Serious question guys as I really have no idea

Serious question guys as I really have no idea.
What were the bad things that President Obama did while he was in power?

Check out which wars he started.

9/11 happened, /thread

September 2011, never forget.

You mean Lybia? I'm not sure as all I ever heard of him was from the mainstream media.

His personality said cool black man

His pen said death to the innocent.

He was black, and liberal, two things Sup Forums just loooves to hate. Prove me wrong, anybody.

>Survived assignation attempts

assassination even *

I admire him actually. Pure sociopath, really successful guy. Sold people a bunch of nonsense of about "hope", "change" and "progress"; rose to prominence making fiery speeches denouncing Wall Street greed peppered with sappy, feel good nonsense about universal human rights and dignity. Wins a Nobel Peace Prize on the basis of merely talking about these things. Ends up murdering thousands of innocents with drone strikes, keeps Guantanamo wide open, and enriches himself giving speeches to the evil Wall Street executives he was so eager to blame for the country's ills in 2008. Cold blooded psychopath, beautiful to behold, really. I wish I possessed his abilities. Donald Trump will pull a similar set of maneuvers with his base. Pure psychopaths are the big winners in business and politics. Always have been, always will be.

>ordered surveillance on political opponents
>countless drone strikes in Libya and Syria
>Spent a good portion of his regime destabilizing Syria and starting the immigration crisis
>Antagonizing russia to the point that relations deteriorated to cold war levels
>tanking our economy
>pushing the globalist agenda
>passing a bunch of acts that essentially let him become King Nigger with his executive orders
>not lifting a finger to combat illegal immigration
>passing the DREAMERs act so that spics can have anchor babies and stay indefinitely
These are just a few user

For Sup Forums the worst was being a nigger.

Tnx for posting.
I do not have to type so much

Just how bad was Obamacare? I keep hearing that it provided healthcare benefits to millions more Americans making it better

Extended the patriot act, national defense authorization act. Look em up.

it did. He thinks trumpcare is going to benefit him though.


Be black

He was half white actually, and he wasn't liberal in anything but the modern sense which is now a meme. He was a statist and unafraid to lie to the people. Wrote two memoirs before he ever even achieved anything, and got a peace prize before he remembered where the bathrooms were and then dropped 25 thousand bombs on brown people. He tapped the AP switchboard in the widest and longest scope of a monitoring campaign ever. NDAA.

NDAA, the greatest threat to American liberty since the Patriot Act. Really scary stuff. It was at that moment, and the fact that he signed it on New Year's Eve when everyone was busy celebrating, that I began to hate him. I furiously hated him. Could not believe that the law was signed, and could not believe that no one did ANYTHING about it. It's partly responsible for how cynical of a fuck I am today

Only things I give him credit for are not taking us into Syria (he must have had a lot of pressure to but knew it would be the end of the world, Hillary was eager for it). Also some have speculated he helped Trump win the election by pushing Comey to "re open", etc. Other than that he was basically total shill.

His whole presidency was just keeping the status quo and stability, not really making things worse (possibly preventing things from getting worse) but not making things better. I'm just grateful he didn't start a war with Iran like Mccain would have.

Pic related annoyed me more than anything. The founding fathers would have lynched him for this.


in my timeline he wasn't such a nigger

I agree with you on this actually. I'm all for gay marriage, but by lighting the whitehouse like that, he was basically rubbing salt in the faces of those who opposed the ruling.

>>tanking our economy
He didn't tank it. The economy just never really recovered from the 2008 crash, and he didn't help things out. (though he bailed out GM, which I'm on the fence about, since as /o/, it would kill me to see an American car company get bought by a foreign company like Chrysler, it was also unnecessary and rewarded GM's stupid decisions)

this holy shit. This pissed me off the most. This is the kind of shit that drove me from "live and let live, no opinion" to "fuck fags"

He was bred like cattle. He didn't get anywhere without his trusty communists and deep state entities. He's an empty suit.

This, actually. I loved gays until the lights came on then I was like fuck all these motherfucking sodomites faggots faggot fags.

Allowed the Saudi-Israeli alliance to control his Middle East foreign policy, fueling civil wars in Libya and Syria, which directly led to the Muslim refugee crisis now affecting Europe.

Continued the wilful destruction of all relations with Russia, thereby strengthening their alliance with China.

Didn't prosecute a single banker for the 2008 collapse. Instead, put the same people in charge of all his economic policy.

It's funny because all of this makes me wonder why Sup Forums didn't like him more?

Also proven fact, if you're not entirely black you are "mixed" until you do something noteworthy. Then you become "Black". Ask me how I know.

Fine. How do you know?

