Who are some Sup Forums approved youtubers?

Who are some Sup Forums approved youtubers?

i dont watch ecelebs on youtube, im not a fag

inb4 molyneux


They are all talentless degenerate cancers.

there are no Sup Forums approved youtubers you fucking cock sucker, go back to the_donald

I only use JewTube for ripoffs of the odd syndicated guy, and Dr. P.

I saw a Jim one the other day that was kind of OK, but it was entertainment. It wasn't news.

I like, the Hydraulic Press Channel, the Slingshot Channel, and Skallagrim



Murdoch Murdoch

This. But I got to say, Barnacules Nerdgasm dropped some redpilled hints in his vids

mark dice
paul joseph watson (fuck you guys I like him)

E;R is pretty good at what he does

These are my favorite youtubers ATM OP :)

Optic nade shot
Tana mongeu :D

Jim has gone full kike, releases videos every three weeks and yet still has a pay monthly Patreon. I'm all for him getting paid for what he does but where the fuck is the content at?

How is laughing at retarded deviantarts Sup Forums approved?

We have no use for Thought Police, go back to The_Tard

>where the fuck is the content at?

How new are you that you think 3 videos per month is slow?

It's not, but he's getting $3000 a month now, he could step up his game a bit, streams, more frequent uploads, whatever.

God, you're a fucking faggot.

Oh god they are so terrible

Most videos have each minute translate to multiple manhours of work that needs to be done, those 3 hours a month, due to the editing (and more importantly, searching for videos and posts that are years old that may not even exist anymore) is probably where the time all goes.

The_Donald welcomes you back, you clearly don't belong here.

pls be a troll

3 videos a month is super fast in Jim-time.

Terry Davis, obviously.