In the video link below, popular YouTuber and known Hitler worshipper PewDiePie can be seen using the water bottle to create "crocodile tears" in order to mock a possibly transgendered Korean Pop band for unsubscribing from his racist, cis male rant videos. Which by the way, he's become a millionaire overnight solely because the monitization value YouTube puts on straight white uploaders. These fake tears are used as a way of attacking LGBTQ+ and minorities solely on the basis of sexual orientation and skin color and also to terrorize them out of white supremacist countries. Known members of the Alt-Right have been seen repeatly brandishing bottles of water "in order to show their solidarity with white power" claiming bottled water was invented by Europeans, yet again another resource stolen from Africans and rebranded by the KKK. We MUST make sure these hostile threats and actions are taken seriously by the media and world leaders. Thank you for your virtue in these trying racist patriarchal times.
Water bottles are a known violent hate symbol of White Nationalism and Patriarchy
Other urls found in this thread:
>Failed Meme: The Thread.
Buzzfeed needs to be alerted about this immediately.
Germany, figures you'd be a racist heteronormative male oppressor!
Pewdiepie is a fag
Fuck off and die OP
I don't think you're seeing the potential of these meme. Think of all the dehydrated liberals.
Can't we make air a symbol of White Nationalism and Patriarchy already? I want everyone else stop breathing.
One step at a time brother
You would cry too if those cute korean boys didn't like you.
water bottles are used by the racist white males because they drink filtered water that isn't full of estrogen, antibiotics and fluoride
>I want everyone else stop breathing.
There are other ways of achieving that.
that queer milo is in on it too
The darker the skin, the dirtier the water; coincidence?
he needs to be revived with purity
sieg heil
Breaking news folks!
Thanks OP! You made my day start wonderfully. I laughed tears.
The conspiracy goes all the way to the president!
Jonez is all about the purity
Ahahaha I get it, a pussy on a pedestal
He looks dehydrated, doesn't he?
Not a water bottle in sight.
Wow, you really know how these faggots talk, OP.
Top bantz
I watched that video the other. Kept cracking up everytime he used that water bottle for tears.
His video where he shows he's on Swedens hate list is the best
Kek spoke through me.
That racist vastard tried to gas all the jews!
Hey Sup Forums Bear Grylls here.
Just thought I'd let you goys in on my biggest secret.
What's wrong with this picture? NO WATER BOTTLES!