Disregard for 2nd and 4th amendment
Disregard for nuclearizing NK
Campaigned actively for Hillary fucking Clinton
Spied on political opponents
Racially divided country
Took shits on police
Didn't enforce laws which is literally his job
Greatly expanded executive power
Fucked our healthcare

>m-muh states rights (but only for things I dont agree with so they can stop them)

he wasn't qualified to be our President. He created a slush fund and would use the Dept. of Justice to "shake down" financial institutions. Nationalized student loans and used the profits to fund healthcare (yea, he set our kids up by jacking tuitions, increasing loan amounts, and using the profits to look like a hero.) The list is huge. Follow the rules and lurk longer than you think you should, and you'll start to learn this shit.

His name was Seth Rich and the nigger Soetoro is an accomplice to his murder, which is one of the more minor things that bastard is guilty of. He's going to jail, if not the gallows. Then again that's why you're here asking retarded questions, isn't it, shitskin? Have your couple cents.

No one is going to mention fast and furious?

Traded highly dangerous sand niggers for a fucking traitor


>he wasn't qualified to be our President

Trump lowered that bar

> Nationalized student loans

You a tard boy. That shit happened decades ago.

>Spied unlawfully on Americans
>Stalled Keystone pipeline
>Put a freeze on all Gulf drilling allowing China to make tremendous gains in the region with their own rigs.
>Fast and Furious
>Promoted nationalizing all law enforcement
>Agreed that increasing corporate taxes would actually hurt the treasury and be poor fiscal policy, but wanted to appear fair

fast and furious
arming ISIS
giving billions to terrorists
racial divide
wiretapping office of incoming president
no support for the Nations Police
supporting terrorist group in blm

This was literally the worst.

>wiretapping office of incoming president

Since when is protecting the country from a traitor a bad thing

You do realize western countires tend to make a huge comeback after a crash? We crashed and then stayed down, this isnt normal. We only recently started coming back up. All he did was make a loan to pay off another loan and then said it was fixed because on paper it seemed like it.

promoted the politics of degeneracy and selfishness (identity groupism)

at least you shills admit he's a criminal.

Can you explain the fast and furious thing please? I don't knpw what you are talking about.

1. The project that became known as Fast and Furious began in November 2009 and took place out of the Phoenix office of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives' (ATF) office.

Gun-buyers, many of whom the feds suspected were criminals, were permitted to take firearms purchased in the U.S. and walk into Mexico without interference from agents; the intention was that once the guns were sold to powerful drug cartels, the ATF would later trace the firearms. Whistleblowers and investigators, however, found no attempt to trace the guns.

2. Some ATF agents became concerned the weapons were being used for crimes. On Dec. 14, 2010, U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry was killed during a gunfight. Guns in the shootout were involved in the Fast and Furious operation, it was later learned.

3. More than 2,000 guns were sold to suspected criminals thought to be linked to Mexican drug gangs in the two years of the operation under the Obama presidency.

A similar operation took place years before under the Bush administration. Called "Operation Wide Receiver," it also failed in tracking down gun and drug traffic, Bloomberg Businessweek reported.

4. Agents came forward in 2010 to speak with Sen. Charles Grassley, a Republican from Iowa who was a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Grassley began to work with GOP Rep. Darrell Issa of California, who chaired the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. ATF director Ken Melson, who would later be moved to a different position, began talking secretly with Grassley and Issa.

5. Following moves by the White House to use executive privilege in an attempt to halt emails related to the case, and contempt of Congress charges against Attorney General Eric Holder in 2012, many documents were finally handed over to Issa’s House Oversight Committee in November 2014.

Emails from Holder reveal his contempt for the committee — he refers to Issa "and his idiot cronies,".

6. Emails released to Judicial Watch, a group that filed suit to obtain legal documents from the Justice Department, show Holder’s direct involvement with officials throughout the Justice Department and the ATF in how to handle congressional inquiries and ways to format talking points about Fast and Furious.

7. The operation started to fall apart inside as U.S. Attorney Dennis Burke, who headed the Phoenix office, became angry with Special Agent John Dodson for reporting on the bungled program before Congress.

Burke, who was later forced to resign in 2011, leaked information about Dodson’s activities in the operation to Fox News. An inspector general’s report cited Burke’s actions in violation of Justice Department policy.

8. It has been alleged by the National Rife Association and the New American that the killing of hundreds of Mexicans and even some U.S. law enforcement officers because of the Fast and Furious program was going to be used by the Barack Obama administration as an excuse for more gun control.

there's doubling the national debt for one

and then there's
>ignored sanctuary cities
>payed terrorists their demands
>encouraged illegal immigration
>memed gay marriage
>caused isis
you get the picture?