Manchester terrorist's father

Is an Islamic ideologue, this is the sort of people Europe is giving shelter too, people who hate us. He was from Libya.

two things that everybody should know.
1) his father was an al Qaeda sympathiser link below

2. stupid social justice warriors are importing thousands from the coast of Libya every month.



Yeah, didn't they crack down on a bunch of terrorists yesterday? But I guess #Refugeeswelcome

why do you think Jomana Abedi is giving interviews with Wall Street Journal? I think the whole family is a creation.

>Inb4 paki genocide

and am I crazy or is that a young Omar Mateen on the left?

If you only let them live in your country, then they will see how great Western liberal democracy is and adopt your ways into their hearts.

Why are your second generation shitskins so rowdy and dangerous? Our second generation spics are indistinguishable from whites other than physical appearance

For fuck's sake can we purge the left yet ?

You mean like omar mateen?

I guess it's a muslim problem. I would be furious if some shitskin muslim killed my daughter, what's wrong with you yuros

The school name is pronounced 'cheat 'em.' You will see many photos of crisis actors pretending to cry, but no tears. It was a hoax. Nobody died.

I am still convinced that nell jones

When you have an entire neighborhood that is known as a place where radicals congregate and has seen multiple residents go to active war zones and join ISIS it might be time to burn that neighborhood down and arrest everyone who survives and rethink your migrant policy.

But just keep ignoring the problem you worthless eurocucks.

It'd would be almost impossible to false flag a stadium where thousands of people are.

What far north eastern state do you live in because Mexicans don't integrate for shit outside of learning the language because their parasite parents throw them in public school

You must be Fucking insane to let any of this Niggers anywhere near you country, this people are cancerous and full of hate just by the look in their crazy eyes.

Fucking euros your Fucking insane and cucks beyond salvation

You don't deserve that ass you Fucking Britt cucks no wonder you letting Jamal jam all his groid meat in them


It's not the Muslim immigrants' fault for supporting radical Islam.

It's the white Europeans' fault for being suspicious of such support!

They just rubbing it in your face now