Why do you oppose immigration if qt foreigners are your best shot at getting a girlfriend?
Why do you oppose immigration if qt foreigners are your best shot at getting a girlfriend?
Since you're posting here, I suppose you're friendless virginal NEET manchildren, with zero chance of landing a white girlfriend.
White girls are craved all around the world, enge they're spoiled and only settle for the highest bidder (often nonwhite).
Foreigner girls, on the other hand, may still love and respect you for your whiteness and maleness - and you don't have anything other than that to offer.
Because the likelihood anyone would accept a law that only allows women 18-28 in especially when it's 70% men coming in is null.
And yes, qt foreign gf is fairly qt. Doesn't mean I don't oppose illegal migration.
90% of immigrants are male, the 10% that are not are childbrides.
No matter how you look at it, more competition, both for foreign and local girls will increase.
This is now an anzu appreciation thread.
They oppose immigrants because they are insecure and afraid. All these conspiracy theories are merely manifestations of their insecurity. Justifications, in their mind, for the fear they feel at the thought of being in the presence even *they* have deemed physically superior.
Because we all know that there is no qts that immigrate. It's just these beardkids
Jesus Christ, this board has IDs you samefagging newfag
Because it's better to die alone than become a degenerate race mixer
>Since you're posting here, I suppose you're friendless virginal NEET manchildren, with zero chance of landing a white girlfriend
Ahmed, why do you think so lowly of yourself?
I know?
The problem is we only get Afghan """"kids""""
Nobody would complain if it were qties coming
because in our case there are literally no refugee girls in germany, i've yet to see one.
fuck off
Allah hu akbar
Go to hell shill.
Enough people have died.
You're doing God's work, user.
You really believe this?
Majority of immigrants are male rapists, and even if you got a foreign girl by some chance all you'd do is shit out more useless halfbreeds like President Purpa Drink.
This is not going to get you a white boyfriend, Khadija.
If anything, immigration makes it more difficult to get a girlfriend, since most immigrants are male. Sweden is the perfect example of this with their fucked up gender ratio caused by importing huge amounts of men.
If it was women who were immigrating, women would oppose it. It simply goes against the interests of the gender that has a surplus. It inevitably lowers the demand of said gender throughout society.
And how many people died because of the violent tribalism you propagate? Care to compare?
why do G*rmans project thair cuck fetishism so much? Ora are you a t*rk?
Many, many more because of you willfully ignoring basic human nature.
>Let's force these two opposing cultures together. It will all be ok so long as we just all wish hard enough. What, they're blowing each other up? WISH HARDER!
>mudslimes are physically superior
Physically superior to who, bro? Mudslimes get BTFO in my neighborhood by whites, blacks, and Hispanics on a daily basis. Stop shilling. It's unbecoming.
>this is now a trap thread
Fuckin leafs man
The worlds' strongest superpower is multicultural, multiethnic, multireligious. Most actually homogenous countries are irrelevant backwaters.
Not enough.
America is a super power in spite of being a multicultural hell hole, not because of it. To the extent they were multicultural before 1970, it was just a mix of European cultures.
>most homogenous non-white countries are irrelevant backwaters
America? Been in decline ever since it persued a policy of ethnic replacement. Yes there have been a few blacks and shit since the start, but they were vast majority european derived with everyone else being an irrelevant side note.
As for homogenous countries being backwaters. All of Europe pre-WW2, now in decline as we kill ourselves on the alter of multicultiralism. Most of east asia today.
tl;dr - you're full of shit.
Cute boi.
I'm not a stormfag who cares about "muh whiteness" but there's really no benefit to immigration for nerds.
Economic migrants (of which Mexicans and Muslims tend to be) are overwhelmingly male. You're making the gender imbalance worse by importing them. Secondly and this is the case for Muslims, you're not really importing wives for you, you're importing MORE wives for Achmed.
You think Islam goes away just cause you move? No, they're not going to marry a non-Muslim unless they are indoctrinated to, and Islam already has a permissive attitude towards many wives.
You could TRY to coax somebody via laws making them ineligible to stay unless they marry a citizen or ONLY import women, but that's not going to fly.
There's literally no benefit to bringing the women here when round trip flights to the poorest regions of the world could be had for around 1000, dollars.
Can't afford that? Probably can't afford the sponsorship either.
A better use of the effort would be loosening citizen marriage rules....
>I'm not a stormfag who cares about "muh whiteness"
You can ignore it, but in the end it will not ignore you.
Curry pies? Eww
Sage and report
Because most immigrants are families or single men, if they are a single woman they have kids, I am not raising someone else's kid like a cuck
I'm not, I'm against mass immigration.
Immigration policy based on a 'need for x' basis is perfectly logical.
yeah this is a total bullshit argument. 80% of the immigrants coming in are adult aged males (even if they tell you they are 16) so the amount of adult women coming in that are somewhat attractive and can speak english is like 0%
Stop posting that ugly roach and bumping this crap thread you leaf scumbag
Did anyone find anzu nudes yet?
I'm sure someone has seen them.
>this is a qt gf
go choke on a nigger dick
she's still incredibly pretty almost looks better without the makeup