Nigger hate thread

nigger hate thread

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Be nice


This is a bad leaf. Pay no attention to him.

just made the mistake of watching the LA riots documentary and seeing fucking savages nearly murder a white truck driver after dragging him from his car.

Probably not very helpful or necessary.


stfu leaf, they dindu nuffin...yet


>tfw to intelegent to hate people on the basis of their race instead of their actions

Tell me Sup Forums I know its not just me. Somebody please enlighten me on why these fucking gorillas NEVER EVER TRIM THEIR FUCKING FINGER NAILS. Every fucking nigger I've ever come in contact with has gnarly dirty long untrimmed finger nails. Disgusting yellow claws on each of their digits. Why the fuck do they do this?


You mean Reginald Denny?



that's the funniest part. Still doesn't compare to 400 years of slavery.




>to instead of too

hearty, wholesome family-friendly bait right there.

Dumb nigger.

Archaeologists have discovered that the kings of Ancient Egypt were in fact black.

Upon unwrapping the gold sarcophagus they found the body of a dark chocolate skinned man. The legendary Pharaoh Rocher.


That's not a dirty dark secret, it's a widely acknowledge phenomena

thanks straya man, I can go to bed now




Dude I hate niggers so much once I made one lay down in front of a curb and place the corner inside his stinky mouth. I then proceeded to stomp on the back of his head, thus ending his miserable existent. However I regret this as ultimately I got betrayed and raped in prison by my white brethren. Life's tough. Rather be raped by whites than nigs I guess.

Tired of saying black people invented peanut butter.

They didn't, a french canadian did.

This means niggers have literally accomplished nothing, ever.



>That story


I honestly want to know why they are so quick to violence.

It is honestly the same behavior my dog exhibits. I ignore him for a little when he wants to play and he will start barking or biting

seems legit...

Why can't they keep pants on. I never understood this.


no impulse control, no ability to delay gratification, general lack of critical thinking skill

This one is always great

Niggers were on the moon back then? No wonder it's now a wasteland.

>1 billion years old
>before the first sexually reproducing organisms even evolved

kek. never seen that one before



try again nigger nothing tops this


can someone explain this

top kek

I fucking love these threads.



You want us to explain niggers.

lets face it, we the conquistadors discovered and civilized America. Snowniggers and blacks should go back where you came from.


What's their problem with cats? Is it just joy on preying on weaker/defenseless?

Stfu reddit.

Fuck niggers



cats are pets for white people


How fucking dumb are you?



freddie grey was killed in police custody and if you please take a second to look at the case you see niggers are killed in the middle of their daily activies. bulshit america

Spics are pets for white people

Heres one, a libtard film crew went to show how "Dumb drunk and racist" white Aussies are.
Unfortunately they made the mistake of venturing outside the goats cheese triangle of inner Melbourne and got exposed to some real "culture".

i dont know if this technically counts as nigger "hate" its more of a sad example of what become of the american negro.



Haven't seen this one yet. RIP turtle


Remember when that old white Vietnam vet got hassled by nigs on a bus, then Hollywood made a movie about it, except it was an old mexican getting hassled by white skinheads?

Pepperidge Farm remembers

Any idea what happened after this?

Jesus Christ...

Is this a Sims mod?

That's some hard hitting news.

lovers or slaves? cuck.

>we wuz so advanced we travelled the stars

And yet cave dwelling whites brought you down?

Then who are the real losers in this scenario?

nigger logic

were they donating to reward her for late-term-aborting the niglets?

You got the one with the liberal school teacher who starts teaching niggers?

To show some level of empathy towards another living critter you have to have some sort of humanity in you.

why do nigs hate cats? also i heard they're afraid of dogs, is it true?

Nigger = dumb

Kill niggers now

We Thought They Were White

An African-American Apologizes for Misattributed Perceptions of White Racism Against Blacks Perpetrated by Jews

Is it even English at this point? Holy shit, I didn't understand 3/5 of what they were saying.

It counts


I think is what you're looking for

People actually had sympathy for her after leaving her kids in a car in Arizona. Fucking nuts.

Also thanks for this Webm, been waiting on it for awhile.

Them digits


I didn't think anyone else did this. It was a pretty viable way of making a living too, since you can always throw in more slaves when they starve.

Black people are monkeys


KEK wills nigger hate

Praise kek