Tucker says FUCK YOU to Alex Jones
Tucker says FUCK YOU to Alex Jones
"I dont want any Alex Jones people at my house!"
Only managed to make it a few minutes in. First time Tucker has ever come off well on camera.
>ambush tucker with 9/11 autism
>expect him to throw his career away over it
>I was enraged
So logic man gets irrational instead of looking at the facts, and then takes liberals to task for doing the same thing.
Tucker is right.
Which is more likely:
>Massive government conspiracy on the scale of the Manhattan project plotting against its own citizens and noone has come forward
>some backwards muslims from a shithole country decide to chimp out and commit a horrific act of terror
I remember this feels like 100 years ago
It doesn't have to be an elaborate conspiracy, you just need the administration to get intel in advance of the attacks and choose to do nothing.
Good, fuck the truthers
911 truthers are faggots
Intel failures aren't evidence of a conspiracy, user.
Government conspiracy to aid the Muslims, which in turns gives the government reason to enter their lands and destabilize them.
The real question is if it was the US' doing, Israel, or both, on the government side.
Good argument, rage more.
>Government conspiracy to aid the Muslims
lmao put the crack pipe down straya
every thread these fucking autists come in with zero evidence just pure tinfoil bs. "what if space cyborgs came down and hologrammed the whole thing then wiped our memories" CANT PROVE THEY DIDN'T!!!
Proof positive this place is infested with 14 year olds and the mentally deficient.
It's ok tho cause tucker bent the knee
seeyou have the intellect of a rock.
go fuck yourself, entitled little shit
>Alcoholic nicotine addicted cuckservative
kek, Tucker was lame from the beginning
Wtf I hate Tucker now
Wtf I hate Alex now
there. You divided and conquered my almonds, are you happy?
>he doesn't humor my retarded conspiracy theories
look at the degenerates in the OP video you're assocating with lmao, some fat neckbeard manlet and a hoodie-wearing pothead
I didn't bother watching that video, I just said that Tucker is really lame and only reason redditors here like him is because of muh "le I don't need to understand politics as long as I btfo le SJWs #goobergabe"
No, you.
>I didn't bother watching that video
okay nobody cares what you think then
As if a fucking leaf ever matters. Are we pretending that Tucker isn't a degenerate?
building 7 is all the evidence one needs.
Agreed. Even "holocaust denial" makes more sense.
meaningless hyperemotional buzzword for idiots who can't articulate their opinions otherwise
9/11 was an inside job and anyone making false equivalencies of those that espouse this statement or denying this assertion is very likely, but not abolutely, a partisan faggot. We needed to go into the middle east, otherwise our dollar and economy would have collapsed. Bin Laden was CIA, and as such was able sway public opinion enough to warrant military intervention in the middle east.
The whole jet fuel/steel beams shit is irrelevant. All they needed was for the planes to hit the towers and the deal was done.
If you deny this, you are either a shill, a kike, or you don't want to see your idol Cucker Carlson compromised. Fox News is dogshit, all mainstream media is. They are all bought and paid for by Jews and globalists (read: saturn death cultists) that have a vested interest in serving Israel and establishing the NWO.
lol Tucker is living legend m8....shareblue tim is that you?
>"this is a no win conversation."
I find this not at all unreasonable. He might talk with buddies, or anonymously about this, but the guy has a career to manage.
Also, 2012, OP? That's disgraceful. But thank you for showing your hand. They're setting up a character-hit on him.
tucker seems like a genuinely nice guy, comletely disagrees with those guys but still sticks around laughs and jokes with them and isnt an ass hole.....BASED
>Plane. Kite. Hit. Steel. Must.
>meaningless hyperemotional buzzword for idiots who can't articulate their opinions otherwise
You have short memory dumbass leaf
Tuck the cuck
old as fuck clip, hes changed his mind completely, hes been on infowars show
newfags, all of you
He works for fucking Fox News. A multi-billion dollar company, I'm sure they'd kill him if he even shown partiality.
old as fuck like the parents you're parasiting.
What does have to say about the dancing Israelis?
wtf i m not sure how to think about tucker now
Fire doesn't melt steel!!
>There's no way 9/11 was a conspiracy, c'mon
>can't refute or answer a single question or statement
What a fucking retard. It's cool he hangs out with random people on the street and admits all journalists are parasites though.
That's a lot of tw2os
I'm a blacksmith. you are retarded if you really believe the jet fuel meme.
