>tfw you're undercover far-right and all your associates are far-left
>tfw you have to hide your power level 95% of the time
ITT report if you're in enemy territory
>tfw you're undercover far-right and all your associates are far-left
>tfw you have to hide your power level 95% of the time
ITT report if you're in enemy territory
What do you do
I used to go to school in California. nuf said
Hollyjew actor
All I'll say
Califag in Bay Area hippie town reporting in
Funny story, some liberals are actually more red polled than you think and are also very antisemetic
Right wing Torontonian reporting
Seattle reporting in. Please nuke us.
my D&D friends are balls to the walls lefty trump haters with a hard cover book in their bathroom magazine rack about white privilege
I live in CT... Doesn't get much worse
Vince Vaughn?
Work at a french cafe
Libshit coworkers and manager are BLACKED beyond recognition. Marine Le Pen getting into 2nd round was a nice minor victory. Shame she didnt win.
Kilwaukee here. Help
I live in SoCal. It's not as bad as Northern Cali, but I live thirty miles from LA, so the cancer lingers in the air.
Y-you too?
Do we know eachother?
I'm blinking twice
on the west side?
>tfw live in northern california
>tfw live in humboldt county
>tfw every county around me wants to break away from south california except for mine
r u me
I live in mexican city in orange county, it's hell.
>Humboldt County
Cascadia when?
Saskatchewan welfare-town far-right winger reporting in.
>when you're far-right and your far-left colleagues start ranting about how evil israel is and how most capitilists are jews
Baltimore reporting in. This place is lost.
Seattle as well. This place is a shithole. NOTHING of value would be lost.
just googled images of Cascadia
seems pretty fucking sweet
Downtown Portland, OR here.
You can't even begin to understand the levels of degeneracy here
I'm corporate. For a company that starts with 'C' and has their HQ in Philly. Sometimes I wonder how I slipped through the cracks and what the excuse for firing me will be when they find out.
I'm in southern California.
It's tough man.
yea at my school we even have one gay
DC Metro reporting in. Thankfully I'm only surrounded by cucks and """conservative""" corporate lobbyists. The niggers just shoot each other within the city.
>when you see this being unironically shared among your female muslim friends with tons of likes and laugh emojis
Close. I live right on the border between San Bernadino and LA county.
Now all they need to know is that they're unknowingly acting as proxies for the Jews.
"Fellow lefties, why is George Soros funding us?"
Yes, the Galaxian Effect. When you go too far to one side, you end up on the other.
>Say George Soros in front of normies
REEEEEE NAZI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
go to bed lars
also downtown is for Kushner Republicans and bougie neo libs, you should feel very comfortable.
Fine, Israeli advocacy groups, NGOs, whatever. But lefties aren't normies - they're into fisting and poor hygien. Normies shower twice every fucking day.
Here's the same. The really hate the jews so our Israeli-Spanish foundations are all against the far-left (and left in general)
Well, when I was in school, everyone was really left wing. Family is also very far left. But I'm out of school now and I live in AZ so I wouldn't say that I'm really in any enemy territory. I even saw the rare sight of a white family with 3+ white children.
I'm calling bs.
Leftists are even worse though. You might even be able to get away with saying Israel, but you'd have to pepper it in with other examples. It cant just be
>Hey you know that Israel
>Gee, aren't those Israeli Jews xenophobic?
>Why does Israel insist on military walls along their border but Jews in America demand open borders?
It's too obvious. Slow and steady wins this race.
I wear a MAGA hat and talk loudly to my friends about how I support Trump, in fucking Vancouver, BC, THE liberal capital of the world
Fuck being ashamed and too scared to be proud of my ideology
And honestly the statement is about how I hate SJWs more than it is about how much I like Trump.
Sergeant Nigger reporting from Surbabanite Sydney, where every second dude's a fucking cuck
Liberal here (lib centrist)
Trolling this board is like shootin fish in a barrel I'll yell you hwhat.
That's why Trump won. Everyone can see his flaws. But he was literally the only anti-sjw candidate in the election and that on it's own put him miles ahead of the competition.
I live in Philly, a lovely sanctuary city comprised entirely of either liberal college students or niggers that shoot each other daily and live on government money. One of the only blue areas in PA for exactly this reason.
Send help
And it's a good thing to bring up that Israel has a habit of sabotaging peace talks. I wonder (((why))).
5 people at my work (45 employees) are trans...
Give us a clue as to what you've starred in, desu.
Where are you working, in a brothel?
Middle of the Silicon Valley of California.
My own father is a giant cuck who watches CNN 6 hours a day.
>tfw work at a college town pizzeria
>surrounded by libs and neo-libs
>kitchen employees allowed to wear any type of baseball cap
>a couple twink faggots wear BLM hats
>most of the girl servers have colored hair or some type of facial piercings
>for some reason the main TV in the lobby is playing mainstream news
>it's a segment on Trump.
>most of my coworkers are saying stupid non-factual statements about how Trump has ruined this country beyond repair
>Almost reveal my power level
Almost. But I figured if I did that then I'd have to find another job lest I be ostracized
Hey Matt
John Candy? I know it's you.
Nah, I shoot lights for theatre.
Same here. Silicon Valley engineer.
>going to college
>work on campus as well
It isn't that bad though. STEM at my community college isn't too infected by SJW and I never see normies.
its kinda cute though
>Well versed in anthropogenic global warming science literature
>Working in northern alberta with a bunch of scientifically illiterate right wing rednecks
>They're always running their mouths and have no idea what they're talking about, but think they know everything
>One dickhead thinks evolution isn't real
>Have to bite my tongue all the time and play along like im one of the boys so i don't single myself out and prevent my chances of getting work in the future
The hardest part about my job is pretending to be someone im not
I redpilled everyone I know. What are you normies doing?
turn away while you still can
Hamburger Mary's?
