Olden Times

Oldfag here. 45. Here's a few things I want you young punks to know.

>Star Wars was the biggest movie ever. There will never be another movie as big as Star Wars. You have no idea how it influenced our childhood.
>Almost as big was Michael Jackson. There has been no pop star on his level since.
>The 80's was an attempt to bring back the 50's. It worked, however briefly.
>Baby Boomers suck. We knew it then.
>Being allowed to run around free was awesome. I pity kids for their lack of freedom today.
>We actually got along quite well as different races. That's all fucked now.
>Videogames were social activities. At the arcade or at home with your pals playing Pitfall on the 2600.

You youngfags got Trump though. Pretty lucky

Other urls found in this thread:


Gen X cucks are more pathetic than Millenials

Jealously does not become you

He's right though, sweet spot '87 Millenial here.

That means you're a faggot. No offense.

None taken, coming from a faggot and all.

80s was when pc culture started to kick off in the UK.
How we laughed at it at first and how it came to dominate our lives since then.

That's not what oldfag means, newfag.

turning 30 this year and I want you old fucks to know something

Star wars never was that great. Star Trek (TNG specifically) is 10000% better.

My dad worked for IBM back in the day. We had Prodigy internet access in 1987, or something. I wasn't allowed to use it, though, cuz it was hella expensive and my dad was hella cheap.

I know, oldfag means you've been on /on forever. That's why I clarified it by giving my age. Thanks for the education, tho.

Everyone likes the time they grew up in unless they had a shitty childhood.
I was born in 97 and I fucking loved it. Being around for the internets big growth. Back when I first got a computer I would use youtube with my friends, I have a lot of nostalgia for the early 00's website aesthetic. I remember when facebook came out and normies really started to use the internet. It's a lot different now, before the internet and reality were very seperate. The internet was just the internet. Now everyone uses it and everything you post effects the real world. It's not sad, it's not like it was that much better before, it's just different.
Life is a beautiful, weird elixer. Every sip is so different from the last, yet the transition is so smooth. This is the beauty of God's design.

lucky about trump lol, this limp dicked, hardened artery-havin loli fapper is still in denial about trump having any intention to do anything good for the us. please end your life :)

Fair enough. Apples and oranges tho. Star Trek is scifi. Star Wars was fantasty.

Yes, the 80s sounded like a fun time to grow up, and it was the golden age for music.

After Grunge in the early-mid 90s, rock became all about being the "angsty, tortured" soul. And then the hardcore hip-hop. The TV shows and movies got darker and more cynical too. Was it the 80s hangover?

Trust me you missed out. by the 2000s, social media had already begun to take over. websites like myspace facebook and youtube literally choked the essence out of the itnernet. All you have left now is some profit-driven shell, where your clicks are mined for profit. It used to literally be about the free exchange of information. Now it's just about getting advertising dollars from your ass.

Well said, user. I wasn't suggesting that my childhood era as a whole was superior, I just wanted to point out the specific things that were superior.

44 here, best gen and best time to grow up. miss the good old days.

All science fiction is fantasy nimrod. Simply futuristic fantasy.

If he does good, we win. If he implodes and kick starts the inevitable collapse, we still win.

Yeah, except the collapse won't be what your punk-rock-allegories have told you it will be. The collapse will literally simply be a declie in quality of life in america.

Its not going to turn you into a freedom fighter, or a hero, if you try to take to arms your ass will be killed or incarcerated by the institutions.

You're truly fuckign delusional if you believe any good will come of Trump.

heh, got me all nostalgic for a second, thinking back.

I HATED the big hair fad though.

I straddled the net. I suffered through dialup til 14or so. I got to catch cuteftp days. Napster was for faggots. Kids don't even fuckin know.

Sorry, moron. Listen up and learn something.

Sci-fi, like Star Trek, takes contemporary social and political issues and projects them into the future so that we can gain new insight.

Fantasy, like Star Wars, deals with eternal and universal myths, comparable to the epic poems of the classical era.

48 here. Starblazers is awesome.

not nearly to the extent that it is now. today the internet is everywhere and everyone uses it for everything.
myspace was the beginning but it wasn't nearly the level of growth that facebook was. 10 years ago normies used it for work and email and news, and the other sites never had that many people. It's been recent that the internet has been incorporated into everything and there are so many platforms for everyone to attention whore, while in the past it was just trendy girls on myspace. Now everyone has an instagram and a facebook and is constantly hooked up to the internet.
and that change is reflected in the general attitude of the internet. It's not "just the internet" anymore, people really care about it and what goes on now.

I agree that collapse will be a gradual decline, not a sudden break. Heck, it's already happening.

