Trump to cut Medicare and Medicaid

How does it feel voting for a fraud?

Other urls found in this thread:'ve probably never left the village you were born into/

Cry more, shareblue commies

you didnt answer the question you just deflected to hillary

Cut all that shit. Only bums need it.

Nice response Reddit. How is the subbreddit on /r/ptg/ working?

Trump's voters are bums. Got it. You know the people receiving Medicaid are mostly elderly.

like the sick and the elderly... let me guess you think ayd rand is an important thinker.

now get all pissy and call me a shill or whatever

its literally an improvement though

Feels like more destabilization of the u.s.!

While you and rebekah March in pussyhats, Billy Bob and jethro are marching with full combat gear with thier kids.

>cutting dem gubmint programz
Good, that's why I voted for him (and definitely will again in 2020)

It feels like I didn't have a choice,

The fact people continue to defend his trainwreck of a presidency is what astonishes me.

you voted for him because he is not doing what he said he would?... yeah il bet you will vote for him in 2020

its a race thing, at least partly, trump doesnt like the black man who told the other racists what to do for 8 years.

with those brilliant analysis, im impressed you're not a reputable pundit

He's not cutting them, he's just not increasing them as much as they were set to increase under Obama era budgets. Media calls this a cut.

Is there anything more pathetic than Trump sheep?

>me me me me me me
medicare is for the elderly you worthless fuck, kill yourself

>important thinker

Think for yourself.

Hillary's voters were bums. Trump had majority voters all over $50,000 a year.

>implying this is a bad thing

no he's cutting them... 800bln cut to medicade

>fuck old people!
fuck you

Do you want the lengthy list of broken promises made by Obama, does your hypocrisy know no bounds?....and frankly, many Trump voters are tired of paying for leeches! These Medicare and Medicaid recipients, mainly don't vote for Republicans. So cry to the heavens...make your videos about Trump pushing old people off a cliff, and children starving in the streets...your propaganda does not work anymore.

The worst part is how dishonest they are being imo

"We are no longer going to measure our care for the poor by how many people are on these programs or how much we spend on them...but by how many people we get off them"


Why are they doing it now with 45% unemployment? Why not wait until america's economy is growing again as promised?

I pay into the system, but get nothing out of it. Why should I care if a bunch of welfare leeches are set to suffer? I'm not a nigger, so this does not affect me.

The true fraud is. many able bodies Americans are getting medical coverage and disability benefits.

No American should get over $1000 a month to stay home because the get a little anxious sometimes, or because they had teouble sleeping last night...GET TO WORK!
The medicaid budget actually will increase every year for the next 10 years according to the proposed budget. Media calls this a cut because the increase is less than what previous budgets set and the medicaid budget as a percent of the economy WILL decrease. But the dollar amount that goes to medicaid will not decrease per the proposed budget.

HE is not Cutting it you moron.

He is reducing their additional money they would get over their regular money.

That's like your boss saying, "instead of that 10% raise we can only afford to give you a 5% raise"

Then you reply, "My Children and Parents are going to Die you heartless bastard!"

You see how much of a moron you are now shill.

god I love media spin

You silly Liberals need to relax. A "Budget Cut" in Washington Politics is a decrease in the rate of growth NOT the nominal amount!

When Trump said he wouldn't "Cut" these programs during the campaign, he meant it literally (as any normal non-politician would understand it).

He hasn't reduced the amount going to entitlements, he has simply slowed the growth of our bloated, wasteful, inefficient, meddlesome, self-righteous Federal Government.

>weaning people off gibmedats will increase unenployment
you've got it backwards
if the government won't give you free shit you work for it
if you don't do that you starve and die because you were too lazy to work

is there anything more pathetic than people falling for media spins?'ve probably never left the village you were born into/

How much do you get paid to post here, shill?

Reducing the medical costs to GDP ratio is important, it has gotten super huge as of recent everywhere and they are pushing the agenda.
I read an article that was basically
>yes goyim spend more on Healthcare, 10 % is not enough, you should go 15 % yea 20 % sounds reasonable, what do you mean you dont want 25 % of gdp to go towards your HEALTH goy I mean 30 % is nothing, just think how many lives 35 % can save.
So we both agree that 40 % will be a good target yes?
Great, ill put down 45 % just to make you to strive towards success.

Isn't he cutting the rate of increase in those budgets, not actually cutting the budgets themselves?


Yes. Hard to learn this if your only sources of info are MSM. They hide it well.

as long as he doesn't cut social security for my parents/grandparents, i'm good

the best form of medicare/medicaid is taking care of yourself, no one should have to pay for people who eat a junkfood diet who get cancer

this is unequivocally good

to explain why, let me tell you about the time Futurama creator David X Cohen went to an auction to buy geodes.

Nicholas Cage showed up, and kept his paddle up the entire time, outbidding everyone and taking everything home with him.

afterward, someone from the auction told Cohen that Cage WAY overpaid for everything.

medicare and medicaid's uncontrolled spending is a paddle held up endlessly, forcing the prices higher than they would be otherwise.

if government weren't dumping a waterfall of money into the healthcare industry, choices would instead be made by individuals. individuals look at prices and change their consumption accordingly. those choices constrain how the industry can price their services.

Old people are retarded and should rot in the street fir paying into such an obvious Ponzi scheme

You have to go back, Person of Bean

The same elderly that voted Trump, you mean?

>get a 2% raise

Dude wtf! I was supposed to get a 3% raise.

Yes trump voters are literally voting to kill themselves. Hope this passes and all republicans die.

This, those programs together account for over two thirds of our yearly combined budget.


I'm with this guy. It would actually be good if old people died off faster.

don't cuck to boomers, social security needs to go


>Trump voters are the poor ones



Old white people need to die to make room for the New Americans.

You are a retard if you think Medicare Medicaid or social security is just for the "poor"

Can't wait for millions more brown babies once trump's cuckserative SCOUTUS picks overturn roe v wade

Medicaid is literally only for the poor. Jesus, you stupid cunts don't even understand your own government. No wonder you let kikes lead you around by the nose.

Hispanics don't have abortions anyway.

actually if you watch the budget guy's press briefing from two days ago you'll see that the biggest cuts are to "people who shouldn't be on them" aka nig nogs and trannies and people who get triggered on the internet.

welfare will come with mandatory birth control shots

Even then, they kill each other or are in prison.

I was talking about both of them tonight and forgot which was which. I guess -aid makes sense for those in need. Medicare is for 65+.