Cuckerberg wants to give you NEET bux

The head of Faceberg wants to give you free money. Our grandparents learned to accept blacks, our parents learned to accept gays, now it's our turn to accept NEETs. It's going to be the millenial's social contract.

Say it with me pol: President Zuckerberg


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The Jews control both ends of the spectrum user

Awesome, so we should start by redistributing the wealth of tech gurus like Zuckerkike and Gates wealth, right?


At least post the archive link, shill

>I can get NEET Bux on top of Autismo dollars

Where do I sign up?

I can't wait to see the Battle Royal between him, Dwayne, and Chelsea.

>At least post the archive link, shill

Thanks user, I usually don't create threads.

Given this speech and his 50 state tour, I'm actually starting to believe he's going to run for office. I thought it was just a joke.

I do want gibs...

Maybe he isn't so bad after all

hehe goyim are dumbfucks

Even though this is essentially communism, if AI tech evolves much further, we're going to need it. In the next 50 years, most jobs will be automated and something will need to be done about the massive unemployment.

>next 50
Try next 10, Automation is coming at an incredibly alarming rate.

UBI is fairly important.
I know it seems weird to get paid for not working, but the only thing stopping automation is the loss of jobs. If people didn't need to have jobs, we could have self driving taxi robots, and fully automated factories.

They're broke user, they "donated" their wealth to their tax efficient foundations

You know

For charity

I bet he only wants to give minorities money.

UBI + Open Borders = Financial Suicide

It's not communism, it's just capitalism with a minimum.

Zuckerberg is like some sort of kid who was pretty smart, and normal and invented something that sucked him in deep. All the baby blood and fetus feasts...he's barely holding it together. All that feigned excitement.

>nice job team!

Why do jews want non-contributors of society to have free money? Who benefits?

he didn't invent facebook
someone else did and he stole the idea
the original creator sued him and won

But my parents don't accept homosexuality…

i'd be pretty mad if i paid a team of ethnics hundreds of thousands of dollars each and all they came up with was something snapchat done 2 years ago and chinese apps done 5 years ago.

being on the dole is a form of voluntary slavery, at least for the first generation. people born into cradle to grave welfare feel entitled to it and never bother to aspire for anything more. the notion that people will have good ideas is bullshit or else we'd have lots of nifty inventions from welfare recipient hoodrats from the ghetto and white trash from trailer parks would be competing with elon musk.

I agree, but we must redistribute the wealth to where it's ACTUALLY equal.
White people: $1000/month
Asian people: $2000/month
Hispanic people: $3000/month
Black people: $4000/month
Native people: $5000/month

Female: +$250
Non-heterosexual: +$300
Transgender/Non-binary gendered: +$500
Disabled (including fat, agoraphobic, HIV+): +$1000 for each disability
Undocumented Dreamer: +$500
Muslim: +$500
Didn't vote for Drumpf: +$100

What if he's just trying to out-Jew the Jew?

Asians make more money than your average white

Universal basic income makes you a slave to whoever is distributing the income.

Poor Jewish NEETS such as myself.

autism spectrum?

He is the jew.

Absolutely. We can't just hand out NEET bux at a flat rate, it needs distributed through progressive brackets, which account for the abundance of privilege white heterosexual males receive, to the detriment of the rest of society. /s

yeah but that goes against my narrative

Where does Kikeberg suppose he's going to be getting said money? Surely he's going to do right by this country and offer up his own ill-gotten gains for redistribution first? I've got some news for you NEETS, if you're White and a NEET, you aren't getting shit.

This cunt is going to win 2020 isn't he? He's literally just a rebranded with Sanders with even MORE gibsmedats, will be funny watching him destroy all the work Trump has been doing to lower your countries debt mind you.

>calling for government to give everybody free money
He is not giving away shit.

One Jew to rule them all

>being on the dole is a form of voluntary slavery
Universal Basic Income is what masters give slaves.

This is just the Zionists attempting to further domesticate their slave labor - making the slaves even more docile in preparation for (((their))) culling of the slave herd.

>the work Trump has been doing to lower your countries debt

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha....

Takes a breath

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

Because the moment you take it they can outlaw whatever speech/beliefs/rights they feel like and you'll obey or get no gibs.

Get your bets in now...

Looks like Faceberg has figured out the Zionist establishment have already chosen Kushner to become President in 2024. And rather than wait his turn - that he knows will never come, since Kushner will end the world - he's already starting to run for 2020.

So America will have as its choice for President a psychopathic Zionist billionaire, or a psychopathic Zionist billionaire. Woo.

I will stay a white person to be fair to the system but I will go ahead and be non-binary gendered fat POZed muslim pansexual

I would unironically vote for zucc 2020 if it means I get neetbux.

This guy looks like some kid genius prodigy who become headmaster of the Illuminati at a ridiculously young age due Erisian manipulation.

Read the protocols. This is communism dressed as progress.

Based as fuck

yes yes vote for zuckerberg goyi---err guys!

Why not AI controlled fascism? Or distributism?

it's not communism when the state doesn't control the capital.

>Universal income is tracked.
>Government decides what you can spend that income on.

As long as is beer and hookers I can give less of a fuck

Or a predatory psychopath who takes pleasure in the pain and suffering of others.