Have you read John Michael Greer.

Kudos on the punk rock reference?

Not a big fan of grunge. Was thrilled when BritPop crossed the pond. Way more right wing.

Sorry buddy you will not win this debate. I'm more of a fantasy guy, I prefer dragons and magic to tech and aliens.

BUt I have a lot of friends who are more keen on scifi. Ive been in this debate 10 times.

You can literally get an encyclopedia and look up "science fiction"; it is a specific subsection of FANTASY. It literally *(is* fantasy, just simply not medieval-- futuristic, opposed to scientific.

You're a dipshit if you believe star trek only deals with contemporary issues. Watch TNG, the eternal human struggle(s) is (are) very much a recurring motif.

If only today's pop was so obviously fascist

Fellow '87 fag checking in.

Okay, fair enough. You win. You obviously know more than me about this.

Still, their is some validity to my point, maybe?

Refardless of the consequences, as long as I get to string up a leftist or two before the end I'm happy desu. I'll settle for #MAGA though :^)

autism in strong in this one

There is validity to your point, in that there are differences. But like the difference between a rectangle and a square, it does not prevent one from technically being classified as another, despite it not working inversely.

When the first Star Trek reboot movie came out, I was struck by how much it went into the mythical, like Star Wars. Especially with the miracle birth of Kirk.

It definitely felt different than the old Star Strek.

Thanks, user.

Honestly I am not big on star trek. TOS I don't really care for, and I only started watching TNG lately because of the nostalgia factor (it launched in 87, the same year I was born, so needless to say I became familiar with some of the characters regardless of my personal lack of interest) and find myself blown away by how high quality the acting/writing is.

I haven't even seen the new star trek movies. Nor the new star wars movies. I loved me some star wars but since disney took over, I've lost all interest.

Star trek is egalitarian neoliberal fascist bullshit through and through

That shit is
>UN and EU win: The Future
You sound like a massive fucking contrarian faggot, enjoy your series with the progenitor that made the first tv interracial kiss (and interspecies for that matter kek), you cuck

What is more pathetic than gen x? NOTHING.

Thinking your moment in time was special = pathetic.

Gen x is more lost than millennials .

gen z may have a chance to do the work and reign it all in if millennials lead.

Gen x is the slacker - did nothing - generation.

We don't envy you. We despise you. You're basically worse than boomers and stats prove that .


Gen x'ers are fucking pussies. We will cleanse the jew and its pets, and you shall not get in the way. If you do, we'll gut you and take your wealth.

Yeah, you've got a point there

What would you oldfags ITT have done differently if you were 21 like I am now?

he's also got a massive pile of glaring insecurities.

More pathetic than Gen-X? Nothing?
You can't think of anything? For real?

I was born in 1999
I wasn't allowed on the computer hardly ever until I was a teenager
So I missed out on the glory internet days and by the time I was a teenager, social media and normalfaggotization of the internet had been completed

We have no wealth. The Boomers are hoarding it all.

Original series is the only Star Trek series I enjoyed


96 over here.

The 00s weren't that interesting. Don't see this charm you have even though I was same boat with my childhood.

Hey GenX user, early Millenial here. Strauss and Howe branded you as a Nomad generation, which (accordingly to the wiki page) can be defined as:
>Nomad generations enter childhood during an Awakening, a time of social ideals and spiritual agendas, when young adults are passionately attacking the established institutional order. Nomads grow up as under-protected children during this Awakening, come of age as alienated, post-Awakening adults, become pragmatic midlife leaders during a Crisis, and age into resilient post-Crisis elders.

I think it's pretty accurate, your opinion?

I'm having a hard time thinking of anything actually....

Gen x was the gen that embraced empty-v

Gen x did absolutely nothing politically.

Gen x is invisible.

Gen x is more liberal than the boomers.

Gen x is a burden on society and should be gassed.

neoliberal fascist.

Im turning 30 in less than a month. One thinfg i honestly wish I had done, had paid more mind to the attempts at sharing wisdom the older people in my life had made.

tl;dr stay in school, work hard, eat your vegetables and minimize consumption of substances even as mundane as caffeine, sugar and alcohol.

Attempts to pass off important lessons often come off as pedantic and preach-y; but in the same way stereotypes exist for a reason, so to, does cliche advice.

Re-educated myself into something different than IT. Mechanical engineering, carpentry or electrical engineering perhaps? Perhaps fall back to plumbing for ez cash, but hands full of shit 90% of the time.

Star Wars and Star Trek both suck. I'm dead serious.

Fite me.

That question isn't relevant. Times have changed.