Haha where do you go? Yuba?
how dare you speak to me infadel you're not my husband
Move to SW Mississippi, no one give a shit about anything here.
>tfw you're a LARPing now nigger with a designated shitting shrub.
>OP's pic
what does this mean?
>openly right wing
>hang and drink with openly left wing people
>one is kind of part of antifa
Wait, where is my (You)?
> Accountant at "Big 4" firm
I like to drop little comments that lead people down the road to asking themselves redpilled questions. Like the big "Jew question" for instance.
I'll say something like
>"Man, I wonder why those people are richer than most?"
when someone mentions Jews or whatever. Then they typically say
>"What makes you say that user?"
Then I'll start listing off Joogle/Kikebook/(((Hollywood)))/GoldbergSachs/etc. After that, they normally say stuff like
> "Hmm, that's weird, I never noticed that."
After that, I'll normally hear them parrot that shit to other people during discussions about "the rich" or whatever comes up. It's little redpills subtly dropped like that which will be the things that will eventually drag these people over to our side. Remember, we were all brainwashed normies at some point. All it takes is the right thing to start someone down the rabbit hole. After that, it's redpill-city forever.
>work for Apple Computer
>wear Bernie Sanders shirt to work to fit in with the other shitlibs.
>vote for Trump but don't tell anyone
>never once asked if I voted for Hillary but I do know that lots of my co-workers are looking for anyone who voted for Trump
>Trump derangement syndrome is real
I'll tell you that it's in a liberal state, I rather like my job and don't want some autist working their magic and figuring out where I work.
The worst SJW shit I've seen is some SJW class doing some weird ass privilege checking exercise in one of the main outdoor areas. I was just walking by on my way to the parking lot, but I quickly figured out what it was. The teacher would basically read a situation or trait and how many steps to move in one of two directions (depending on if the situation/trait made you more or less privileged) if it applied to you. It was funny as hell when a middle class black woman kept drifting towards the privileged white folk side of the class as her nigger friends were saying shit along the lines of "ayyy where you going?".
This is essentially my whole reason for coming here.
Everett (Seattle) Here. Both the poor and the rich are liberal hipsters.
San Francisco fag here but pretty sure my colleagues know I'm a traitor because I never virtue signal on Facebook anymore and I ask too many questions when people defend failed liberal policies
Then again I'm pretty sure all my white coworkers are crypto Trump supporters, so there's that
>be me
>be chilling on youtube
>black pigeon posts a video on Manchester attacks
>"I might aswell share this. Looks good alright."
>Libtards share shit all the time on kike book. >No one questions them.
>post it anyway.
>big mistake
>fucking idiot posts in the comments about the casualties in the Iraq war and why we shouldn't feel sad because we bombed some desert shit hole
>Can sense the shit storm about to come
>delete post
>wew lad
>a few hours later
>some libtard messages me how being critical of ISIS cause terrorism
>call him an Islamic apologist and tell him to fuck off
Pic Related is what he sent me. Blocked that miserable cuck.
There's still traditionalist bastions in the deep south. Lots of large redneck families.
I live in Minnesota... Fortunately rural. There's more reds than blues in my county, but I can travel half an hour anywhere and be feeling blue... Travel an hour, and I'm surrounded by fucking Somalis.
At work, there's definitely a liberal vibe, but it's not too extreme... I want to work for our biggest local competitor... They actually had Trump and MAGA signs up for the election!
I wanna work for them!
Really? Most of my colleagues don't really give a shit about politics so I'm in neutral land
>tfw you are a coward and pretend you are some 4d chess undercover agent on some anonymous taiwanese basket weaving forum
AGW is unfalsifiable bullshit. fuck lieberals
Rand Paul, Chris Christie, and Ben Carson all were also anti PC. That's about it though, all Trump supporters now.
well he's right you know, ISIS is a jewish psy-op and you fell for their tricks
not saying we should support muslims but please look more into the origins of ISIS and who their covert allies and financiers are
Where at? I'm in Walnut Creek
Yep, Palestinians are a confirmed oppressed minority, the Lolocaust is viewed by Libs as an extortion plan to steal more land in Gaza and the WB
I'm an artist born and living in Jew York city, and I'm black you tell me.
The eternal cucked kraut strikes again! You're ancestors must be rolling in their graves.
>You're ancestors must be rolling in their graves
Because I'm not buying into jewish propaganda? Don't think so mate.
Well then, you might as well be here and eventually get red pilled because your lefty shill sites are echo chambers and ghost towns, commiefag...
Banged this liberal broad recently and she shows me an anti Trump meme like 10 min later when we were laying there. I gave her a half-hearted laugh and said nothing, power level hidden and she wants to come back for more, should I hit it again pol?
That's why I stopped going. I did an old Shadowrun campaign and the loudest one complained like a giant manchild when I gave someone else more Karma after a segment of it. "Well it's house rules that everyone is equal, it's fair!" he screamed. That's when I realized the polarization in our world views, there would be no compromise. Now he shitposts on Facebook every other day with quotes from 18th Century American Politicians, and how we need to resist Trump.
Depends how much of a libshit she is, on a scale of, if you sleep with her again but ghost her after will she claim you raped her, or can you red pill her after giving her a good dicking?
Yes... And then next time put on your MAGA hat right after blowing your "Alt Right" nut all over her fat face... Cuz we all know she's fat...