ITT: we nuke a state

If you could nuke a state out of existence, which would it be?

>inb4 commiefornia

It'll always be commiefornia, but if not them then its time for vermont.

oregon desu


good choice

North Carolina

The South has been a tumor upon this nation for all its history. It can all burn.

alaska because i dont want to be effected personally by the nuke and i dont mind if a few leafs die from the fallout

Georgia, sorry Dixies but the nigs gotta go



Washington state


> best gun laws
> white as fuck
> wealthy

Whiter than you are.

t. green mountain boy

Does Puerto Rico count? I know it's not technically a state but this would solve the whole 51st state issue

Washington DC. Nuke the swamp.

Warn me first so I can move been looking for a reason to leave

hi Styx


found a shill

Fuck off, we are best state. Detroit and Flint can burn though

Day of Bernout will be soon.

*clinks spoon*

PS I vote for Maryland or New Jersey

California next question

Wow, fuck you dude. what did our frozen waterpark ever do to you

>not jewyork
what are you nerds doing?

California followed by Chicago (rest of Illinois is fine)

When the sources of our parasites are removed, we can make Colorado great again

too much beauty in ny and ca to nuke them out of existence

y'all ain't takin this shit serious
> inb4 someone gets doubles and trump nukes that state


Whatever you say Vercuck

>pick a state
>picked a city

t. niggerlover

Chicago may as well be its own state. I've lived in lots of places but nowhere is the rural vs urban divide as profound as it is in Illinois vs Chicago. Not even New York.

Commiefornia will always be my first choice.
Second would be Jew York, then the other blue north eastern states infected with irish trash, wealthy liberal WASPs and nignogs
I'd say washington or Oregon but I couldn't harm their beautiful landscape. Perhaps just a deadly virus that only infects humans and not plants or other animals.

California I live here but I would go down just to get rid of all the numales and limousine liberals

t. communist

Unpopular opinion: Florida.

Whatever weird, fucked up shit makes its way onto the news in other states, there's a club for doing it naked in Florida. Also, there's alligators there, basically living fucking dinosaurs. No.

He may not be playing by the rules, but he's not wrong.

so close to quints

Mississippi. Even the white people there are just straight up subhuman. Worst of both races.

I don't care how white you are if you voted for shillary and are libtards, which Vermont is.

Minnesota was exactly where you guys are white percentage-wise ten years ago and they're now Minnesomalia thanks to the cucked attitudes there. You'll be the same in 10-15 years, it happens fast

You wouldn't kill us all, and those remaining bloodthirsty Texans would have revenge

It's because of Florida's broad public record laws....



Puerto Rico


Damn. It's like Iowa, Nebraska, Missouri, west Virginia and Kentucky.

Depressing desu.

Swing for the fence dude... global holocaust or bust. The world needs an enema.

That's not an unpopular opinion. You'd be surprised but most people are a bit turned off by it's disgusting hot weather, fat rednecks, spics, nignogs, swamps, faggot tourists getting jewed by disney and old fucks being assholes and putting everyone's lives in danger behind the wheel.
Fucking awful state

As someone who lives in commiefornia, commiefornia. Second choice is NY.

Did border patrol 360 no scope one of brown cousins?

>most advanced white nations nuke each other
>some poos/durks/gooks nuke too

wow great job
what's the next step in your master plan

seattle and washington

Fort Bliss in Texas is literally bigger than Rhode "Island."

I live here, it's not worth a nuke.

lots of champagne liberals. it's like sweden... commie shit sorta works when you have a homogeneous populace. they are bringing in refugees but most get jobs or whatever -- and in any case they are quarantined in the cities. VT is beautiful, full of good people, and worth fighting for, even though so many people here are misguided. let us secede and we will be bro tier. plz no nuke

california, obviously

Let them secede, and then bomb the fuck out of them. Please please please

Yeah Rhode Island would be a waste.

commiefornia the jews in hollywood have ruined everyone's mind with the tv/film/music industry, among other things, it must go

Good to know I'm not the only one. Let's make it happen.

If california secedes, save the nuke for NY. California wouldn't need a nuke when there isn't enough bread at the end of the line and the cartels take over


The Californian transplants can't take over the state if we nuke ourselves first .

Rhode Island!

If we get a big enough nuke, we could kill it all!

Nothing personal

> People say Texas

Have fun losing a big chunk of your economy, your leading energy provider, your new Silicon Valley, and leader of nuclear energy.

You have to go

1st choice = Commiefornia.
2nd choice = New York.



Kansas. Fuck people from Kansas. I would build a ten mile high wall along the Kansas border and drop every nuke that exists inside.


home to 3,150,000 nigs, more than any other state

all of them?



What an embarassment

I don't want to nuke any states. That's crazy.

I just want to invade and annex Canada, and turn the native population into sex slaves. I would like to have one rub me with oil. Musky musky.


>implying that i give a fuck what happens to the human race...

Too soon?

>any american state being worth nuking
literally the only issue in the US is the cities

The land... The mountains... The lakes... The weather...
All would be gone if that would happen.
Don't destroy them. for they are the most beautifful, too beautfiul for the liberals living here


found a shill
get nuked fuckwad

I would nuke California


Wash state user here. Nuke this shithole, but just king county and Olympia. It's where the cucks are

Drop it right down the gullet of Yellowstone.

HA! I just moved out of puyallup. Fuck that ENTIRE.FUCKING.STATE.

you've escaped?? lmao congrats, maybe I will one day too ;_;

to be fair puyallup is smack between king county and olympia...


I agree with this post

this is what I am always afraid of.

yeah soon as you're over the cascades it's sunshine, Trump signs and Tea Party flags. East Washington is basically Idaho

Are you from Nebraska?


I don't want Trump to visit my country and pollute our air.

The United State.

I vote for Washington. Let Trump nuke himself

New York.


Seriously wtf even is that square shit and what's with the retarded japanese name??

OP said an state, not soon to be states :^)

probably new york. that'd just about cut the world jewish population in half.