>don't go to college unless you're going STEM or professional degree
>don't prolong your childhood. Embrace being an adult, marry and have kids in your 20's
>don't go into debt
>whatever excess money you have invest in your money-earning or saving skills
>reject all degenerate pop culture. You don't need any movies, pop music, or video games

>right wing

Im 5 seasons deep into next generation and can confirm 100% that you're incorrect.

Just because it's about an idealistic fujture for mankind doesnt mean you god damn hitler youth-fags gotta get your panties in a bunch.

You literally dont like it because it repeatedly shows xenophobes being shit on.

And they ought ot be. I'm no snowflake liberal that believes everyone needs a safe space and to pick their gender. But I guarantee I've met dark skinned people that are genuinely *better human beings* than the majority of the goose-stepping sperglords fapping to loli's on Sup Forums

Lol you have no idea about 1990s internet. You missed the fucking boat. Do you even know what Tripod or Geocities is without looking it up

The 00s were interdasting in many ways.

We saw the rise of the totalitarian state after 9/11

We witnessed 9/11 and i personally saw it.

We created Burning Man and Anonymous (which both were co-opted and failed but we tried anyway)

We had the last glimpse of freedoms you now only have as a memory like drinking while driving, smoking inside, non-surveillance areas, luddite movements.

It was the last era of protest (antiwar protests against Bush were utterly massive but they are largely erased from history because they're inconvenient).

Spot on

I grew up in, and am still in, the Bay Area. So idealistic young adult parents were everywhere. We were neglected except when it came to ramming idealism down our throats. We saw the hypocrisy as they all went out and bought BMWs and raved about their housing prices going up when the 80's hit.

We're jaded. For sure. We miss our grandparents, who were awesome as hell. We're pragmatic as we try to wait out the impending storm.

The 80's were truly rad.
I used to go out on missions for a whole day.
Totally on my own and without supervision.
It was so much fun.
And, yes, Star Wars was tits back in the day.
And, no, nothing will ever come close to Michael Jackson.
Jay-Z is a retard, Drake is a cuckold, Taylor Swift is lame and Frank Ocean is boring.
Also, we didn't have to worry about kebab randomly killing us.

>TOS I don't really care for
TOS is best Trek
Watch "Who Mourns For Apollo?" and see Kirk & his crew tell Apollo to go fuck himself because he ordered them to worship him.
It's adventure and fun and green space bitches

}{ello my future girlfriend!

>xenophobia is bad because I've met some based black dude
>I'm no snowflake liberal

ASL wanna cyber on an AOL chat room using dial up internet?

Star Wars is science fiction because it presents a world where the good guys won WW2.

Star Trek is fantasy because it presents a world where Communism doesn't cause mass starvation.

my mom got us cable internet in 2003 it was fucking great.
I discovered Sup Forums when I was 12 and it was all down here from there. I still remember seeing a sissy caption and being way too fucking interested in it.
it was a gift and a curse. be thankful for what you have.

seeing how the anti-war protests/media coverage completely disappeared the second obama was elected was a major redpill for me

star wars
Michael Jackson

Are you sure that you are 45? you sound like you are 14 years old.

MechE is a meme. The problem is you.

this is the gayest fucking thread ive ever seen on this forum get this reddit shit the fuck out

Honestly I intend to give it a fair shake after I finish TNG. Though I might hit up voyager, since I was mildly into voyager as a child (Elite Force was a badass Star-Trek-Skinned Quake game from my childhood)

Thing is I really just dont like kirk. I've seen some episodes, but likely not ev'en a dozen. I just don't like shatner.

I think that's why TNG stands out so much; they went from having a captain that really couldn't act, to a classically trained Shakespearean actor.

And you know they did that shit on purpose as a direct result; like in a session of objective criticism about their own creation, while figuring out "how can we improve this show?" Surely having a captain who could act his way out of a paper bag is step 1

It was in the beginning. They embraced British identity and nationalism and received a lot of heat for it. Eventually, that all changed. As it often does v

This is all shit that I've pretty much already known, but hey, cool.

That's also what I've witnessed in my older brother and sister and their social circles.

Which puzzles me because Millenials do not match the hero generation description at all IMO:
>Hero generations enter childhood after an Awakening, during an Unraveling, a time of individual pragmatism, self-reliance, and laissez faire. Heroes grow up as increasingly protected post-Awakening children, come of age as team-oriented young optimists during a Crisis, emerge as energetic, overly-confident midlifers, and age into politically powerful elders attacked by another Awakening.

