The 50th anniversary of the 6 Day War is next week. Ramadan begins this evening

Other urls found in this thread:




I had a premonition of a NY vehicle attack

remember this post

what's that green one supposed to be, a fidget spinner?

chemical weapons

A fully primed neutron bomb.

>he doesn't know that fidget spinners are known to cause arthritis...
In are modern electronic economy arthritis in ones fingers would be a financial death sentences. They are literally weapons... My numbers confirm!

fidget spinners a meme prediction of chemical weapons attack?


Lemme know where so I can plan my commute around it.


>If a nuclear bomb explodes nearby, here's why you should never, ever get in a car


I dunno about "never, ever" but it has some important info anyway

Always archive known sources of clickbait. If site, dump on archive.is; if youtube video, rewrite domain in url to hooktube.com



Rolling fuck a masochistic calculator.



And always saging.

>And always saging.

that's good, anyway

still, the bot is spammy. I agree with the point you're making to some extent. clickbait is annoying, but so are spambots, eh?

and legit articles do not need to be archived


Nobody on here want even a cent of profit for companies that build a reputation for publishing FUCKING WHITE MALES clickbait articles. BusinessInsider - strangely - is one of those. If half or even 95% of their journalistic output is serious doesn't matter to a board that is constantly spammed down with anyone and anything that wants to go viral with the old outrage formula. Sup Forums is the new Sup Forums.

By insisting that all links from dubious sources are archived at all times, we can ensure they're shared in good faith, with no profit/marketing motive.

to each his own. I'm going to keep posting direct links

It's alright. I'll be there archiving them all.