JBP General

No Porn
No Fap
No Sex
Preserve your manna
Become the ubermensch
Sort yourself out
Clean your oom
Don't let (((them))) win

Other urls found in this thread:


sort yourself out
sort your family out
sort your country out
sort the world out

and them wake up and realize that that have been nothing but a dream

>and them wake up and realize that that have been nothing but a dream

And then make the dream real.

>Preserve your manna
I'm gonna need a quick rundown on this .

>and them wake up and realize that that have been nothing but a dream

I've been sorting myself out for the past year or two. A lot.
>stopped being depressed
>managed to stop watching porn to the point I don't even find it exciting anymore
>can still masturbate with just my imagination (healthy as fuck, I found out)
>managed to get my philosophies right
>reaffirmed some of my previous thoughts
>threw away the things I didn't need
>been writing a lot to be certain of the things I speak of
>been writing a daily journal of my thoughts and activities and habits
>swimming helped me relax my anxiety and helped me organize certain thoughts
>refined and re-prioritized my reading queue
>picked up my catholicism studies again
>meditation and praying is actually helping me
>focus and serenity is practically constant

The interesting part is that some of the stuff I did or have been doing, I did it before I even knew who Peterson was. He just helped me understand why I was doing it (built into us) and assure I was right.

Feels fucking good, man. At least one good thing had to come out of Canada.

No Porn
> I agree but it's hard to stay away from sometimes
No Fap
> Wait.....
No Sex
> That's what's killing us. Fuck you!
Preserve your Mana
> I don't even use it when I play Skyrim....
Become the ubermench
> wots an ubersmesh
Sort Yourself Out
> I feel good. I knew that I would.
Clean your oom
> Room? It's clean. Or did you mean oom. How do I find oom and how do I make it clean?
Don't let (((them))) win
> They've just about already won. Yea they already won. Now we need to take it BACK.

Yesterday I have deleted my 250 gb porn archive. Today I have cleaned my room and started ordering my shit. It is time to sort myself up.

Don't you see that your logic is beaten by mine?

No amount of waking up will prevent you from becoming the person you want to be.

Will he ever name the jew? He hates Marxist and Communism with passion, I think he's hiding his powerlever for the right occasion.

>No Fap
Is this just bro-science or not? I get so many conflicting answers. I did nofap for like a month once and just felt horny all the time at first then sort of got over it.


>yes goyim, just sort yourself out while we continue tightening the metaphorical noose

Masturbation is healthy in moderation and when there is no stimulation from pornography (i.e. imagination, with your companion, etc).

can you link the video? I missed it.

JRE #958

english, please.

I'm an idealist utopian also, though.

You could have just typed it in Google. youtu.be/USg3NR76XpQ

JBP looks Jewish. Very Jewish.

>250 gb porn
Retarded bait

I just controlled the urge of submitting to a raging boner before seeing this thread. Sorting, one step at a time.

Thanks based mr Peterson!

Alright, I'm off to bed, here's a bump and a picture some of you guys could find useful.



You'll lose vim and resort to your old ways. No reason not to, really.

be me
>suddenly lose the appetite for meat
>went the whole week as a vegan
>seriously this is fucking with my head
>did i just become vegan without trying?
shit gets weird when you sort the small things

yeah but said that was cooler. Thanks.

I just fapped and came after entering this thread. Fuckkk shit was so cash.


Feels ambivalent man. But I agree with the sentiment.

Im 11 days without Masturbation

I think I'm making it brahs. Only devil still in the house is porn but the use is way way lower. Also I only watch it after a hardcore workout. I think I need a GF yet at the same time I don't need one.

I think more mental strength is needed but I feel good bros.

He looks anglo/nord.
>green eyes
>small cheek bones
>thin lips
>straight thin nose
>evenly spaced eyes
>broad chin
>square jaw
>white skin

>no sex
Where does he say that?

In one of his videos.

The idea is that an idealist utopia is formed as a result of the people, not the other way around. It's a critical different that is never picked up by scientists, no matter how well intentioned.

Just because utopia and good people are correlated, you have to carefully understand what caused what. The people led to the utopia, not the other way.

0. Clean room
1. Read
2. Work out
3. Organise desk
4. Ask girl I've been talking to out
5. Go for a run
6. Clean up garage
7. Walk dog
8. Study
9. Get blackout drunk

Fuck it is hard to come up with 10 things.