LOL . . . i've never seen


Pretty funny OP'

>i've been on Sup Forums since 2005
>when i was 12

As in any 45 year old posts vaporware on Sup Forums

I remember all that. Good points

Yeah, I dont hate people based solely on the color of their skin so I must be a snowflake.

Gas yourself.

just nostolgia. the simplicity of everything makes it seem like a simpler time, and the heaps of dated content from that time are fun to crawl through

>childhood freedom


not tripod but yeah I know about geocities and angelfire from all the people that used to talk about it. those are some of my favorite to go look at the archives of.

42 here:
> remember Star Wars and empire strikes back and watching ET and back to future movies in 80's.
> remembers when there were no VCR's or video players and only rich fags had them when they first came out.
> favourite Atari game was asteroids
> bmx bikes were a new thing and skate boards just long and skinny til they became big and fat in about 87/88.
> no mobile phones I remember when my dad got one it came in a bag with a big aerial
> first computer was the Commodore 64
> parents seemed not to care, we'd fuck off Friday arvo saying we were going camping or to a mates and not come back til Sunday and no one knew where we were.

The length of a generation in popular culture is wrong
It's commonly spouted that a generation = 20 years, but 25 years makes more sense to be a generation because of how nowadays people have children later
This would make Boomers 1945-1970
Gen X 1970-1995
Gen Y 1995-2020
Gen Z 2020-2045

I was once 14, correct

He's right.
I mean no offense, but the only difference between Sci-fi and fantasy is that sci-fi pretends that the magic is a technology.
Fundamentally all sci-fi centers around magic that is described as a technology.
Bladerunner: Rachel is a golum.
Alien: LV426 is an unknown country and the critter is a dragon.
Fifth Element: it's a religious movie. And all of the technology is magic.
Terminator: also a golum.
Interstellar: religious movie. A trek to a new country. Some materialist fundamentalist bullshit pretending to be philosophically significant as a cover for the deep nihilism of the writer(s). Then some dame is stranded in the new country. And the guy has to go back or whatever. The space ships were just magic carpets at the end of the day. And the robot was a golum.

I say this as a sci-fi fan. Oddly enough I prefer sci-fi to fantasy even though I know full well that I'm watching a magic show masquerading as logical manipulations of matter and energy.

>You youngfags got Trump though
fuck off faggot

>Yeah, I dont hate people based solely on the color of their skin so I must be a snowflake.
Strawman argument friend. You don't need to hate people because of their skin color to acknowledge than multiracial societies are a bad idea.

Fuck you, faggot. I was shitposting before the Internet. Ask your mom.

That's a quite interesting view and does make more sense. And also makes me Gen X.
>tfw you are not in the Hero generation

>Interstellar: religious movie. A trek to a new country. Some materialist fundamentalist bullshit pretending to be philosophically significant as a cover for the deep nihilism of the writer(s). Then some dame is stranded in the new country. And the guy has to go back or whatever. The space ships were just magic carpets at the end of the day. And the robot was a golum.


funny, im quite the opposite; I've always preferred elves and magic ot aliens and dragon; idk why there is just more appeal.

But I have many friends who have been far more into scifi and I've had this debate with them numerous times. Science fiction is indeed fantasy, however typically placed in the future and explicitly as you stated, where technology is the reason for their capabilities, and not something simply written off as "magic"

Star Trek was a shitty low budget TV show filled with degenerate ideology, inter-racial and inter-species softcore pornography. The only good thing about it was Shatner who was brilliant. Everything else about Star Trek, then and now is liberal faggotry.

Star Wars meanwhile is just a big budget retelling of medieval European and Japanese folk stories, that can appeal to anyone of any age. It doesn't pander to political correctness but rather deals with inward struggles of morality, and also sacrifice for the greater good. Also the Reich inspired uniforms are fucking excellent.

She's asleep. What do.

> civil war in Lebanon was the big Middle East thing.
> Falklands war was reported heavily too.
> late 80's big hair cock rock ruled: Bon jovi, guns and roses, Metallica and then the depressed grunge groups took over in about 92.
> finished university in 1995 and worked at a brewery
> first internet modems you had to put the handset of a phone into them.
> always a big night headed to the blockbuster to get videos and DVDs

I live in a multiracial society. I am a white man in america, near an urban center in fact.

Please tell me again how my experiences have pointed to it being bad?

Sci-fi is much more diverse and imaginative. Every fantasy is basically just a variation on dungeons and dragons.

Try to wake her up without pissing off Jamal

aka uninspired re-hashed bullshit.

Funny the only thing you like about ST is the one thing I cant stomach about it. Shatner and his inability to act kill the entire concept of TOS for me.

TNG on the other hand, has an amazing cast of competent actors.