>otherwise our dollar and economy would have collapsed.
Tucker's a gatekeeper who is assigned to badger third-tier libshits as a token "conservative" gesture.
He knows 911 was an inside job.
It was a Zionist/Wahhabi partner operation. Larry Silverstein the Zionist allowed (((those whose can't be named))) to plant bombs in the 3 towers; Israel's 2nd best friend Saudi Arabia trained Wahhabi dupes to do the hijacking. The plane that was crashed in Pennsylvania was probably supposed to crash into WTC 7, the 3rd building that fell.
How this isn't blatantly obvious to the world by now, I don't know.
So when you take a piece of hot steel out of a forge it's melted off
And what about WTC 7?
I have a background in blacksmithing and glass blowing.
You are an idiot if you think falling rubble can create a furnace capable of melting steel on accident.
t.someone who has actually built a furnace.
This was a long time ago. Tucker actually went out to texas at a later date and did an interview with Alex. They cool now
Yes, it's impossible for the official explanation of "office fires" and "falling rubble" to have caused an instant collapse of WTC 7 like that.
And how much more unlikely does it get, considering it was 3(!!!!) buildings that fell in the exact same way at the same time. You never see it happening, but now to 3 buildings?
Sure, 2 were hit by planes, bit 1 not... And they all fall like that. OK, seems legit
Tucker is pretty fucking hilarious
And remember, passengers downed the plane in Pennsylvania. I think that plane was supposed to go into WTC 7.
I am an engineer, and let me tell you it does not matter at what temperature steel beams melt at. When steel is heated to somewhere around 425 degrees, it loses its strength, and a lot of it. Also, I am assuming that they used decent steel to begin with. SO the whole muh steel beams is complete shit.
Carlson knows he's practically next on the chopping block once Hannity is ousted.
Again as someone who has built a furnace.
The problem isn't weakened steel integrity.
The problem is containing the heat for it to that level WHILE providing enough oxygen to the area so the heat is maintained long enough too compromise it's integrity.
This is simply impossible given their official explination.
It's also irrelevant whether you believe in the muh steal beems. Fact of the matter is it was planned by CIA-Mossad and carried about out Saud's as was the entire Arab Spring. Whatever we know from the Arab Spring we can just work our way backwards with 9-11.
Pic related.
>January 2012>January 2012>January 2012>January 2012
>January 2012
>January 2012
Come on Sup Forums
I can't see your pic. :(
How new are you? Don't answer that. We both know the answer. Instead of clicking on the image, click on the blue .png part above it to open it in a new tab. Then magnify.
>The problem isn't weakened steel integrity.
>The problem is containing the heat for it to that level WHILE providing enough oxygen to the area so the heat is maintained long enough too compromise it's integrity.
>This is simply impossible given their official explination.
kid even in a diffuse fire jet fuel burns at around 1500 to 1800 degrees. Well above the temperature need to weaken the beams, you are also not calculating the fact that surrounding area was much cooler, such a temperature difference will cause stress cracks almost immediately.
Except the melted beams meme doesnt come from the beams melting to precipitate the collapse. It comes from the mass's of molten steel that were found in the rubble post collapse. Theres photos, corroboration from NASA satt's and high ranking witness's like Guiliani that can back this up.
He works for Fox News, of course he has to deny it and i respect he has his opinion if that what it is. But what we have here is bunch of hotshots going into each other hair. Lol Tucker has a smirky attitude, reality is becoming like internet if they realize it or not.
Let the games begin.
That Lebanese's breakdown is perfect.
Fucking kikes
Tons and tons of evidence that 9/11 was hoax. No evidence building 7 that wasn't hit by a plane was brought down by sheer nothing.
I lost respect for Tucker watching this. Becomes evident somewhere in that he's shilling and shilling hard, disrespects the truth, says to kick truthers out of the country, then won't own it to their face. No evidence muh dont say it without evidence or you're a complete fucking moron muh despite the clear existence of evidence:
-numerous lies included in the plane narrative
-video footage of controlled demolition
-"grossly negligent" investigations afterward and motions to catalog and spy on truthers
He takes this hard line then here he is saying he "has no idea wht hppened in bldg 7"
Fuck Tucker Carlson.
I'm glad you read it.
Check this out if you're interested in more. It's a quick read.
they've since made up and became BFF's
Only man who gets it in this bait thread
Maybe you should mind your own business dutchanon
911 is an American matter.