*sniff* *sniff*
*sniff sniff*
*sniff* *sniff*

Sounds like someone needs to sort himself out.

Youre retarded. Its about not spending your efforts and time chasing worthless roasties

This guy is the only person in the world that can get me to clean my room and watch Pinocchio. I'm finally sorting myself out enough to generate more income for my company that's been stagnant. I'm taking my motherfucking life back

He literally mentions the holiness of consuming marriage through love with your partner in one of his videos.

Who's getting sorted the fuck out. Started reading this. Really making me think.

Does anyone have any advice on instilling a sense of time management? I got fired yesterday for being late.


sort it out user.

if you oom early in the fight you won't have enough for a strategic bust when your enemy have low HP

So dont waste your time and efforts chasing worthless roasties.

So he never fucks his wife?
This is retarded

I'm really sleep deprived and a bit high but I refuse to believe that someone sat down and wrote this. Now its going to be the last thing I ponder as I fall asleep. Fuck you.

Did I ever say otherwise in this thread?

Having sex with your wife is consuming your marriage. What the fuck, nigger?


Be your own boss. Fuck em.

Youre either missing the point or misrepresenting it. JBP doesn't advocate fucking celibacy till marriage, which is what youre making it sound like. He just feels people should build relationships with people they are healthy with, which you cant do if youre thinking with your prick.

cringey, also
magicka, you filthy casual

You probably just show up late because you don't like showing up early. Maybe you can try taking up smoking as a hobby? That can pass the time.

If you're early, you're on time. If you're on time, you're late. If you're late, you're fired. Telling time is a 1st/2nd grade skill set. If a 6-7 year old can tell time, you should be able to as well.

Xddd fart noises r funy

It's implicit, unless you're a non-Christian, which means you shouldn't give a shit about whether you have sex or not.

How's that different from fucking your gf?

Any other anons have the issue of being unable to pursue what is really important to them? I draw fairly well but I just can't get myself to do it. And I know that's like, the one thing I need to do to sort myself out, and the room cleaning is just productive procrastination, yet I can't do it.

>implying peterson promotes nofap reddit broscience about literal mana retention

Marriage is sacred.

anyone of you want to sort out the larger political stuff after the rooms are done?
or any thoughts how?
I'm been thinking lately that yoga trendy type people can be redeemed if they had a new spirituality trend to fall into that was more politically engaged, but not "extremist"

*reads carl jung*
*reads gulag archipelago*
*sorts himself out*

Sounds like you haven't really figured out what you actually want, or something is in the way taking up all of your attention. Willpower is difficult come by when you don't see too far ahead.

Alcohol is miles worse than fapping

You sure about that?

Just because you say some words in front of a priest it doesn't make it so. I am very serious about relationships and so is my gf. I see no benefit in marrying, besides if she snaps she can take my property if we were married.

Unless you care about the idea of wasting your time, energy, testosterone, and ego on pointless forgetful flings when you could be improving yourself and looking for the right person. Then you might give a shit.

Unless you know that random sex will devalue the act when and if you find the person who you want to marry. Then you might give a shit
If getting laid is your great pedestal achievement throughout your younger years, youre going to be fucked mentally.

But my point was that the man doesnt advocate celibacy, just in valuing meaningful sex.

>serious about relationship
>could take my property if we were married
Sounds like she isn't that serious about it.

It comes natural after all that, either way.

pink eye

guys, does peterson ever talk about (((them)))?

Im missing something, how is a lawyer a statist utopian?

>haven't really figured out what you want
it's hard mate
on one hand I want a family and kids but that doesn't depend on me. If I had to drop everything to finally find a husband into kids, i'd probably do it.
on the other hand, I'm not sure what I want work-like, I have a job that doesn't kill my soul too much and that allows me to pursue my art somewhat
and then I come home and shitpost all night

You don't want to put yourself in a position of weakness. You're strawing my point so there's no point in discussing.

If it's because you oversleep, try this: 1) brew a pot of coffee before bed and place in fridge; 2) set alarm for a half-hour early; 3) when your alarm goes off, immediately go to the fridge and drink half the pot of coffee (just chug it); 4) allow yourself the luxury of going back to bed, but set the alarm for thirty minutes just to make sure: by the time you *really* have to get up, the coffee has kicked in and you skip the whole can't-get-up-too-sleepy thing. Plus, all the coffee so quickly in your system sort of hits you like a line of cocaine. I've not been late for work in seven years doing this, despite at times going to bed black-out drunk beforehand.

