There is something different about poland

polands leaders seem to be the exact opposite of german leaders and other western european countries.
i'm not quite sure what it is though

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Also one of these things is a lot better than the other and if you can't tell which one it is than you are probably german

They put their people first instead of the almighty shekel


is it safe to say they are not controlled by the jew?

They get too much eu money.

we "deserve" it. From UK for abandoning us after ww2, from germany for destroying us during the war

As soon as the EU demands us to contribute more than we get, we'll leave it :^)

you dont need the e.u anyways. you have the visegrad and when other european countries join,hopefully austria, then you will have something like an eastern european union that won't be ran by dumb fagots like merkel.
or i could be wrong, i'm not to familiar with eastern european countries

Eastern Europe is experienced in resisting Russian colonization, so it's no surprise they're fighting islamic colonization.

I would love for this to happen, but our chances of leaving the EU are pretty much 0. We have one party that wants to leave the EU but they are definitely facsist but are too pussified to admit it. They are the biggest joke in this country and unlike Trump, they don't have a huge support behind them. Our youth is pretty much all progressives, we don't really have many gender-fluid bi-unicorns but even those are easier to find than young people who would want to leave the EU. We took the EU bait we seemingly won't let go anytime soon.

How can Jews be controlled by other Jews?

//on a serious note even if they are Jews, they are hated by other Jews
We are hated by liberal ones and the ones that control media for sure

Well you might not have to leave the e.u, the e.u might fall some other way and the visegrad will be the new e.u like power and that you can join

All the jew conspiracies i read on Sup Forums never mentions poland being controlled by jews. has poland infiltrated by the jew?

We are controlled by Catholic priest the most now, but our party leader does have some strange photos

Oh and I forgot to add that some people say that our party leader name isn't Kaczynski, but Kalkstein
Most of the people are now just joking about it
Even Mr Janusz Korwin Mikke was called as Ozajasz Goldberg, so this could be only jokes about how all the politicians are Jews in disguise

But who knows?

>has poland infiltrated by the jew?
Post 1945? Oh you have no idea.

>Even Mr Janusz Korwin Mikke was called as Ozajasz Goldberg,
Stop being retarded... This one is actually a joke.

Maybe they are just cryptocatholics LARPing as jews to distract from their final solution to the migrant problem.

if strange photos and mispronounced names are the only jew problem poland has then you are most likely jew free. however it is almost immposible to think that there are some countries in europe that have escaped the grasp of the jews

They have a pair of fucking balls. That's the difference.

Sanity. They've been culturally enriched by Russian multi kulti for decades and now they're unjewable.

Not to mention Poland hosts one of the biggest kike populations. They know how to smell the Jew over there.

Yes, it is clearly a joke, even if:
JKM formed like 5 or 6 parties during his political career, then wanted to gather all right-wing politicians and ancaps then he caused quarells that destroyed that parties and kept all the people from doing anything productive, because thanks to him and regular sperging out about Hitler none of this parties even passed minimum of votes - systematically keeping those people out of Parliament
Some people see a pattern here and this could be deliberate

I really like Polish PM, she looks so friendly, kind and honest unlike that fucking monster Merkel.

Also... Just found out that one of the Polish PM sons is a priest.
Deus Vult

Poland is a failed state. They only run as of free cash from the EU. Their birth rate is declining as so many of the men have left. Their rhetoric may sound great but they would be absolutely fucked without the EU. Their government is also hard core right wing and batshit mental.

>Not to mention Poland hosts one of the biggest kike populations
> They only run as of free cash from the EU.
That's 1% of our GDP, moron.
>Their government is also hard core right wing and batshit mental.
They're not even remotely right wing. They're socialists, there are no right wing parties in Poland.
> they would be absolutely fucked without the EU.
No, at least we would have our own economy instead of being German mitteleuropa.

>poland has then you are most likely jew free
Nice joke.

At least our concerts dont look like filming a michael bay films

hahahahahah Poland would 100% be fucked without the EU money. Look at the net of it. Poland is a second world country which would be a third world one if it wasnt for other countries. Poland are the absolute beggars of Europe. Absolute beggars. Need to learn their place.

