayden Wood
yes, of course government statistics are 100% TRUE
Landon Flores
This lie of "prosperity depends on increasing immigration" - notice they never say prosperity for *which social group* - is exactly what the UN in 2000 decreed was necessary to "save" Europe.
So articles like this are just the globalists preparing America for the same kind of cultural extermination (((they))) have forced upon Europe.
Dylan Cook
Even if we consider reducing population GDP is still growing less than American counterpart.
It's not all rosy up there in Japan. There is reason they are not having kids. Because it's damn costly to live in Japan also they spend all time working so no time for shagging.
Cooper Perez
This. Any nigger infested city can only be fixed with bulldozers.
Asher King
>Fertility is below replacement levels, and no country has discovered a way to raise native birthrates.
>Nine months later reports have suggested that Denmark is set for a baby boom with 1,200 more babies due to be born this Summer compared to last year, The Local reports, citing a report in the Danish broadsheet Politiken.
Oh look, it seems if you encourage your native born population to conceive they have babies! Who could have predicted this outcome?
Cameron Adams
Imposing tariff is socialism you idiot.
Anthony Sanders
Always archive known sources of clickbait. If site, dump on archive.is; if youtube video, rewrite domain in url to hooktube.com
the person who shits on the street is showing his masterful cultural and econometric analysis guys
I wonder what vedic secrets his 70 iq -100fl brain holds
Connor Reed
bulldozers are not the most efficient unit of killing niggers
Brayden Nguyen
Where did this belief in nonstop growth being the only positive future come from? Scaling back/slowing down doesn't mean our society is ending right the fuck now.
Charles Diaz
Why do they always assume raising native birth rates is either impossible or was tried and failed? I don't see any movements to make it easier for natives to work up intergenerational wealth or to have kids or to get land or fucking anything!
Nothing has been done to try and solve the problem and they just assume importing millions of darkies is gonna fix it? I'd rather let it all crash, fuck it lets implode we need to shave off the genetic trash anyway
Henry Campbell
Go away communist SJW.
Come with proper arguments.
Elijah Murphy
He didn't say it's a good idea, he simply said it could be done.
Cameron Sullivan
Ya it's dumb pretty much every economist agrees that we'll have to either raise taxes, lower payouts, or both to maintain social security in the future.
Camden Harris
Your country has its own demographic crunch
Nathaniel Hernandez
>mexico Sorry amigo, but this plan assumes that only Whites of high quality (IQ above 95 and employed) would qualify. White working families will pump out babies and raise the demographics back to pre-1965 standards. There is no welfare, the loan is there to cover the costs of child bearing. We don't want the wiggers and white trash breeding.
Elijah Williams
>Even if we consider reducing population GDP is still growing less than American counterpart Wow, could it be because there's only so much you can do to stay competitive when you're an island without a single valuable natural resource except high-IQ, hard-working native population?
I never said Japan is doing great. I said you're average Japanese person is not going >BOY OH BOY WE NEEDU IMMIGRANTU SO BADU just to prop up the illusion of a growing economy. Moreover, Germany's birthrate is lower than Japan's at 8.1%, and that's despite a complete open-door policy to economic refugees. Falling wages and increasing work-hours is endemic to the entire developed world.
Also stop the cancerous r*ddit spacing.
Josiah Mitchell
Trumpsters : China give subsides to steel companies.
Me : If they are giving us free foreign aid. Let's take all their steel.
American steel companies : Give us subsidies too. We will do MAGA.
Trumpsters : yes govt. Plz steal money from people and give to these MAGA companies
Charles Price
>parents immigrated when the system was still merit based >paid a fuckload of money and waited a long time, had to fight commies in the meanwhile >finally get here, both get jobs, never get on welfare, never break a law and raise their kids to be Americans >mfw commies are going to ruin everything for them and for everyone in the country yet again
These fucking Marxists must be stopped, they're either too stupid or too evil to know they're just gonna ruin everything for us by getting rid of the whites. Boy if for some reason these faggots succeed I'm gonna look for other veterans and we're going to give them the cultural enrichment they fucking want so bad, I'll spend the rest of my life with the sole purpose of fucking up leftists and their useful idiots shit.