The research is clear: Fap only every eight days for maximum testosterone levels:


next step is to get the fuck outta brazil

I dont know why youve stuck such a stick up my ass but you cant actually not understand the threat of potentially getting legally screwed over by marriage laws due to completely unforeseen events decades down the line. People change, who you were perfectly in love with today could become a miserable self destructive monster in 20 years, and it could be entirely due to things outside your control.

Im not MGTOW but has a fine mindset about relationships. If everyday you wake up and still want to build and maintain a ideal relationship with someone, youre gold. Regardless of the legal standing of the relationship. Fuck having my wife's parents die in a car crash in 15 years leading to her become a suicidal drunk who hits my kids but I SHOULD HAVE SYO AND SEEN IT COMING!

Room cleaning is always good.
Preps to you Finon

Not an argument.
Sorting involves rejecting cultural marxism.

>there's my dead father!


Sometimes I watch peterson's lectures as I come.

Someone please

Save enough mana so you can cast emrakul and win the game on the spot gg

Fixing your sleeping pattern avoids all of this shit, I naturally wake up at 5amish (whenever the sun shines in my window) and I don't feel groggy at all.

>idealist utopia
the idea is that that doesnt exist, and ideologies that promise it justifies completely fucked up shit in pursuit of it

Yep, sometimes explicitly and sometimes implicitly.

I suppose they get to enforce laws that break away from the purpose of the state.

Family is something that happens and is hardly ever planned. The one thing about starting a family is that first you have to be out in the world for someone to show up in your life, otherwise you are non-existent.

To each their own, m8, not gonna force you to do it anything. You could as well just disregard anything I say.

Pic related.

I don't disagree with him, I just put value in marriage much the same way he puts value in strong relationships. To me, they are one and the same. Maybe we haven't been cucked as hard as you have to the legal system to fully appreciate your points the way you expect me to.

can you explain i havent watched that one

what time do you get to sleep? any pre-sleep rituals (reading before bed, staying off internet for an hour before sleep, etc)

>Yep, sometimes explicitly and sometimes implicitly.


I wish hope you enjoy your future girly boobs and efeminate habits.

>first you have to be out in the world for someone to show up in your life
Holy shit thank you for that truth-nugget user.

I have indeed literally been doing nothing except come home, shitpost, invite friends over, paint/draw inside my home. More or less been a very home-bound person all my life, I guess it helps dodge degeneracy, but if I don't get myself out there I'll never meet anyone.

250gb KEK

Every other lecture of his. I posted a video in this thread already in which he talks about them to Joe Rogan.

He is talking about having very strict border control. That's the middle ground.

It becomes extremely hard to be in the market for a relationship when you don't even put out your product, which is you.

>mfw a filthy determinist posts near me

And I say this with two past serious long distance relationships that started over the internet and in the end we felt burnt out due to the distance. I also met my current girlfriend over the internet but at least we live only an hour away. So technically speaking, "putting yourself out in the world" doesn't mean you have to expose yourself in places you hate like clubs and bars.

I've been thinking about it but my passion/career is being an engineer/machinist. A very high initial capital demand to start a business. I feel I could do it, I just find it difficult to manage my own time for some reason, it's hard to force yourself off your bed/Sup Forums sometimes.

Kek, what?

>Tfw "abandoned" by parents at that age
>raised by farmer grandmother
I don't think I got taught that at home, only by teachers who, as nice as they were, cannot care the same a mother would.

This sounds like a good idea. I'll just keep the pot next to me and chug it in the morning... When a get another job. At least I have all this free time to sort myself until my savings run out... Fug DDDD:

yeah fair enough

but i have to get out of the house and overcome my autism to at least meet them

I said I didn't use it. How the fuck am I supposed to know what it's called.

My ex-job was 3rd shift (11pm-7am) I didn't get the luxury of nice sleep, plus the fact that I had to sleep in a brightly lit room because window shades are fucking gay.

This guy is a tradcuck faggot

You probably just grew up a little, happens to everyone
meme tier frog shit book

Never wear a sports coat with a v-neck sweater