>JKM formed like 5 or 6 parties during his political career, then wanted to gather all right-wing politicians and ancaps then he caused quarells that destroyed that parties and kept all the people from doing anything productive, because thanks to him and regular sperging out about Hitler none of this parties even passed minimum of votes - systematically keeping those people out of Parliament
>Some people see a pattern here and this could be deliberate
Yes I know...

they got the assend of WWII so they have political armor, WWII ends up being the crux of how all Europeans nations are acting right now

>They only run as of free cash from the EU.
You're stupid.

Kek, that comes from a country with army on alert in tits streets, hate speech laws, mayor of capitol city banning ads with women in bikinies and PM threatening to curtail the internet.

>hahahahahah Poland would 100% be fucked without the EU money.
You're fucking retarded. That's not even 2% of Poland's GDP. Poland would manage just fine without it. It will stop flowing into Poland in 2020 anyway.

>Poland is a second world country which would be a third world one if it wasnt for other countries.
You're retarded.

They arent Lobbyist puppets and love their people.

Poland has barely been a country for a fart in time. Heck wasn't even on a map for over 200 years.

Had martial law introduced by Ruskies as they were blagged that the Ruskies may invade. They're as intelligent as my cat

>polish gastarbeiter in sweden butthurt
We had a nice thread, see you later.

Holy fuck what I'd give for neo-swedes to curbstomp his underage ass.

>Poland has barely been a country for a fart in time. Heck wasn't even on a map for over 200 years.
Poland has been a country for almost 1000 years and has existed for over 500 years before it was partitioned fucktard.
Yeah fuck you too.

Great Pakistan butthurt that either May or Corbin will range ban your inbred country from the net.

Tick tock, only few weeks left.

you're right, we were one of the less developed countries while joining the EU and we did receive a massive amount of money to pay for basically everything. that's what the EU is for. the goal is to help the poor countries develop so they can start helping out. unfortunately our government changed and right now we're that kid who's turn it is to play goalkeeper but doesn't want to and starts spewing autismo

There isn't a Pole without at least a little bit of Jewish blood. We just had too many Jews here before.


As an ethnically polish person I have to say we're contrarians.

If all of Europe told the muslims to fuck off, we'd probably be letting some in.

There is nothing differeant from other politicians
it's just we don't have money for stupid retarded policies like west !
besides we are regrowing partiotism and they must react to this threat somehow.

>Poland has barely been a country for a fart in time. Heck wasn't even on a map for over 200 years.
that's why freedom is so precious to us, because we always had to fight for it, it never came easy. that's why we're so determined to preserve it now, as we've always been, and why we won't bow down to the globalist agenda. we recognize a threat when we see it. this is nothing new to us

in 50 years poland will still be polish, and that's why you're so butthurt, because we're refusing to share your sad destiny

True. I found out recently my grandmother was a jew after I went off about the JQ to my parents. I guess I can thank some of that jewnetics for my high IQ.

because they have what others do not. balls.

were you studying at amurican university ?

I like Poland more and more. My step mum is Polish and is great. I went to Krakow last year and i didn't see ONE head scarf/greasy Arab.

>GdaƄsk is a comfy slav town
>German merchants arrive to do business, some of them settle there
>Reformation and the religious persecutions/wars start in Germany
>German refugees swarm the city since it's a port and has german minority there, becomes majority German
>protestant refugees and their descendants betray Poland every chance they get when other prots invade, despite being given full religious freedom rights
>later they rename the city to Danzig and claim it's theirs because they're the majority
I can only laugh as now they are being replaced in the same way as they did to us.

Are you British at least?
Hope she isn't a coal burner.

I'm going to start a holding company in Poland and move my business through Poland.
Lower taxes and might move production there one day too.
I know polish, but I know plenty swedes who only speak English and move their business to Poland.

EU gibs are crack, and like crackwhore we are gangbanged by big black economy of german, france, brits, that they have total control thanks to eu regulations but then you complain about free staff and taking job from yours whores