You're right to pick up on the idea that he's been "chosen." The Zionists years ago selected him to become the new messiah.

Pay attention to this.

As long as they keep me alive until I can transition into a futanari cat girl, I'll repeat whatever they tell me to.

It's domesticating the animals, controlling their behavior. No different than taking food away from an animal if it behaves contrary to its owner's wishes.

not if it's truly "universal"


his eyes are so fucking soulless. he is truly a semon demon

those lizard eyes

a jew.

Your other choice for President will be this.

>Be based reptilian
>Surrounded by christcucked fellow lizardmen
>13D Facebook Farmville
>President Zuckburger

You all know he would mop the floor with Trump's shitty hair piece.

13D Farmville vs 69D Bukkake

Or one of the Rothschilds.

Jesus fucking Christ, how utterly evil looking. He does not have a normal face of a human nor a normal expression of a human. Whenever people talk about people who act as humans I never imagined it would be this creepy. How many of these fuckers are there exactly???

jewish tricks

Inbreeding? Why the weird eyes?

In theory this is great the problem is that it might give the government too much power so they might just decide to cut your neetbux and then you're dead.

I wonder if it may be related to the genetic basis for psychopathy. Judaism is essentially psychopathy (in that it doesn't recognize the existence of the other). Other Jews such as Kushner have that same problem with their appearance. As psychopaths they have to think about what expression to adopt, because they have no ability to feel emotional bonds with others and thus have no instinctive sense of how to look or behave. It's the emotional equivalent of being blind (to the positive emotions, they are highly attuned to sensing fear and pain in their human prey), so their facial expressions and body language can often be as strange a blind person's clothing.

I also suspect both the physical appearance and tendency to psychopathy may be related to centuries of inbreeding, the gene pool restricted by both religion and by elite social status.

Perhaps psychopathy is the Jewish financial elites' version of the European royals' hemophilia.

Even this seems more lifelike.


He's far too autistic to become President, this is an interesting study in how the deep state is already positioning a new Bernie to wrap things up for the DNC though.

Maybe tipped their hand a little early.

>Yeah, it's called mass genocide.
When the farmer has more cattle that he needs, he culls the herd.

NEET bux
Then hurry with invention of sex robots

All resistance to them will die out

They dont have any money. They give all their money to charity dont you know? Gosh, arent they such great guys? I mean, who would even want to tax such charitable men?

Its not really communism when there are no "workers" because robots are doing 90% of work.

I would support this if the jobs are done by Robots and if there would be a Reich again with only ethnic Germans

Yes goyim. Sit back, relax, and enjoy your cheap thrills. We will handle everything else.

he knows about current bubbles

he wants to give money to incompetent people, which will continue to buy and use his shit (or other shit of other jews) in expense of middle class

jews must be purged before it is not too late. or it will lead to world war.

they're idiots for thinking the elite who control the machinery will let a bunch of idiot losers live, if they had a mechanical slave system going

no point really

>no jobs
>certificates worth shit
>education worth dried dog shit

what else do you expect to happen -- shot of a mass, 4+ billion lives culling -- than NEET bucks?

you should be happy he's not advocating genocide...

Simple fact of the matter is that with technology advancing the way it is, the need for most people to work is becoming antiquated.

It's not a matter fo just accepting that some people don;'t want to work, it's accepting that in 30 years when automation is king and your BK/MCD order is taken, prepared and delivered by a machine, there will likely be very few jobs to be had.

We live ina realm of artificial scarcity. Food waste is such a huge problem, yet we have how many people going hungry?

Homelessness is a huge issue as well, yet empty houses outnumber homeless individuals 6:1.

You guys want to talk about conspiracy and the jews trying to socialize, propagate race-mixing, and destroy "the integrity of your culture"

But the real conspiracy is the one that keeps you running in your wheel. The one that keeps you producing for your masters.

>No Reddit??

More poignant every time

>Muslim: +$500
How much a bomb costs anyways?
Oh right, I should just call my friend Ahmet to learn.

Political spectrum.

>get $1000 monthly
>gtfo to Thailand or some other southeast asian shithole
>live like a maggot in ham

Enslavement in 3,2..

i read that as

>All that feigned excrement

no chance, he's more autistic than Jeb, Ted and Hillary combined

Whats wrong with UBI

Literally a fucking bribe. Anyway, the gov already gives me 750 a month.

the world needs ditch diggers but that type of job is being phased out now

i don't know why they expect the ditch digging type to suddenly be competent or educated enough to maintain the machines involved in automation. if they were they wouldn't be ditch diggers to begin with.

enjoying your vacation, soros?

Seeing as there will be no need for most human labor anyway, this ism't a bad idea.

Then we just have to protect the borders with landmines and molten lava.

Working minimum wage jobs is also slavery except that instead of being dependant on the govt you're dependant upon your employer.

He's correct in some respect.
If demand isn't growing due to credit or gdp growth then we'll just have to create artificial demand.
Unless you do some radical things like this capitalism has a problem.

>neet bux
>i just need your SSN
>birth certificate
>and bank account

Why is this a problem?

Doesn't your employer ask for these things anyway?

>being a wagecuck

Cool now politicians own the whole population like what happened with blacks and welfare

Politicians and corporate leaders are the same people user.

They already "own" you unless you're independantly wealthy or self-employed.