Prime Minister Jeremy Marx Corbyn

Prime Minister Jeremy Marx Corbyn

First-past-the-post in each district gets the MP, nationwide combined votes mean shit.

I agree with , go the fuck back to the British Embassy before you try to meddle in another country's affairs, .

Popular vote doesn't mean shit in the U.K.

>UKIP crushed
>commies on the rise
Wake me up

UKIP would be conservative votes anyway. This election is basically between the party of Orwell, or the UK Communist party.

I want Nigel back. I miss him every day.


"POLLS" after everything thats happened over the past year



its ok bro right wingers taking over governments are sending right wing and far right commissioners, give this political trend another 5 years and it will completely depoz Brussels and the EU.
Commie scum gets BTFO'd on a daily

what do u think about this


I unironically want him to beat May, I despise communism, I despise the man and I especially despise what he's done to what was Britian's only viable, decent party. May is literally the most incompetently Jewish potential PM I have ever witnessed, my constituency has voted Labour and it's former form for close to one hundred years now so my vote means approximately fuck all, I'm still voting Labour.

Brexit is fucked no matter who wins this election.

eastern europe migrating to the west and gets depopulated, sad!
We need to boost local native population growth and reduce/eliminate gibs for gypos and arabs, making it so tough to breed here for them that they pack and leave

ya but the overall average pop growth for the EU is very low only 0.25% per year. Maybe EU is based after all?

>no key to show which colours represent which party
did you complete highschool?

How the fuck do you get a Europe flag?

either proxy or he is the wifi of an EU building

how the fuck do u have internet

I'm shitposting from the ECB, look at me
EU population growth being low is a bad thing, we need more natives and no migration

nice shitpost straya

blue = con
red= labour
purple = ukip cucks
orange = lib dem
green = take a wild guess

>EU population growth being low is a bad thing,

No it isn't.

It's that kind of talk that gets u migrants.

You already have 500 million people. Why do u need more/

>no key to show which colours represent which party
most people aren't that fucking dumb about politics not to know

what we need is a sustainable demographic structure, we have way too many aging people and not too many young/working people.
What will hapen if we keep the doors shut and the baby birth rate low? Population will shrink to like 400M and then stabilize and return to very slow growth while the rest of the world explodes, Africa in particular reaching 4B.
(if we don't cut foreign aid).
Im ok with global population shrinking to sustainable levels and subhuman filth having less children to stop and reverse the major dysgenics of the human race that happened in the last century

>Population will shrink to like 400M and then stabilize and return to very slow growth while the rest of the world explodes

This is not a problem. There is something called automation coming that will render many jobs obsolete. This obsession with population is pointless if there are no jobs for people. Yes Africa's population exploding will be a problem.. for Africa. Don't make it a problem for Europe.


Wait for the shy tory factor to kick in.

If anything, the polls are overcompensating a shy tory effect right now from the last election

theresa may is fucking terrible m8

Why is LAB on such an upswing?

I'm forced to agree on automation and Africa.
I hope we avoid universal basic income and other commie fag ideas as the left gets crushed by its own stupidity

What exactly do you do?
Are you an intern or do you actually have power?
>inb4 janitor

economics and trade - strategies, forecast, etc

what country?

my advice: stop focusing on fucking (((GDP))) growth so much. It's a bullshit metric that leads to government doing insanely stupid things. Like importing a million migrants.

Job creation, low unemployment and most importantly WAGE GROWTH are far more important.

This economic assumption that if you just bring people into your country, they automatically get jobs, is asinine.

Higher wages, higher tax revenues.

1 person working 1 full time job instead of 3 working part time, less strain on social services.

Mom's spanish, dad is anglo, I lived in Barcelona and Brussels

labor productivity is one of the most important metrics.
IF only we could get racial data out of France.
Low IQ low skills no education low wage workers are a terrible thing.

the labor productivity meme is almost as bad as GDP growth

oy vey goy work harder for less.. there's your labor productivity meme

You know what you should be more concerned with? Making sure PAY matches productivity gains

May has ran the shittiest Tory campaign I have ever seen when, at a time most of the public thought of Corbyn as a wide eyed trot extremist, she decided to make the Torys a knockoff version of labor, but even then managed to fuck that up with the dementia tax (from the woman who coined calling the tories the nasty party no less). May deserves to get JUSTed at this point


Who are these people voting Lib Dems seriously.

hmm.. do i want 1984 or do i want to be culturally enriched..
